After having a hearty dinner, I went straight to Devan’s room.

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It was a little earlier than the promised time.

I opened the door and said, 


“If you’re ready, let’s start right away.”


There was no answer, and the room was very dark.

As the door opened, a dim silhouette was seen in the light that came in together.

Devan was with a doctor, who was tying Devan’s eye patch.

The room was lit up.

Only then did I realize that Devan was training.

It seemed to have darkened the room by breaking it to get used to the light.

When I opened the door and the light came in, a cold chill ran through my body when I thought what if he hadn’t been wearing an eye patch.

If I were a little faster…

“That…I’m sorry. I should’ve knocked.”

Devan clicked his tongue and sent out a doctor with a single gesture.

He didn’t seem enraged.

“Let’s sit down”.

I hurriedly sat next to him.

“Are you feeling better?”

“…… As I said, the curse has been lifted, but it takes a few days to be fully visible. It would be better if you could heal the right side and train together today.”

He was subtly urging treatment.

However, even that was a pretty friendly tone considering his usual personality.

Even though I opened the door without knocking, he didn’t frown once.

I felt how important it was to him to get rid of the curse.

“Okay, let’s hurry up.”

I grabbed onto Devan’s right hand.

Despite my urgent attitude, he gave up his hand silently.

“Focus like last time.”


“……but this time, it might be a little different.”


I moistened my lips.

The first few attempts were with his hands held.

Just yesterday, I held his left hand, and now only his right hand. So, this means that he may feel more repulsed than in the beginning when his left hand offset it.

To me, who had no answer, Devan continued as if he was convinced alone.

“My eyesight has not fully recovered yet?”

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He didn’t know that what I said was limited to the right.

Yesterday, he seemed to have misunderstood that I completely removed the obstacle by treating his left eye.


I decided to live up to the illusion.

There was no need to complicate the situation by spilling the truth.

Devan nodded his head gently.

It was clear that he was relaxed after treating his left eye.

When I saw him completely trusting me and entrusting himself, I felt guilty.

This was the last treatment. Even if I failed, I was going to run away and never come back.

“Then I’ll start.”

There was no time. I hurriedly closed my eyes and focused my mind.

I felt disgusting from the start.

All of my stomach felt like they were changing seats on the contrary.

This was never an ordinary curse. I was sure.

I gathered as much power as I could. I felt a vast amount.


It was time to send it to the back of Devan’s right hand. An unidentified black shape approached me.


 It was several times faster than my stature. I’ll be eaten. When I try to let go of his hand,

< Kill, kill >

I heard a strange laughter.

It was when I was surprised by the strange sound.

The black shape quickly permeated me.

The hand held tightly could not be removed. Like someone is blocking it.

< We meet again. >

I can’t believe we met again. Where did we meet?

Is it because I’m talking to ‘something’ Somehow, the disgust was decreasing.

If I accepted this black shape, I thought I could be comfortable as it was.

< I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to drive me out. >

I was used to the playful voice.

I’m sure somewhere…

The black shape was trying to penetrate the deepest part of the body, where my vast divine power was asleep.

If I accept this, my credibility disappears. I had that intuition.

…..…Wouldn’t it be okay though?


Suddenly, I thought that, and I lost strength in my body.

Can’t I give up all the nerves that have been bothering me so far and become comfortable?

This was used in the temple and tortured by Count Diego.

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Why do you have to try so hard to survive?


 It’s not bad to die.

Suddenly, I thought that death would not be all that painful.

……Okay, let’s die. I feel more comfortable.

< I’m trying to help you. According to the order… >

It was strange.

I was so drowsy that I couldn’t stand it, and I couldn’t think properly.


At that moment, I heard a puppy crying in my head.

‘Catch it.’

‘Kung! Kung kung!’

‘You must not feel sorry for the mother who lost three babies because of you, right?’

Count Diego’s vicious expression and the beast’s crushed cry came to mind.

Killian’s gaze, the terrible basement, which was hard to even feel pain anymore.

Above all……. The black eyes of the mother dog, who was blindly looking at me, came to my mind.

I can’t end it like this.

