Chapter 17 - Parent's Relic.

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«Zhuo... Zhuo Shao, you don't hurt anymore?» Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao, a little dazed.

«I just pretended.» Zhuo Shao didn't hide it from him, he said it directly, and apologized: «I'm sorry before, I lied to you and made you worry.»

«It's okay, it's okay.» Liang Chen said quickly, and looked at Zhuo Shao with a puzzled face: «Why... Why?» Why did Zhuo Shao pretend to be sick?

«I have something... Are you willing to help me?» Zhuo Shao asked again.

Liang Chen nodded without hesitation, of course he was willing to help Zhuo Shao, and he was very happy to be able to help Zhuo Shao! Just... What is he going to do? Liang Chen looked at Zhuo Shao curiously, his eyes sparkling.

«I want to go out, you go back and get your homework here to do it, and help me by the way.» Zhuo Shao smiled: «If someone comes to see me, you say I'm not feeling well resting... If he breaks in Come to find out that I am not there, and then I will naturally have a speech.»

This class and the next class of their class are self-study classes. They don't need to go to class. Liang Chen can do it even if he doesn't go back to the classroom. However, Teacher Yang, he has to go to class three in the next class, so he doesn't have time to come.

He could just take the opportunity to go out and do something with perfect alibi.

After Zhuo Shao explained a few words to Liang Chen, Liang Chen, who had a tangled expression but was very excited, went back to get his homework.

Liang Chen was a little too timid, but he trusted Zhuo Shao very much. Zhuo Shao didn't shirk what he asked him to do. Soon, he came back with the workbook.

«Teacher, is it okay for my classmates to do their homework outside?» Zhuo Shao looked at the school doctor in the infirmary. There was nothing but a bed in the room, so he couldn't do his homework.

«Okay, let him come over.» The school doctor said, she put away the book on knitting that was spread out on the table, and motioned for Liang Chen to move a stool to do her homework on the other side of the table.

Liang Chen helped Zhuo Shao close the door and started to do his homework.

He was very uneasy, so he couldn't concentrate, and he couldn't do all the homework he needed to think about. He simply took out his English book and started copying words.

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He and the school doctor knitted sweaters and read a book one by one. They looked harmonious. At this time, Zhuo Shao had already left the infirmary through the window.

The infirmary is located on the ground floor of a complex building with no people. Outside the window is the northernmost fence of the school... Zhuo Shao came out of the infirmary and immediately climbed over the wall and left the school.

After leaving the campus, Zhuo Shao went directly to where Zhuo Jiabao lived.

He tossed it out this time because he wanted to get something from Zhuo RongMing and steal something by the way.

The death of his parents in his previous life was too sudden for him, and he was too young to understand anything. After a few days of confusion, he was handed over to Zhuo RongMing along with the inheritance left by his parents.

He didn't know what his parents had left for him and Zhuo Ting. He only remembered that in the days when his father died, Zhuo RongMing had been crying for poverty all the time, saying that it was the compensation from the driver who caused the accident, and there would be nothing left after the funeral.

At that time, he believed it, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was full of loopholes.

Now, he wants to know how much money his parents left behind, and he also wants to get back some relics left by his parents from Zhuo RongMing, as well as his own household registration book and so on.

When he had a falling out with the Zhuo family in his last life, Qu Guixiang once tore up his parents' marriage certificate and his and Zhuo Ting's household registration book in front of him, and he still remembers the mood at that time.

Today, even if he encounters the same thing again, he will not feel hopeless and heartbroken, but there is no doubt that he does not want those things to stay in Zhuo RongMing's hands.

Besides, he also wanted to steal something.

Zhuo RongMing doesn't like to be in charge, but he knows Zhuo Jiabao's character. If Zhuo Jiabao is stolen, he will definitely suspect him and come to him to make trouble.

He was waiting for this day.

As for the possibility of being discovered in the middle, he could cry while holding his parents' marriage certificate.

Although the community where Zhuo Jiabao lived was a gated community, the gated community in small county towns these days was completely different from the fully-equipped gated communities in later generations.

The community where Zhuo Jiabao lives is just a wall, and there is an old man at the gate. Other than that, there is no monitoring or anything.

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When Zhuo Shao was in prison in his last life, several inmates were imprisoned because of theft. He often listened to them and learned a lot of 'experience'. Later, he made decorations for others, and he had a blind spot for the structure of the house. Things like that.

Zhuo Shao entered the community quietly, then entered the building next to the building where Zhuo Jiabao lived, and finally turned out the window of the corridor and entered the balcony of the house where Zhuo Jiabao lived.

The last time came with the police, Zhuo Shao had seen the situation of Zhuo Jiabao's house.

Zhuo Jiabao lived in a house of about 120 square meters, with three bedrooms and two living rooms. The layout was very good, and it had a large balcony, but the decoration was difficult to describe... Or they didn't decorate it at all.

Zhuo RongMing and Qu Guixiang felt that the house would have to be rebuilt when Zhuo Jiabao got married, so they only connected the wires for him to run the water, and simply installed the bathroom. Other than that, nothing was done.

