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Luna, Lewin’s sister, cried out with a mournful tone.

“It’s not too late! Even now, come to the Royal Academy!”


Although Lewin uttered the same words, his tone was entirely different.

“Lewin has lost his way…”

Luna sobbed, seeking solace in her mother’s embrace.

“What a child.”

Observing her daughter, Erzen gently stroked her hair, wearing a sly smile.

“Today is the day your brother departs.”

“Can I also transfer to Beresha Academy?”



Luna, continuously faced with rejection, displayed a sulky expression.

However, Erzen remained resolute.

“How long will you hold onto Lewin?”


Momentarily caught off guard by her earnest eyes, Erzen found herself at a loss for words.

‘Why does this happen every time a younger sibling is born?’

Similar reactions were witnessed when Luna was born, with the eldest son, Latel, and the second son, Lagil. However, their attention swiftly shifted to Lewin after his birth.

‘I wonder if Lewin will undergo a similar transformation upon the arrival of a younger sibling.’

Lewin possessed a distinct character compared to his brothers, but people are capable of change.

Erzen wondered if Lewin would undergo such a change like his siblings.

Simultaneously, a peculiar incident unfolded.

“There’s no need to excessively exalt the Dryerf family’s honor.”

As the three servants entered the Academy, they were surrounded by a multitude of people, offering encouragement.

“The Dryerf family’s honor shines brightly even without our conspicuous presence.”

“Indeed. Your role is a singular one.”

“Just prevent Young Master Lewin from tarnishing that radiant honor with his actions.”

These were the words of dedicated butlers of Latil and Lagil, who had already enrolled in the Royal Academy.

While their words could be perceived as sibling rivalry, Alex, Lewin’s personal butler, looked at Daisy with an expression filled with concern.


Alex gently rested his hands on Daisy’s shoulders, trembling as he called her name.

“Yes, Sir Butler.”

“It will be challenging.”

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“But I believe in you.”


“I believe in you, too.”

Tap. Tap.

With the hand he had raised, Alex lightly tapped Eyriel and Hains on the shoulders.

“You must protect the young master diligently.”


The eldest son, Latil’s personal butler, wiped away his tears with a handkerchief.

Having occasionally cared for Lewin at Alex’s request after Latil entered the Royal Academy, he understood the weighty burden they were shouldering.

“If you ever need assistance, the family is always here for you.”

Lagil’s personal butler echoed the same sentiment.

Thus, they pledged to provide unwavering support.

“Preventing accidents is the best approach, but it’s widely known that the young master is not easily restrained.”

“If an incident occurs, it must be reported immediately.”

“Attendance is also crucial. Regardless of grades, insufficient attendance may result in grade repetition.”

“Grade repetition…”

“Why do you say that, Sir Alex?”

“When it comes to the young master… ‘Wouldn’t it be fun to repeat a grade once?’ He might intentionally aim for lower grades.”

“There’s a possibility!”

“During the exam period, promptly report grades! Every day during the exam period! In case the scores hit rock bottom!”

The servants, their faces pale upon hearing Alex’s words, began envisioning various scenarios.

“Would he truly do such a thing?”

Lewin, who had been listening to the entire conversation, couldn’t help but chuckle.

It appeared that his reputation among the Dryerf family’s servants had hit rock bottom.


Summoned by the somber voice, Lewin raised his gaze.

Luna, who had been hugging Lewin like a doll while crying, also heard the voice and quietly stepped aside.

“Yes, Father.”

The current head of the Dryerf family, Lewin Dee Dryerf’s father, and the most influential figure in the empire.

He was Laihar Dee Dryerf, holding the empire’s military power.

People referred to him as the Iron Duke for his strict differentiation between public and private matters, ruling soldiers with unwavering adherence to military law.

“You must exercise caution.”

The words didn’t quite match the teardrops falling from his eyes.

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‘Who came up with that nickname?’

It was absurd to label someone who easily shed tears as the ‘Iron Duke.’

Lewin was certain that whoever gave him this nickname had never truly encountered the Iron Duke.

“You can learn at any time. Don’t blame yourself even if others surpass you. People possess different talents, and the moments when those talents blossom vary, so there’s no need to rush.”

He was right.

Not everyone gifted with a sword became a Swordmaster.

Lewin had often witnessed those lacking talent in swordsmanship but excelling in infusing the sword with mana becoming Swordmasters.

However, the moment one gave up due to a lack of talent in swordsmanship, despite having the potential to become a Swordmaster, it was all over.

‘It’s challenging.’

But if asked whether it was right to allow those without talent in swordsmanship to wield a sword, Lewin could respond without hesitation.

Absolutely not.

For those individuals, it could be a wiser choice to utilize their talent in other forms of magic or pursue alternative paths through hard work.

“So, do what you desire.”


Lewin nodded, deep in thought.

‘I’m fortunate.’

Even if he was advised against living that way, he had already made his decision.

Following the predetermined fate had been more than enough nine times over.

“I will live as I wish!”

Upon Lewin’s declaration, Laihar gently stroked his head with teary eyes, and the three servants who had been listening from a distance couldn’t help but shiver.


“Young Master, there is a word called responsibility in this world.”

Inside the carriage en route to Beresha Academy.