I didn’t endure all kinds of pain for 10 years to lose to this creature.

I closed my eyes.

Boom- My power exploded from the inside of me.

< Huh? >

Once, the black shape, which had settled inside me, was quickly pushed out.

The languor disappeared in an instant.


The eyebrows frowned automatically.

I felt disgusting again, and the earthenware filled up.

This was better. Pain enabled proper thinking.

I didn’t mean to make the days I’ve endured so far useless.

I will not be eroded without even knowing the identity of this thing.

I’m going to survive. I won’t lose to anything like this.

I felt something spewing out of my body.

Just as someone lifted his eyelids, he opened his eyes wide.

There was a cloud of white lights in front of me.

Even though it was blinding and hard to see in front, a black shape was seen around Devan.

It was much larger than I had seen before.

As if competing for strength, my white stature and its black shape moved around in the middle of me and Devan.

< Aha… You were a kid that didn’t end. So I couldn’t even start. >

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What are you talking about?

I closed my eyes and did my best to drive it out.

I didn’t have time to care about anything else.

Moving around my side and Devan’s side, they exploded with loud noise.


My body collapsed, and I fell like a lifeless doll.

Only then did I notice that Devan was eerily quiet in these series of situations.


His body, which plummeted over the sofa, did not move.
When I barely opened my eyes, what I could see was Devan lying on the floor similar to me.

He closed his eyes and remained motionless.

What is this…


I felt pain in my abdomen. Exactly inside the organ, at all sources of energy.

No way….. Already…..
< See you next time! Don’t we need to say hi? >

A cheerful voice was heard, and my eyes gradually blurred.




The first thing Devan Lantimos thought of when he came to his senses was that he was still blind. 


I improved.

“Didn’t you say the curse has been lifted?”

“That’s true, but… What should I say about this? Me too…”

The familiar voice of the old butler and the doctor called from the castle for eye treatment were alternately heard.

Devan tried to raise himself slowly, but somehow his body was unbearably heavy.

What’s the problem? If the curse has been lifted, why can’t I wake up?

“In theory, the case should be…..”

The voice this time was Karen.

Why is the knight here?

Devan’s forehead was deeply creased.

His chest went up and down significantly, and finally he lifted up slightly.

“As of today… Already… Your Highness!”

Karen was the first to notice the unexpected situation.

Karen quickly approached Devan’s side and helped him to get up.

“Are you okay?”

An urgent voice of an old butler followed.

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Leaning on the bedhead, Devan slowly measured the situation.

“……What’s going on?”

As if he had fallen asleep for a long time, Devan’s voice was deeply immersed.

He slowly touched his eyes.

There was still a black eye patch.

“What happened……”


His head was pounding. 


Evelyn Diego… He kidnapped her, urged her to treat him, and made a deal.

Finally, he succeeded in lifting the curse on his left eye and gave money in return.

He remembered up to that point. What happened after that?


Devan said coldly. Karen, flinching and shaking, slightly threw her eyes at the old butler. The same was true for doctors. It was the old butler who lost the fight. With a small sigh, he opened his mouth.


“That day… When she  treated your right eye, I took the liberty of going to the office because I didn’t hear anything from you  even after a long time.”

“Just get to the point.”

“……..Both of you were lying down, and they rushed to call a doctor and a priest. But you weren’t coming to your senses.”


Devan touched his forehead with one hand.

True, she said she would treat his right eye. They sat face to face in the office. 


And… I can’t remember since Evelyn held my hand and told me to focus.

“So, what about the curse?”

“I got confirmation from the temple , and the curse was completely cured!”

The doctor intervened. It seemed like he was asking for a compliment.

“Can I see my front now?”

Devan raised his hand as if he would take off his eye patch at any moment. 


The doctor, who quickly stopped him, continued. “That’s not true. First of all, you have to train to get used to the light as before.


“And the curse has definitely been lifted.”


“Wait a minute.”


Feeling somewhat incongruous, Devan raised his hand and stopped talking to the doctor.


“In the past?”




Behind the stupid doctor, the butler closed his eyes.


“How long have I been unconscious?”


Devan’s voice subsided coldly.


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