I Used To Be Alone Until I Meet You (我本爱孤独,直到有了你)by Ye Luo Wu Xin 叶落无心- [Chapter 6]

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The First “Date”

The busy life of the first year university was quickly passed by the exams.

In a year, I finally understand the reason why in T university there is less woman, because it is basically a place for training “workers”.

The first year, the old professor would fill in the absence of every class without any trouble. As long you are absent for more than three times, even you get a hundred percent mark in the exam, it will be useless. As a result, everyone will go to the class on time and doesn’t dare to skip the class.

When I was a freshman, the exams are always be especially hard. No matter how serious you are in the class. As long you don’t fight for your life in reviewing the exam, you would definitely fail so I got used to study in the study room.

During the first year, it was also difficult to find a self-study room —— except the school’s library. But if you want to go there, you need to line up in front of door since five thirty to get a seat. If not you will definitely not get any seat. So everyday in my sleepiness, I would get off my bed, washed my face and ran away to the library to line up.

During my freshman year, T university had a lot of classroom, but it always be so hectic. For one class to other class, we needed to walk around 100,000 miles in just ten minutes. We needed to run to not be late so I got used to walk fast.

Because of these good habits, I frequently encountered that Xiao Cheng, but never took initiative to chat with him.

I was not worried about what he degraded my IQ, I just felt that we were not familiar with each other so there was no point of say hello.

Action 1


On July 2000, after the last examination in the first year, it was the first time for me to being able to get on my bed and sleep. This time I have a full day sleep.

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I slept soundly until the annoying phone rang up. I opened my eyes to see it. The room was dark, everyone was still asleep. Fei Fei was disturbed by the phone and cursed it. She flipped her body and continued her sleep.

I raised up then answered the phone: “Hi, who are you looking for ?”

The other person on the phone was silent. Then it said: “Excuse me, is Zhang Meng Zhuo there?”

I raised my head and looked at Zhuo Zhuo’s bed. It was empty. Supposedly after the exam she just went home. Her house was in T city so it’s convenient for her to go home.

With a full resentment, I said to him: “She is not here.”

I was just about to hung up the phone, then that man suddenly asked: “You are Ning Xin?”

“Em, yes, you are?” Actually from the start, I already recognized this voice was Xiao Cheng, but I just wanted to confirm it.

“I am Cheng Ze.”

“O!” I was not close to him, so I waited for his next word.”

“Can you help me?”


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“I lost when I played the card. The punishment is I should give a call to the female dorm and ask one of them out for watch a movie.”

I tried to look at the watch, it was passed eleven o’clock. Those men were really too strong.

“What if you are unable to ask?” I asked.

“Then I will keep on calling the dorm until I find a nice and helpful one.”

When I heard this word, I was thinking how could it sounds that if I rejected him, then it showed that I am not helpful and kind girl. He could despise my IQ, but he couldn’t and shouldn’t deny my character!

As result my brain was hot and asked: “Is it really because you lost in playing card and should ask a female out for movie. Are you sure you don’t have any intention?”

He said: “Yes.”

“Okay, I will go.”

He seemed to be unsurprised and said calmly: “Thank you! Then tomorrow six o’clock in the afternoon, let’s meet at the cinema near the school. See you!”

“Okay! O, right I don’t have a really good memory. If you see that I’m not coming, please remind me. I will not deliberately forget it. My phone is XXXXXXX.”

He said: “Okay.” Then he hung up.

In silent night, the wind blew the curtain. I looked around and lost my sleepiness.

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Supposedly I slept too much during the afternoon!

Action 2


The next day, my forgetting habit seemed to be gone away. Unexpectedly the whole day I could remember that I need to go to cinema.

Before the ten minutes of our appointment, I already arrived there. Xiao Cheng also waited there. He wore a clean and neat white t-shirt and jeans. He held two drinks.

He and drinks, it created a fresh feeling in the summer time.

As a food lover, I naturally without any embarrassment took a bottle of my favorite orange juice: “Let’s go, let’s get inside.”

The show today was <<Titanic>>, my favorite movie.

In the past, I already watched this one. I was being possessed by Jack. I was shocked by the tragic scene of wrecking ship, also being moved by the fierce love between leads. So when the movie and the song started, I felt so sad.

Even in the most romantic and emotional moments between the main leads, I cried sadly.

I used up all my tissues and Xiao Cheng went out and bought another big pack of tissue and passed it to me. I hugged that pack of tissues and watched it till the end.

Action 3

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After the movie ended, it was just me and Xiao Cheng inside the large theater that could hold hundreds people. I hugged my paper and kept on wiping my nose and eyes. He sat down beside me and accompanied me silently. It was a long, long time, until the cleaner came inside and we left. The moonlight shone the little path of the school’s garden. He slowly walked beside me, while I walked with my head low to see at his unclear silhouette.

Under the light, his face was felt somewhat like Jack. I persistently believed that because I was so immersed in Titanic.

He asked me: “Is this movie too moving to watch? it let you to cry from the beginning till the end.” I stopped my step then raised my head to see him: “I am easily laugh and cry. When I was little and watched “The Journey to the West” I would cry, looked “Meng Hu Xiong Di” I would cry, even when I watched “Dong Wu Shi Jie”, I could cry until my eyes swollen…”

He examined me and looked the light around, he said to me: “Let me tell you a story.”

I nodded and waited for his story.

“A fish said: “I open my eyes every moment, because I am not willing to leave your side”

A water said: “I keep on flowing without tiredness is because I want to surround you and hug you tight.”

A pot said: “It’s all cooked, what a nonsense you guys say!””

I finally couldn’t hold my laughter.

“You indeed are easily laugh.” He said, he also laughed.

Under the moonlight, his laughter was especially warmed.

I remember since that time we laughed together, for me he is not a stranger anymore.

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