After a prolonged silence, these were the words that Alex uttered to Lewin.

“Yeah, I understand.”

He understood it better than anyone else.

Lewin thought to himself and nodded.

After all, he had experienced nine deaths due to that sense of responsibility.

“Is that so?”

Upon hearing Lewin’s response, Alex let out a small sigh of relief.

At least it seemed like he grasped that, but…

“Yeah. It’s frustrating, useless, and nobody acknowledges it even if you fulfill it, right?”

As Lewin continued expressing his interpretation of responsibility, Alex’s eyes trembled with intensity.

“Young Master, that’s not what responsibility means.”

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“Am I mistaken? Responsibility is the duty one must assume. But who appreciates it when you fulfill that duty? They simply think, ‘Oh, he did what he was supposed to do.'”

The instances of being taken advantage of were even more numerous.

After dying as a hero alongside the enemy, he would find in his next life that people he didn’t even know were regarded as his comrades. Among the countless statues erected to honor the hero who defeated the demon king, he could count on one hand those that truly resembled him.

Furthermore, various fictional stories were sung in temples, glorifying the hero and the goddess who had sent him. Numerous royals claimed to be descendants of the hero.

‘Damn scoundrels.’

It was an inherently unjust situation.

In the nine lives he had lived, he rarely had the opportunity to experience love. How bewildering it was to be reborn and discover that his previous self was a failure.

‘The moment you perceive it as something expected, that’s the end.’

Saving the world as a hero was regarded as a natural occurrence.

Lewin had also viewed it that way until his previous life.

“Young Master…”

Yet, for Alex, who remained unaware of his story, all he could do was weep.

Alex, who was oblivious to Lewin’s tenth life, simply couldn’t comprehend his actions.

“Young Master, when the Duke mentioned doing what you desire, he surely meant within reasonable limits.”

“Do you believe I would do something illegal? Absolutely not.”

“It sounds as if you intend to indulge yourself as long as it abides by the law, but perhaps I am misunderstanding.”

“Well, yeah, probably.”

Why add “probably” when things were going well?

Despite the exasperating situation, Alex managed to maintain his composure.

Of course, he had to.


“Please, I beg of you…”

“Ha, haha…”

Listening to the conversation between Lewin and Alex, Daisy sighed and flipped her hair, Eyriel fervently prayed to someone, and Hains resigned himself to everything and burst into laughter. That was the extent of it.

Dealing with Lewin for an extended period of time was not Alex’s sole responsibility.

His role was simply to ensure Lewin safely arrived at the academy.

Once they entered the academy, the only time they would see Lewin would be during Beresha Academy’s vacation periods, unless something extraordinary occurred.

Now, everything revolved around these children.

They were well-prepared, and everyone associated with Lewin Dee Dryerf generously supported the three of them, even beyond Lewin’s requests.

It may have been an excessive benefit for ordinary servants, but Alex didn’t perceive it that way.

Not only Alex, but all the servants of the Dryerf family held the same perspective.

“Stay strong.”

All Alex could do was offer a small word of encouragement.


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Daisy understood this as well, and she nodded with a resolute expression.

“You need not worry excessively. Although it is the academy in the capital, it is not as strict as the Royal Academy.”

“That’s why I am even more concerned,” Daisy replied. “If it were a place without any breaks in education, Young Master would not have had the opportunity to enjoy himself.”

“No, even if it were the Royal Academy, it would not have made a difference for the Young Master.”

“It is quite likely. We might even become overwhelmed by our studies and not be able to fulfill our duties properly.”

Eyriel’s words prompted Alex to silently agree.

A high level of education necessitated students of an equally high caliber.

Merely possessing an admission certificate from the Royal Academy did not guarantee a smooth career path.

Gaining admission may be challenging, but graduation posed several times more difficulties.

No matter how exceptional Daisy and the others were, the Royal Academy was a place where only the so-called geniuses of the empire congregated.

“Consider this. We may struggle to complete the same assignments, while the Young Master finishes them swiftly and escapes.”

“He might dump the assignments on us and run away.”

“That is indeed possible. If he were to coerce us by saying, ‘I will be expelled if I do not complete this, will you do it for me?’…”

Hains shook his head with a pale face, as if even the thought of it was dreadful.

“These individuals are truly…”

Lewin, who had been listening quietly, was taken aback.

They were envisioning life at the Royal Academy in such intricate detail, despite never having attended it!

“Wow!! How did you know what I was planning to do?”

“……. “

Slightly annoyed, Lewin attempted to play it off as a joke, but the response he received was unexpectedly cold.

“It’s a joke, a joke. Why are you taking it so seriously?”

Lewin expressed his genuine feelings, but no one paid attention to him.

“Sir Butler, should we complete the Young Master’s assignments if he were to delegate them to us?”


Daisy, who softly muttered “as expected,” regarded Alex with a serious gaze.

“We need to graduate…”

Alex held his head and contemplated the situation.


“Oh! I beg of you…”

Eyriel began praying once more.

“Ha, haha.”

Hains simply peered out the window, wearing an expression of sage-like liberation.

“…Should I really do it?”

And so, while leading their usual daily lives, Lewin’s group slowly made their way toward Beresha Academy.

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