The voyage to the Beresha Academy was remarkably serene. The sight of the Duke of Dryerf’s flag, the Empire’s most formidable ruler, commanded respect and deterred anyone from causing trouble.

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Yet, despite the peacefulness, boredom crept in.

“Young Master?” Daisy, diligently preparing a simple meal by the campfire, sensed the restlessness.

She gently placed the ladle down. 

“I’m bored. I didn’t anticipate such a tranquil journey.”

In Lewin’s recollection, travel had always been perilous—a constant state of tension, uncertain when or where enemies might emerge. In enemy territory, lighting a campfire was akin to inviting death, and sustenance often came in the form of tough jerky to chew on.

But those times were during the fateful war between humans and demons.

Daisy replied, “I don’t know what kind of journey you expected, but it’s preferable when nothing eventful happens. You were the one who suggested taking the carriage, after all.”

Initially, with the wealth and influence of the Dryerf family, they could have teleported Lewin and the others to the capital effortlessly. Most of Lewin’s siblings chose this convenient method, particularly Luna, who frequently enjoyed the privileges of the magic tower’s portals.

However, Lewin insisted on traveling by carriage, using it as an excuse for a journey.

“So, please refrain from causing unnecessary commotion and remain quiet,” Daisy requested, resuming her stirring to prevent the soup from sticking.

Nonetheless, Daisy couldn’t help but keep her gaze fixed on Lewin.

He’s bored.

Such a statement could be uttered by anyone, but when it came from him, it was never an easy situation.

Daisy’s thoughts became entangled, and she continued stirring the soup, her actions growing swifter in silence.

How much time had passed?

After a brief interlude of silence, Daisy spoke up.

“Young Master, if you’re bored, why not engage Eyriel and Hains in some training, just like old times?”

And thus, she betrayed her beloved siblings.

“Should I?”

“Yes, they’ve been bored too, so they’ve asked the knights for training.”

At the suggestion that the two would also like it, Lewin pondered for a moment before nodding his head.

“Well, then. Shall we get some exercise before dinner?”

“Not a bad choice,” Daisy nodded, attempting to steady her trembling hand.

‘I’m sorry.’

Yet, it was an unavoidable decision.

Lewin Dee Dryerf was an incredibly indolent person, yet a peculiar boy who couldn’t tolerate boredom.

He was the type who would stay in bed all day to avoid the perils outside, only to rise before the servants and witness the sunrise in the chilling cold.

His actions were dictated by his ever-changing mood.

When he uttered, “I’m bored,” it signified a crisis.

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Daisy, Eyriel, and Hains had the responsibility to avert that crisis.

‘We cannot afford problems even before our arrival.’

Before long, Lewin vanished from sight.

As the soup reached its readiness, Lewin returned with the two siblings in tow.

Daisy, who had momentarily averted her gaze, refocused on the soup. It wasn’t because she noticed a bruise on Eyriel’s eye or sensed Hains’ discomfort in his leg.

‘No, absolutely not.’

Reassuring herself, Daisy mustered a forced smile.

“You returned swiftly.”

“It feels good to stretch my muscles after a while. I might have gone a bit overboard,” Lewin remarked, referring to his excessive exertion.

Upon hearing his words, Daisy’s smile became stiffer.

“It wasn’t too bad.”

In response, Daisy sensed a hint of coldness in her siblings’ gazes.

“But Alex has been keeping his distance lately.”

“He mentioned having matters to discuss with the group we’re traveling with.”

“Is that so?”

The companions on Lewin’s journey included not only members of the Dryerf family but also the Red Bull Group, one of the continent’s five major groups.

Sipping the soup, Lewin pondered.

‘What is he plotting?’

While Lewin spearheaded the decision to travel by carriage, it was Alex who led the expedition alongside the Red Bull Group.

The reasons were multifaceted.

Whether it was for increased protection against monster attacks due to a larger group, their familiarity with the route from regular supply deliveries to the Beresha Academy, or the desire for a more lively journey with a bustling crowd—Lewin recalled the various excuses he used to convince himself and chuckled softly.

“No matter what happens, it should be entertaining.”

And so…


Surprisingly, nothing eventful occurred.

Listening to the rhythmic sound of carriage wheels, Lewin pondered.

‘Isn’t something supposed to happen in a situation like this?’

What kind of trick was Alex planning to pull off to amuse him?

He felt a sense of embarrassment as he reminisced about how his heart had raced with anticipation.

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Lost in thought, Lewin leaned out of the window.


In the distance, he spotted a person still bowing their head—an individual slightly plump but with a sturdy build.

Undoubtedly, this was the person who had introduced himself as the leader of the Red Bull Group on the first day of their journey.


“Yes, Young Master.”

Lewin had to admit it.

He had been duped.

“What was your plan all along?”

The other person knew him all too well, which led him to feign anxiety and attempt to dissuade Lewin.

“A plan?”

How could he deceive his own lord?

Alex maintained a shamelessly innocent expression as he responded.

“I was merely fulfilling my duty.”