Zhuo Jiabao's bedroom still has cement floors and cement walls.

The house itself is very simple, and Zhuo Jiabao, he did not pay much attention to safety, even if the balcony was not sealed, he did not close the window connecting the living room and the balcony.

At that time, Zhuo Shao felt that it was easy to come in, and it was really easy for him to come in this time.

Probably because it was so hot today, the window was still open, Zhuo Shao easily entered the living room, and found that the door was unlocked.

Before Zhuo Shao came, he had deduced this operation from beginning to end.

He knew this. Zhuo Jiabao probably woke up to play games, and Zhuo RongMing... Zhuo RongMing didn't like to stay at home the most. He usually went out early in the morning and came back at night.

But he also imagined that there might be accidents. For example, because Qu Guixiang was still detained, Zhuo RongMing and his son were both at home.

However, the fact is that Zhuo RongMing and his son are not at home.

Zhuo Shao didn't know why they were not there, but it undoubtedly facilitated his actions.

It's funny, most of the furniture used by Zhuo Jiabao was moved from Zhuo Shao's house.

The wardrobe in the corner is Zhuo Shao's mother's dowry.

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Zhuo Shao's mother's family was not very kind to her. She secretly saved some money after she found a job in a leather shoe factory for this wardrobe.

The wardrobe at that time liked to install two mirrors on the door of the cabinet, but Zhuo Shao's mother had no money after finishing the cabinet and could not afford the cabinet. The place is blocked.

This cabinet was used by Zhuo Shao for a long time. When Zhuo Shao was a child, he especially liked to drill into it.

Here is also Zhuo Shao's house after the house was changed, his father had someone knock out the low cabinet in the dining room, the desk he used before, their radio...

They were all things that were used a long time ago, but Zhuo Shao recognized them all after seeing them.

Zhuo Shao paused for only a moment, then immediately regained his senses, and then his eyes fell on a locked cabinet.

After Zhuo Shao went upstairs, he put on a pair of gloves that can buy ten pairs of gloves for a few dollars that masons often bring when moving bricks.

He also carefully went to unlock the lock at this moment, but directly found something to break the lock.

There was a small red box in that cabinet.

This small box is the same size as the test paper, and it is very delicately made. It was passed down by the ancestors of the Zhuo family. It should be a jewelry box.

Zhuo Shao opened the small box and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The small box contained a stack of money, estimated to be several thousand.

Zhuo RongMing and Zhuo Jiabao put so much money at home... Zhuo Shao was quite surprised, but what he paid attention to first was something else.

Under that stack, there are a lot of things.

Zhuo RongMing's family's ID card and account book passbooks are all inside, and in addition, there is a black plastic bag inside.

Zhuo Shao opened the plastic bag, and the contents inside were all related to his parents.

His parents' marriage certificate, his and Zhuo Ting's household registration book, his birth certificate... And his parents' death certificate.

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Zhuo Shao took a deep breath, held the black plastic bag in his hand, and then picked up the passbook of the Zhuo family and looked at it.

Zhuo's family has several passbooks, several of which are used to pay utility bills. In addition, there is a deposit slip for fixed deposit and a red passbook.

The deposit slip contained 30,000 yuan, and the deposit date was one month after his parents died.

And that red passbook...

There were only a few thousand dollars before, and on that day, suddenly deposited one sixty thousand, one thirty thousand, one eight thousand, and one four thousand.

After that, 90,000 was withdrawn, and then from time to time, a few hundred was deposited, and a thousand was withdrawn, and yesterday, 4,000 were withdrawn.

Zhuo Shao always knew that his parents should have left some money. Now, it seems that his parents left it at 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, and he can get 10,000 to 20,000 yuan after selling his parents' car. With the compensation of 50,000 yuan, Zhuo RongMing can get 130,000 yuan.

As for his parents' funeral... Given that everyone will send money, it must not cost much.

Zhuo RongMing got his parents' property and spent 90,000 to buy the house, and there are more than 40,000 left... The life of their family depends on his parents to live well.

Zhuo Shao is not surprised that his parents can save so much money.

His mother worked in a leather shoe factory before she got married. After she got married, because women who worked in a leather shoe factory were prone to have children, she went to a textile factory. She has worked in the textile factory for many years and has become a team leader. Although the salary at this time was low, But because they have land, they can save a lot of money without spending money on food.

Not to mention his father.

His father was always thinking of making more money for himself, driving around outside all day, and he once said at the time that he could earn more than a hundred a day.

Apart from building a house and buying a car, the Zhuo family didn't have a lot of expenses, and in those days they built a house in the countryside, and they could get it for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan...

After more than ten years of his parents, it was normal to have such savings, but it was a pity that Zhuo RongMing was cheaper.

Zhuo Shao put the stack of money in the box into the black plastic bag containing his parents' information, and left with the black plastic bag.

He originally just wanted to take what his parents left behind, and then steal something casually, now... He would be stupid if he didn't take the money.

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