I Used To Be Alone Until I Meet You (我本爱孤独,直到有了你)by Ye Luo Wu Xin 叶落无心- [Chapter 18]

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Since graduated to college, I had a new knowledge of “best friend”.

In the past, I thought best friend will be all the time go shopping together, together share of food, laugh together, make trouble together, together remember old time memory,……

Later on I met Qiao Qiao, I just understood: an true best friend, will laugh without any constrains, also could cry tragically together; when meet together, we will have an endless topic to chat, also will share our secret together; even you guys are separate with far distance, but you will keep on thinking of each other. The time you are in trouble, no matter happy or unhappy you are, you will want to share with each other…..

Action 1


Since I started to study for Master, I and Xiao Cheng decided that temporarily would put into rest our personal love and hate, and once again became “classmates”. We would start a collective life.

In collective life with school tyrants, I just deeply noticed that it is a type of most innocent and cute person, especially my roommate Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao is like the genius person from the novel. She always gets 100 marks, she sets 90 as her bottom line. She always the first rank in our department and her studies always relies on the scholarship.

In the past, I thought that this kind of person must be gifted. When I knew that she had read all the books and notes of the courses for countless time so she could memorize all of it. I completely understood a thinking —— genius, relying one hundred percent on the inspiration; talent, relying one hundred percent on hard work.

Since then everyday I would follow Qiao Qiao’s strong will. I definitely couldn’t be genius, didn’t I need to be at least half hard-working?

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Action 2


Qiao Qiao is an especially generous girl, she is especially tender girl.

No matter how busy she is, no matter how stupid was my questions, no matter how many times I had asked her, she would be patience and explain to me until I understand it all.

I think, today my master degree was a long road and I could pass it most of all because of Qiao Qiao.

But today I can write the romance novel, also because of Qiao Qioa.

Because Qiao Qiao introduced me to a website, I realized that my stories could be written down and shared with others.

One night of 2005, I started to write my first part of novel. Although the words and structures were more immature, yet I could completely write my own stories. It’s not for the reader, not for a rating, but it’s purely for my love to write.

Qiao Qiao is my first reader. She left a comment for me sincerely and kept on encouraging me to not give up as that time I didn’t hae any kind of comments or likes. I was still full of fire to reat.

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Qiao Qiao said: “Wait until in the future you can publish a book, you definitely need to send one with signature for me.

That time I just regarded her comment as a joke and answered: “Okay!”

Actually that time, I couldn’t think and believe that I will publish a novel, and could publish several novels, I also even couldn’t believe that there will be a lot of people like my novel. But the reality proves a sentence that you couldn’t help but to believe: “We definitely need to have a dream as it may be come true!”

Action 3


With a cute and warm personality girl like Qiao Qiao, a lot of men pursued her because there was only little women in T university.

The first year, the men in their class put on their effort to pursue her but Qiao Qiao quickly snatched by another genius from another department.

Qiao Qiao and her boyfriend were same style people, they were working hard in their study also someone with goals.

They both love travel and they used their free time to give a tutor. They saved the money to go on trip. They would take the slowest train, live in the cheapest one, but they would take a lot of photos of both of them, and they were smiling so bright.

When I just knew Qiao Qiao, I was really curious about her love story. In a night chat, I asked her about her boyfriend.

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She laughed slightly: “We should be count as…. teacher-student dating relationship!”

I jumped on my bed: “What? You are not in the same grade?”

“Yes. But the time I knew him, he was the substitute teacher of large experiment class….”

According to Qiao Qiao’s memory, the first time she knew her boyfriend was during the first time experiment class. That time she was a student, and he was substitute.

He stood in front with his charm, young face but deep and old voice, it let her have deep impression for him.

She sat in the nearest seat from him. She did her own experiment and noted a lot of things. She was the first one to finish and helped those around her.

She was like an angel and she brought a bright and slowly enter his world.

Afterwards, he asked about the report and called her to the experiment room, they discussed about the result of the experiment.

Qiao Qiao was touched by the patience of this “teacher” to teach her. She also being impressed by his strong logical thinking. When she was full of admiration toward him, he told her that they were the same grade student. Except first time, he also took initiative to help to substitute for another lesson….

Just like that they had a romantic relationship between “teacher-student”.

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“He is too black-bellied man! I like it.” I couldn’t help but become emotional.

Qiao Qiao blushed: “I also like it.”

Action 4


Qiao Qiao and her boyfriend were really similar and have exactly same view. They were studying master together, studying for doctorate degree, they also studied abroad together, then they stayed in T university to be professors.

Not long time after Qiao Qiao came back from her scholarship study from abroad, I couldn’t resist to come home to T city to visit my two future son-in-law. One is really smart one, another one is the chubby spare tire son-in-law.

I was playing with them happily, and suddenly Qiao Qiao asked me: “You promise me your signed novel, when would send it to me?”

I was surprised: “How do you know that I publish a book!”

I couldn’t help but to be shocked.

Looking back on the past, ten years have passed, our friendship is still good and fine!

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