Just doing his duty.


Throughout the journey, he had solely focused on discussing trade goods with the Red Bull Group as a servant of the Dryerf family.

Yet, Lewin didn’t miss it.

For a brief moment, while uttering those words, Alex seemed to smile triumphantly at him!

“Very well.”

Lewin conceded his defeat.

He acknowledged Alex’s cunning.

Despite having lived through ten lifetimes, he had never encountered someone as shrewd as Alex.

In fact, he had underestimated him all this time.

“Young Master.”

Alex tensed at how easily Lewin accepted his defeat. However, to Lewin, defeat was a more familiar concept than one might expect.

Certainly, he had faced formidable opponents like the demons, the combat races, as well as socialites and warlocks. Overcoming them was no easy feat. Yet, the reason a hero becomes legendary in this world is simple: they survive countless defeats and ultimately save the world.

‘The problem lies in the fact that I die in the end.’

One could interpret it as constantly losing to fate in the end.

That’s why Lewin could readily admit his defeat.

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“I’ve lost this time.”

He cheerfully acknowledged his defeat, allowing himself to move forward.


“Even if you say that, it’s not satisfying at all!”

From the very beginning, this confrontation was a battle filled with wounds for the servants, including Alex. The idea of fighting against their master, whom they were meant to serve, was absurd.

“No, you don’t have to say that.”

“Young Master, I don’t know what delusion you’re under…”

“There’s no need to pretend you don’t know. I admit my defeat, don’t I?”

“Young Master…”

“But next time, I won’t lose.”


Alex felt like crying.

In truth, he had never smiled as a victor. It was merely Lewin’s delusion. From the start, this was an imbalanced defensive game—a game where the servants, including Alex, did their best to block their troublesome master, who stirred up trouble left and right.

The battleground had shifted from the familiar and secure territory of the Dryerf family to the Beresha Academy, and the number of people available to block him had dwindled down to just three.

Why was this damned master even more fired up here?

“Sir Butler…”

Observing Lewin’s fervor, Daisy looked at Alex with teary eyes. Despite her mature demeanor compared to her peers, she was still young. The same went for Eyriel and Hains. Though they were recognized for their talent in the knight’s division, they were mere children in their early teens.

“I’m sorry. Hang in there.”

It was the only thing an adult could say to the children—a somber reality. Ironically, the one responsible for creating this reality, the damned master, was the youngest among them.

“It’s stomach medicine from Red Bull. I’ve arranged for a continuous supply to the Beresha Academy store. Just mention the Dryerf family name and they’ll provide it.”

“Thank you.”

It was regrettable that they needed stomach medicine at such a young age, but they had no other choice.

“We’ve arrived.”

The carriage came to a halt, signaling the time for farewells.

“Young Master, we have arrived.”


Alex regarded Lewin with a complex expression on his face.

As the butler serving Latel Dee Dryerf, the eldest son of the Dryerf family, he believed that when Latel entered the academy, he would bring glory to the Dryerf name.

As the butler serving Lagil Dee Dryerf, the second son of the Dryerf family, he believed that when Lagil joined the academy, he would assist his older brother, who had already been admitted, in further elevating the Dryerf name.

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However, the words that resonated most with Alex were the ones spoken by the butler who served Luna In Dryerf, the eldest daughter of the family.

He worried that Luna, with her tender-hearted nature, would get hurt in the world than anticipated.

Those words struck a chord with Alex’s current emotions.

As the butler serving the youngest member of the Dryerf family, Lewin Dee Dryerf, Alex would say the following to other servants upon returning to the Dryerf family: I’m worried that the young master might hurt the world more than anticipated . 

And it was astonishing how quickly his worry turned into reality.


At the entrance of Beresha Academy, a fair-haired child, skipping and running with ease, beamed with joy upon spotting Lewin’s group approaching.

Her radiant smile seemed to illuminate her surroundings, yet remarkably, hardly anyone noticed her.

Even the knights who accompanied Lewin failed to realize her presence.

The only ones who acknowledged her were the three servants, and Alex, who had played catch with the troublesome young master, and of course, Lewin himself.

“Are you here?”

Laila Reinhardt, a familiar figure, approached Lewin with an unconcerned smile.



She was taken aback when Lewin simply passed by without acknowledging her.


Various negative thoughts flooded her mind and quickly dissipated.

Did Lewin not recognize her?

Did she truly become alone in this world?

Suppressing her welling tears, Laila swiftly turned her head and glanced at Daisy and the others.

“Ah, hello?”

Witnessing her distressing state, Daisy and the others couldn’t conceal their sympathy and hastily greeted her.

“Hello, Miss.”


Laila hurriedly rushed towards Daisy, burying her face in her chest. Though she couldn’t see, Daisy could feel her sorrow.

She also saw Lewin, wearing a mischievous smile as he observed them.

“Well, well, Laila, have you become even more inconspicuous?”


Witnessing Laila’s increased anguish at Lewin’s comment, Alex discreetly swallowed a gulp of stomach medicine.


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