I Used To Be Alone Until I Meet You (我本爱孤独,直到有了你)by Ye Luo Wu Xin 叶落无心- [Chapter 19]

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During my days of studying Doctorate degree, I was so busy. I was busy with lesson and writing novels. I neglected Xiao Cheng. When I remembered him, I suddenly noticed that his attitude toward me was changing. Every time I called him, he would say that he was busy. He was not busy for playing football, but for dinner gathering. Sometimes he said that he was studying, and he hung up.

I vaguely smelt a taste of changing of love.

One day, I called Xiao Cheng and asked what he was doing. He claimed that he was washing his clothes in the bedroom and hurriedly ended the conversation without saying few other words.

For someone who “never trouble themselves”, washing his own clothes without earnestly asking help from his girlfriend, was absolutely unreasonable.

I didn’t hesitate and went to his bedroom with a boiled emotion of “catching an adultery act”, and just rushed inside the room.

At last, I didn’t catch it, but caught “gambling” act.

I ignored the three boys, who look surprised at the mahjong table. I walked toward Xiao Cheng’s front and pinched his face. I asked with a smile: “Didn’t you say that you are washing your clothes? Clothes?”

He immediately admitted his wrong. He always admitted his fault, but he didn’t change his action.

Three boys watched the fun and laughed: “Do you always like a man? So it turns out that you are afraid of you wife!”

“Yes, I always watch that you always look strong in playing football, how could you look weak in front of your wife?”

“No wonder that your face has became bigger, turns out you are pinched by your wife.”


Xiao Cheng coughed lightly and whispered to me: “Wife, please give me dignity. Later on I will kneel down to the CPU?”

Considering that we were watched by several handsome guys and I should maintain my image as a lady, I nodded: “Okay. Let’s wait until everyone is home, then I will discuss with you.”

After that, Xiao Cheng introduced his new friends to me. The handsome guy who looks very professional is Xiao Guan, he was studying fluid mechanics. Because Xiao Guan wants to be a professor, everyone calls him Professor Guan. The one who looks slightly over-nutrient is Su. He is a PhD degree of the school of Management. After graduation, he wants to take civil servants examination so everyone calls him Director Su. The other tall man is Wei, who is studying robotic. He plans to have his own robot company. So everyone calls him Boss Wei.

As for Xiao Cheng, everyone thinks that he is suitable for business, so they call him Chief Cheng.

They were all part of football team. Recently this period they had grown deep friendship toward each other. After the football match, they would play Mahjong together, drink beer together. They were happy with each other. They were hanging out everyday. As for the subject research, for them, it’s all done and they were spending their time.

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This showed that my love rival is not a beautiful woman, but several handsome men.

Action 1


Professor Guan was the most handsome men that I’ve ever met. He was not only handsome but also has a good attitude.

According to him, since young he is a skinny man. In the kindergarten, he frequently bullied by others. His father was angry and pointed to his nose: “In the future if someone dares to hit you, then you hit him. Hit him ruthlessly and Papa will give him money to recover.”

His father said it because that time he was emotional and angry, but it taught him something from kindergarten to professor, that he should be practice a good skills to fight.

According to the gossip: “As long Professor Guan fights, the opponent will fall down and unable to get up again. I didn’t believe it the first time I hear dit, but I finally could watch that once. Then my admiration for him is growing.

That time we had a match between departments. Every departments will send a group of football team to join. I came to watch Xiao Cheng’s match and unexpectedly noticed that Professor Guan also joined a football match in .

The match was very intense. Xiao Cheng play wonderfully. When he prepared to shoot, he was kicked by the defender and the ball was flying. I want to rush and kick that man.

The referee hadn’t came. Then a figure came inside the field, I saw Professor Guan raised his fist and the one who kicked Xiao Cheng immediately fell down to the ground….

It was well-deserved one!

Although Professor Guan was given a red card too, he gave a deep impression on my heart. I told Xiao Cheng: “If I don’t have you, I will definitely chase after professor Guan, he is too handsome!”

Xiao Cheng said: “Don’t you dream on, he wouldn’t be attracted to someone like you. He has someone that he likes.”

“Don’t you always despise your own aesthetic taste? You said that he has someone that he likes, is she from our school?”

“No, she is from his previous senior high school.”

Xiao Cheng told me that during Professor Guan’s university life, he also a handsome and popular man among other. A Lot of girls like him. Even though he looks very manly, but his heart is soft.

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According to the news, Professor Guan indeed during his seventeen years old, he falls in love with a woman from his class.

He silently waited for that woman to go to the university, then he confessed, of course that girl accepted him. It’s a pity that the girl went to X city university, and he went to T university. The long distance couldn’t destroy his passionate love for that girl. He frequently took the train to X city to look for his beloved girl.

One time on the way back home, he saw how that girl sent him off. Suddenly he felt so sad that he cried. People on the train thought that he was heartbroken.

Afterwards that girl graduated, and for him came to the T city to work. They are together happily….

Hearing their story, I was really envious of him and said to him: “You are really a man that understands how to love!”

Professor Guan said: “I don’t understand love. But when I was seventeen years old, I decided that I want to marry her.”

