After that date, I and Xiao Cheng were still stranger. There is no other reason, it was just because all along I thought we were not familiar with each other. Our relationship was faraway compared to Xiao Cheng and my roommate, Zhuo Zhuo.

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Zhuo Zhuo is really a beautiful girl in my eyes, she is the most favorite type of woman: She has good temperament, perfect skin that is white and clear, her hair is long and smooth; she is like a goddess. And me, my hair is a shoulder length, I’ve always completely rely on heating new technology.

In short, if I am a man, I will definitely like Zhuo Zhuo. I also believe that Xiao Cheng and me have a similar aesthetic judgement regarding her. The reality proves me right.

Action 1

On October 2000, for celebrating the National Day, the departments gave out free tickets, every department issued two tickets. Xiao Cheng was one of secretaries, he was responsible to give it out. He received the ticket given then passed it to one to Zhuo Zhuo.

Based on my countless experience of reading love stories, of course with a glance I could see his attraction toward Zhuo Zhuo.

I went to Zhuo Zhuo’s side and said to her: “Xiao Cheng likes you! Masking a private intention by using public way. He definitely wants to watch the movie together with you.”

He seemed to hear it. He looked back tat me and his eyes were hard to predict. It was beyond my IQ to understand.

Although when I returned to the dorm, I heard that Xiao Cheng gave another ticket to Ji Ji, who was the beauty of our class, I still firmly believed that he just did it to cover his previous action.

Action 2

Xiao Cheng likes Zhuo Zhuo, this statement was deeply stamped inside my brain because of a prove. The proof is an orange.

That day, I and Zhuo Zhuo were just returned from our stroll, we were so thirsty.

We met Xiao Cheng, he was holding an orange color orange juice. With a glance, we could see how sweet and refreshing it was.

When I wanted to ask him for it to solve my thirst, he just passed it to Zhuo Zhuo without saying anything. He just passed by me.

Zhuo Zhuo naturally would divide a half for me. But I deeply felt this orange was too sour, sour that my teeth was hurt.

I am not simple-minded girl, but I am a man with high integrity. Even if I am not as good as Zhuo Zhuo’s temper or as elegant.

He was….. I was so angry.

I immediately decided to not get involve with him anymore, it’s too hurtful for my pride and self-esteem.

From that time, even if I met Xiao Cheng face to face, I would just pretend that I don’t see him and just watch other handsome guy. At first, he still took initiative to say hello to me, but seeing that I didn’t respond to him, he didn’t do it anymore.

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Action 3

Someone said that a fine times are passing away and I feel that dull time is more perishable.

Without really knowing, my sophomore year passed.

In the beautiful midsummer of 2001 the last class of the second year of university, in the large classrooms and most of the seats were empty.

After Xiao Cheng got inside the class, he walked in a circle and chose a seat next to Zhuo Zhuo. He sat down. That time I also sat down on the other side of Zhuo Zhuo. I looked at him.

A year of not seeing him carefully. This time, I just noticed that he changed a lot. He grew taller and thinner. He who in the past always wore his usual sport wear, now wore a fit jeans and black t-shirt. The standard, fresh and small face of him, now changed into more angular, mature, and somewhat restrained. The only thing that hadn’t changed is the calmness in his eyes that didn’t match his age.

Hey? I also found a great point. So actually Xiao Cheng didn’t wear a glasses, no wonder every time I will notice his eyes expression.

He seemed to notice my gaze. He looked at me, and his lips crooked up.

I immediately turned my head to see the teacher.

For this lesson I listened it more serious, I didn’t shift my gaze. As for what did the teacher said, I even didn’t remember anything….

After the class, I asked Nan Nan, who was sitting down on the left side of me: “Darling, before did the teacher said about our the main point of our exam?”

Nan Nan looked at me with shocking expression: “His lecture today is all about the exam!”

“A! Hurry, hurry, what is it? Give me your note.”

“I don’t have a note. I draw it on my book.”

Nan Nan was working hard to say all the points to me, suddenly a paper fell on to my hand. I looked at it and it was the problems and solutions that the teacher explained before.

I looked at the writings, unexpectedly it was Xiao Cheng’s…..

Is this…. for me? Am I hallucinating?

I wanted to confirm for a while, I looked back to his seat before. Yet he already left.

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Action 4

The 2001 Autumn day, the T-university’s renovation of Z apartment was completed.

I heard that apartment was “capitalism” one, it had five-person suites, three-person bedrooms, two-person bedrooms, public bathroom, and water heater.

Zhuo Zhuo and I went to apply the change of the bedroom at the first time.

One day during our moving day, we happened to meet Xiao Cheng in the Z apartment building. He simply called a few boys to help, which is a kind of intelligent as he didn’t want to trouble himself.

After helping Zhuo Zhuo to move, he also asked me whether I needed any help.

I simply refused: “No need, I have already found someone to help.”

When I said it, the handsome and elegant old neighbor, come out. He worked very hard to help me move in.

