Chapter 18 - Alibi.

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It only took Zhuo Shao half an hour to go out this time.

Half an hour later, he took the plastic bag over the wall and entered the school. He came to the inner window of the infirmary and found that the small bench he had placed at the door of the closed room had not been moved. Zhuo Shao felt relieved, and then Go through the window.

After Zhuo Shao went in, he lay down, and then heard the voice of the school doctor from outside.

«Your classmate should be fine, right? Why haven't you been moving?»

«Teacher, I'll go see him!» Liang Chen's voice followed.

The boy was in the period of changing his voice, and his voice was a little hoarse, which just covered the panic inside... Zhuo Shao was worried that Liang Chen would not be able to cope with the unexpected situation at first, but now it seems... Little Fatty is also very smart.

Zhuo Shao was thinking so when he saw Liang Chen open the door and come in.

In front of the school doctor, Liang Chen was able to calm down in order to help Zhuo Shao hide the truth, but at this moment, there was fear on his face.

He didn't know what Zhuo Shao was doing, but he knew that no one could find out that Zhuo Shao was not there...

Liang Chen tremblingly entered the inner room, planning to walk around and tell the school doctor that Zhuo Shao was still sleeping, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhuo Shao.

Liang Chen looked over excitedly: «Zhuo Shao!»

«I'm back.» Zhuo Shao smiled at Liang Chen.

Liang Chen finally relaxed completely at this moment, and heaved a long sigh of relief. At this time, Zhuo Shao said: «I'll put on my clothes, you go and pack up the homework and bring it here.»

Liang Chen nodded when he heard the words, and quickly went to pack up his homework, and then came back with him.

Zhuo Shao smiled and put all the documents in his hand in Liang Chen's workbook. As for the four thousand yuan, he put it in his pocket.

The school doctor was still knitting sweaters when he saw Zhuo Shao coming out and asked. «Are you alright?»

«Thank you teacher, I'm fine.»

«If you're all right, go back to class.» The school doctor said, taking out the book on knitting sweaters and flipping through them, then began to count stitches on the sweater he knitted.

Zhuo Shao nodded and left with Liang Chen.

«What are these?» Liang Chen asked curiously, looking at the documents in his workbook.

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«My account book.» Zhuo Shao said: «When you go back, you can put them in the mezzanine of your schoolbag.»

There is a mezzanine in Liang Chen's schoolbag, where his mobile phone is placed, and he does this because he has been robbed a few times.

He didn't think that those people robbed him of his snacks and money, but there were some things that couldn't be robbed, so he put them all in the mezzanine.

Hearing that Zhuo Shao was going to put his household registration book in the middle of his schoolbag, Liang Chen's eyes lit up and he was inexplicably excited.

However, when Zhuo Shao really put the household registration book in his schoolbag, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Because then, Zhuo Shao put a stack of money in his bag.

«It has to be hidden, so no one can know it.» Zhuo Shao said to Liang Chen.

«Yes...Yes...» Liang Chen's hands couldn't help shaking.

«Don't worry, no one will come to check on you.» Zhuo Shao patted Liang Chen's shoulder: «You still have to follow me, don't be so timid.»

Liang Chen nodded nervously.

Zhuo Shao in his impression has always been very good and very powerful. didn't expect that he would still be able to... Was this money stolen by Zhuo Shao?

Thinking of this, Liang Chen quickly felt that it was impossible, Zhuo Shaocai would not steal money! This must not be stolen by Zhuo Shao!

«This is the money my parents left me, and it was robbed by others before.» Zhuo Shao explained that he couldn't teach bad children, and he couldn't make Liang Chen feel that stealing was right.

Thinking like this, Zhuo Shao simply told Liang Chen about his parents.

In his last life, he didn't want people to know this, but now, he can say it calmly.

Now it's a self-study class, and other students are doing their homework, but Zhuo Shao told Liang Chen all of his situation in a low voice, and then he found out... Liang Chen was crying.

Still a child, sympathy overflows.

«I'm fine now, they took my money, and I'll let them spit it out.» Zhuo Shao said.

Liang Chen nodded and looked at Zhuo Shao with a little admiration.