It turns out that in this world not all “solemn pledge vow of love” will make a woman happy!

“Then when will you propose to her?” I asked.

Professor Guan scratched his head and felt confused: “I don’t know how should I say it.”

Afterwards, everyone quietly planned a lot of proposing method, but he always unhappy about it. Until one day, I just barely woke up from my afternoon sleep, Professor Guan called Xiao Cheng. He said that he wanted to treat him because he just registered his marriage.

I suddenly lost my sleepiness, and just called Mrs Professor to ask about the proposal.

She just calmly told me: “Today we passed by the administration office and noticed a lot of people were queuing. Professor Guan listened to them that it’s because today is May 20th, it’s a good day. He asked me whether I want to register our marriage, and I said okay. So we did it.”

I wiped my sweat and couldn’t help to say: “Darling, marriage is a big thing. You shouldn’t too ignorant like me!”

She just laughed: “Let’s eat together tonight. I made a pork chop stew for you guys.”

At night we went to Professor Guan’s house to eat. We looked at the newlyweds were busy in the kitchen. When you meet your loving one, you will just be happy and satisfied to be together with him.

Professor Guan had been an associate professor for many years and was preparing for the examination for being professor. In addition to studying various formulas and methods, he spent all his time online to purchase goods that dispatched overseas. His wife was so mad, she said that sooner or later she would cut his hands off.

Really curious if his both hands were cut off, how could he be victorious?

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Action 2


After graduating, Boss Wei went to work at good company. Now he is a real director. He wears good suit and appeared to be a full-fledged elite. He’s completely different from the first time I saw him. He wasn’t wearing a sweat jersey anymore; he wouldn’t went to my refrigerator and messed it around when he was hungry. He wouldn’t take my two pounds of frozen ribs and immediately went to braise it. Previously he would do it and eat that ribs with contentment and satisfaction.

Of course I didn’t notice his heartbroken sign from his eyes because his tragic love had produce a result.

During Ph.D study, Boss Wei was recognized as a good man among our friends. He was very gentle. We were all agree that if someone marries him, then she will be happy in the future. However, he has a unique preference of girl, and other girls surrounded didn’t match his taste.

On a sunny afternoon, after an intense game, Boss Wei picked the ball off the court and accidentally he noticed a girl, who was watching him. She is not beautiful, but she was unique with short hair, loose t-shirt, and jeans. She was also biting a cigarette. He kept on looking at her and fell to the trap.

Under his pursuit, the girl accepted him, yet she was indifferent to him. After being together for a year, the girl mentioned breakup with the reason she didn’t have any feeling toward him.

He didn’t feel any hurt, he didn’t share his pain. He was silent and silently responded to advise we gave him.

Since then I’ve never heard him to be in relationship. After he graduated, there were no women around him. He put all of his energy into his work from a project manager to manager to the technical director. His career has been smooth but he felt bleak.

Suddenly one day, he told us that he was getting married and the his future bride is the only woman he has ever loved in his life.

We were silent for a complete three minutes, but he is happy. He said that he only likes her. Except her, he decides not to marry anyone! We immediately tidied up our things and took the train to attend his wedding.

On the romantic wedding, he sang a romantic song for his bride. I was moved that I cried.

That moment I understand.

Love should never be judged by the onlookers. He loves her and he is happy. That is enough!

Action 3


Director Su also married after graduation. They spent their day happily and the Director Su couldn’t help but feel blessed.

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I’ve seen his photos when he was young. He looked very handsome. I heard that he was the president of student union when he was studying in J university. He is good at playing all kind of sports and was very popular. Finally, he chose a very cute big-eyed girl among many of his admires, called A han.

When they were dating, they were very low-keyed couple as far as I know.

She had never discussed about me about any brands, but always talked about her progress for her doctoral course, introduced me to the excellent taste of soya sauce, the TV series that she loved, and even the good quality of garbage bag she used…. I really learnt a lot from her.

A Han has a special love for Director Su. Every weekend she would come to T City to cook for him. She said that she doesn’t need to pursue success in her life, she didn’t want to pursue wealth. She only wants to be a lovely wife for his beloved one. She wants to be a good wife and mother.

Not long ago, I saw photos of her son with a happy face around his friends, I am really happy for her.

It turns out that love can make an ordinary woman to be great.

There are many people think that one who holds doctorate programme to be Einstein or Newton with the mind that couldn’t be understood. It’s not true at all.

Doctorate student also can be addicted to online games or Mahjong table. They can be drunk and full of brotherhood. They would also be gentle to the women they love. Of course, they also need to read materials and do experiment all nights long for graduation thesis, but that’s not all.

If you said that genius people are really different from ordinary people, I think the difference is their heart doesn’t change easily. If they want something, they will persist like in their study, friendship, and love…..

—–<< Love Cheats>>—– The Twelfth Lesson


People frequently ask me: “Does love have expiration date?”

I think there is just like food. After love expires, it will change. The taste will be tasteless, but it’s a pity to abandon it.

Love is just like food, there is a way to extend the expired date.

For example, you can choose a suitable time to refrigerate it, add some salt to make the taste heavier, or put a little preservative….

In short, there many ways to preserve it, but it depends on whether you are willing to “manage” it!

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