Si Wen Lao Xiang is graduate student of certain department of our school. He is four years older than me. Because my mother asked, he cared about me. Naturally when he heard that I would move, he rushed to help me out.

I glanced at him and indicated: “You think that sister’s low IQ will lead that no one will help her?”

He seemed to understand my signal, he turned his body and continue to help Zhuo Zhuo to move her things. They both chatted happily.

I seemed to hear out, he asked: “That is her boyfriend?”

Zhuo Zhuo glanced at me then smiled: “Not yet, supposedly it will be soon!”

I startled, I turned to look at Si Wen Lao Xiang. When will he be my boyfriend? why there’s no one tell me?

But when I looked at the busy Si Wen Lao Xiang, I felt it’s possible.

After all, he is a good and smart man. His parents were gentle. He would have a good future and completely matchable for my criteria.

Moreover, he is four years older than me, he would give me a secure feeling, I really need to consider.

Action 5

Z apartment, is famously known as “love” apartment, because T university has abandoned its feudal system and built a rare apartments for men and women of the colleges. Oh of course, it’s not really mixed, the boys live on the third below and below, the girls live on the third floor and above. I and Zhuo Zhuo lived in 615 of two-person bedroom and Xiao Cheng and his two fellow friends lived in 310 of third-person bedroom.

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Since moving to Z apartment, the cold war between me and Xiao Cheng could no longer continue because —- distant relatives are not as good as neighbors!

Besides, Xiao Cheng was really good to Zhuo Zhuo. If there is nothing to do, they would come and chat. I would need to be Zhuo Zhuo’s good roommates to not embarrass her so I need to interact friendly toward him.

On night of relaxing, Zhuo Zhuo was not in the dorm. I was playing cards online and I was very happy. Xiao Cheng came over and application for joining a party for Zhuo Zhuo. I said: “Zhuo Zhuo and her high school classmates are gone, they have dinner together. Supposedly she will be back soon. Would you like to come in and wait for her?”

Who knows that he directly said “Okay”, he directly got inside. It seemed that he was really impatient to wait and meet Zhuo Zhuo.

I poured him a glass of water and let him to sit down to wait for her. Then I went in front of my computer to continue play the card.

“You also like to play tractor?”

I didn’t notice that now he was behind me and watching me play: “Yeah, it’s fun.”

That time in T university there is a “tractor” style card game, I just learned it and not really good at it, yet I was immersed in it.

Every day I biggest dream is that my point will increase and turn positive. However day by day, my point was decreasing and I was hopeless.

“Don’t give out 6, give K.” Xiao Cheng said.

“K is a point. What if mine is not big enough compare to everyone, wouldn’t I lose?”

He told me firmly: “Yours must be bigger, you could be relaxed.”

I tried it and it was the same as his prediction: “How do you know it?” I asked

“I count it.”

“Hey, how did you count it?”

He looked at me with his speechlessness attitude, he really looked down at my IQ now.

I moved Zhuo Zhuo’s chair hurriedly to my side and let him to sit beside me to guide me. His guidance made my luck turn better and I raised up to the next level.

Looking at how I achieved my dream, I looked at him earnestly: “You help me to turn my point positive and I will treat you a meal okay?”

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He examined my points and said: “I will try my best.”

Action 6

Zhuo Zhuo returned home earlier than what I expected. Perhaps, the time passed so fast than I expected.

Anyway the time Zhuo Zhuo got inside, Xiao Cheng immediately gave the form to her and let her filled it in, and returned it to him when it’s done.

Probably he wanted to Zhuo Zhuo to misunderstand, he told her what to do, then left. He completely ignored me…..

This round I lost miserably, my heart was so sad. When I wanted to quit the game and went to the bed, I suddenly noticed a senior play “ Duo Luo Wu Zui (Innocent)”.

When I was curious about that player. The phone in the dorm rang, I answered it. It was the simple and powerful voice of Xiao Cheng: “I am helping you. Give me your QQ number.”

I suddenly had an illusion………

That night, I kept on winning and smiling.

Of course it was not only because of his excellent skill of playing card, but I also because my other two opponents were especially terrible. Even though they kept on losing, they kept on playing until the night.

Until it was really late, I stretched my waist and my QQ showed a message: “Remember treat me a meal!”

I sent a smile emoji: “You choose the place.”

Of course that time, there is no IP restriction fot the game. If there was, I could easily find the IP of the opponents to be the same as Xiao Cheng.

———<< Love Cheats>> The Fourth Lesson

Looking for a boyfriend need to be early!

In this era, good men will be gone soon. If you don’t act, then other women will snatch them away. The time you want to act, sorry, you will be the third-party!

Do you think a worthy man will not get married until he is thirty? Why is it? Because of the women around him are blind!

Can a woman around a man be a blind man? Impossible, therefore the possibility that a man in his thirties has not yet married can become an ideal partner is minimal.

Even if he is as perfect as “Ye Zheng Yi”, you can’t marry him, because in his heart will fill of “Ya Tou (Girl)”!

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