«If you follow me, no one will bully you in the future.» Zhuo Shao said, his voice and actions were very similar to that of an underworld boss.

Little brother Liang Chen nodded again and again.

Knowing Zhuo Shao's situation, Liang Chen didn't feel guilty at all about putting a lot of money in his bag.

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These were originally Zhuo Shao's money!

Liang Chen was not guilty, he wiped away his tears and started his math homework - Zhuo Shao is still waiting to copy his homework!

It was a quiet afternoon until the end of school.

At 4:50 in the afternoon, the students of the first and second grades of Beimen Junior High School were dismissed from school.

As for the third year of junior high school, school ends at 5:30.

When the students of the first and second grades went out together, many people noticed that a very fat man ran towards the school.

«Zhuo Shao! Zhuo Shao, get out of here!» Zhuo Jiabao was running on the third floor of the third grade, shouting Zhuo Shao's name as he ran.

Hearing Zhuo Jiabao's voice calling Zhuo Shao, several teachers in the office all turned black.

This Zhuo family, is this endless?

Yang JianHua walked out without thinking, and as soon as he went out, he saw Zhuo Jiabao rushing into his class.

«Zhuo Shao, did you steal the money?» Zhuo Jiabao rushed towards Zhuo Shao as soon as he saw Zhuo Shao.

After Qu Guixiang was taken away by the police, others told Zhuo RongMing and Zhuo Jiabao that they could spend some money to get Qu Guixiang out, so that Qu Guixiang would not have to suffer in the police station, and then Zhuo Jiabao asked Zhuo RongMing to go to the bank to collect it. Four thousand dollars.

They took the money to the police station and were told that Qu Guixiang only needed to be detained for 12 days.

As long as she is detained for 12 days, where is the need to spend money to get her out? Zhuo RongMing was not willing to give the money at the moment, and even the police asked him to pay the fine, but he did not pay it on the grounds that he did not bring the money.

Even in the end, the fine must be paid, and he wants to pay it later.

Zhuo Jiabao still wanted to get Qu Guixiang out, but after being told by Zhuo RongMing, he gave up.

To get his mother out, it is estimated that it will cost two or three thousand... How many games can you play with this money?

They took the money back intact and locked it in the locker, but today, the money is gone!

What disappeared with the money, and some documents related to Zhuo Shao... The person who stole the money must be Zhuo Shao!

Zhuo Jiabao was so angry that he came to Zhuo Shao.

He was beaten and frightened by Zhuo Shao, and he no longer dared to find Zhuo Shao alone, but in school, does Zhuo Shao dare to beat him in front of so many people?

«I don't.» Zhuo Shao said.

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«Who is it if it's not you?» Zhuo Jiabao said: «It must be you who went to my house and stole money!»

The classmates in the class were speechless when they heard Zhuo Jiabao's eloquent words.

There was a woman who said that Zhuo Shao stole money, and a man came in a blink of an eye.

Yang JianHua hurried over and was also angry: «You are Zhuo Shao's cousin, right? Do you know that it is illegal to come to school to make trouble? I have already called the police, and the police will come after a while!»

When Zhuo Jiabao heard that the police were coming, he shrank his fat head into his neck, but quickly said: «It was fake before, but this time it's real! Zhuo Shao stole money, 4,000 yuan!»

The last time someone believed Qu Guixiang because Qu Guixiang was really pitiful, but this time...

Zhuo Jiabao looks like a bully with his fat head and ears. In contrast, Zhuo Shao looks much more pitiful.

No one believed Zhuo Jiabao at all.

In order to avoid disturbing the students in the class, Yang JianHua brought Zhuo Jiabao and Zhuo Shao to his office, and the police came again soon after.

The police were speechless when they saw Zhuo Jiabao.

This is... When the son is going to the police station to accompany the mother?

«Police, this time it's true! Yesterday my dad and I went to the bank to get 4,000 yuan, and today the money was stolen, stolen together, and Zhuo Shao's account book... He must have stolen it!» Zhuo Jiabao vowed.

«I don't.» Zhuo Shao said immediately.

«He has!» Zhuo Jiabao glared at Zhuo Shao.

«Your family is so good, how come you have four thousand yuan?» The police didn't bother to go to the scene this time.

«I took it from the bank yesterday with my dad!» Zhuo Jiabao said. «In order to pay my mother a fine! I have the evidence here!» Zhuo Jiabao knows a lot more than Qu Guixiang, who doesn't even know a word. He took out the passbook in his hand and handed it to the police.

Those police officers looked at the passbook that Zhuo Jiabao handed them, their faces didn't look good, but Zhuo Jiabao looked more strange.

This person came here yesterday afternoon, but he refused to teach the fine. The reason at that time was that he didn't take the money. As a result, they went to the bank to collect 4,000 at noon yesterday...

Zhuo Jiabao didn't notice anything unusual about the police, and said: «I really lost the money this time! It must have been stolen by Zhuo Shao!»

«I don't.» Zhuo Shao said again.

«Where did you lose the money and when did you lose it?» the policeman asked again. They didn't look down on this Zhuo Jiabao, but if the money was really lost, they still had to take care of it.

«The money was lost in my new house. It was still there in the morning. He should have stolen it at noon!» Zhuo Jiabao pointed at Zhuo Shao.

«I went to find TingTing for lunch at noon, and I didn't steal anything!» Zhuo Shao said, «Everyone in my sister's school can testify to me!»

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«If it's not you, who are you? If it's a thief, would you even steal your household registration book?» Said Zhuo Jiabao.

«Who knows if you deliberately hid the money and my account book, and then said I stole the money?» Zhuo Shao said again.

Both sides hold their ground.

Those police officers didn't think that Zhuo Shao had the ability to steal money, but Zhuo Jiabao had sworn that they still went to Zhuo Jiabao's residence.

This time they finally saw a theft scene, but...

This community is not large, and there is no elevator room in it. It is all five-story buildings, so there are less than 100 houses in total, and because many people have not lived in it since it was newly built...

Now there are only twenty or thirty families living in the community, and there are not many people entering and leaving the community. Therefore, the gatekeeper of the community always remembers the situation of the people who came in and out. For example... Zhuo Jiabao is twelve o'clock. Go out a lot.

Zhuo Jiabao left the community at twelve o'clock, but Zhuo Shao was already at school at twelve o'clock today.

Zhuo Jiabao believed that Zhuo Shao stole it before, but he didn't think about the time at all. Now that he found this, he was a little confused.

However, no matter how ignorant he was or how he didn't believe it, Zhuo Shao still had evidence of his alibi.

From the very beginning, those policemen didn't believe that Zhuo Shao stole the money. When they got such news, they sneered when they saw Zhuo Jiabao: «What do you want to do now?»

They have already seen the passbook, and they have seen many problems. For example, Zhuo Jiabao's house was bought with the money left by Zhuo Shao's parents... Now they are really tired of Zhuo Jiabao.

Even if Zhuo Shao really stole the money, it was his parents' money!

When Zhuo Jiabao was asked this way, he couldn't answer at all, and he didn't know what to do.

«Uncle police, I don't want to live with them anymore.» At this moment, Zhuo Shao said suddenly, holding Zhuo Ting.

After following the police out of the school, Zhuo Shao proposed to pick up Zhuo Ting, and the police agreed.

At this moment, Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting looked at these policemen with determination.

Neither Zhuo Shao nor Zhuo Ting are adults, they can't live alone... Looking at Zhuo Shao and Zhuo Ting, these police officers also feel a little difficult to handle.

«Let them get out! My family doesn't support them!» Zhuo Jiabao roared, and after roaring, his eyes fell on Zhuo Shao's schoolbag again...

«You must have stolen the money, you must have stole it and hid it!» Zhuo Jiabao said suddenly, rushed towards Zhuo Shao and ripped open Zhuo Shao's schoolbag.

Zhuo Shao's schoolbag was bought for him by Zhuo's mother for more than ten yuan when he was in the first year of junior high. As soon as it was pulled by Zhuo Jiabao, the zipper broke immediately.

The books in Zhuo Shao's schoolbag were thrown to the ground by Zhuo Jiabao, and there was no stolen money at all.

«Uncle policeman, can you call my aunt?» Zhuo Shao stared blankly at Zhuo Jiabao, then raised his head to look at the policemen.

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