Little Play

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When Miaomiao realized that Zhou Yuan had asked this question with the utmost solemnity and seriousness, she immediately gave a reply full of exuberance,” Yes. You are cute. Very cute!”

Zhou Yuan’s heart was in his throat. He saw her frank and unselfish look, “…”

Based on the context, it was evident that Miaomiao didn’t love him.

However, Zhou Yuan wasn’t in a hurry. He knew that Miaomiao was correct. She was still young, and perhaps she was only temporarily blinded by love for a little while, but she will certainly be heads over heels for him later.

Although he didn’t figure out how much time he would need to make her see him in a different light.

A feeling of languor enveloped everyone after they had basked in the hot springs. They all took a bath and slipped into their casual clothes. When they returned, they found that the whole roasted lamb was ready.

The aroma of the whole roasted lamb was so appetizing that the four of them ate the entire thing. Then, after they had consummated their meal, they returned to their hotel rooms.

Since they had basked in the hot springs for so many hours, Miaomiao felt the softness of her body; therefore, she slept throughout the afternoon. She slept tranquilly and soundly.

When she woke up, she heard the sound of people playing cards outside.

Miaomiao felt a twang of surprise. She got up and went outside to find the other three playing cards.

Deng Feng and Jingjing’s faces were covered with stickers, whereas Zhou Yuan’s face remained pristine with nothing on it.

After seeing her arrival, Jingjing greeted her, “Miaomiao, come here! Help me get vengeance.”

“Zhou Yuan’s so good, and we had lost every game. There was one round where his biggest card was a king, which resulted in his victory!”

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Miaomiao also found it incredible.

She glanced at him, and her eyes met Zhou Yuan’s.

During the last two days, Zhou Yuan didn’t say much, but she felt something had changed between them. She was unsure of what exactly was the matter with her, but she felt a vague sense of something being wrong.

Jingjing pulled Miaomiao and made her sit in her chair. She now sat in front of Zhou Yuan.

Jingjing yelled, “Miaomiao, you must avenge me!”

Miaomiao: “Miss. I think you have the wrong impression of me! We grew up together since we were young. How often have you seen me win at cards?”

Jingjing laughed, but she said nothing in return.

Nevertheless, Miaomiao still drew the cards. After drawing her cards, Deng Feng then drew his own cards, then Zhou Yuan, then Deng Feng again. Three people drew cards in a very rhythmic manner.

Miaomiao looked at her cards.

Zhou Yuan was the lord of this round.

Miaomiao could not read Zhou Yuan’s facial expression, and therefore she couldn’t determine whether the cards he held were good or not, but she felt that this round would also result in his victory.

Jingjing watched them from the sidelines.

These three kept playing, and the card battle raged on. Eventually, Miaomiao ended up with a pair of tens in her hand, and the right to deal them wasn’t hers yet.

Jingjing hugged Miaomiao, “Miaomiao, soon you’ll also get a sticker on your face. Deng Feng, you’re going to get another sticker on your face.”

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Then, they heard Zhou Yuan declare, “I have a pair of sevens.”

Miaomiao was taken aback, “What a coincidence, I have a pair of tens!”

Jingjing sighed in a low voice, “It’s over. I’m going to win as a dog from now on.”

Miaomiao looked up and met Zhou Yuan’s gaze, “Come on! Put the sticker on!!!”

Miaomiao swiftly took out the sticker, leaned in front of Zhou Yuan, and put it on his face. Also, she pressed the sticker to ensure that it wouldn’t fall off.

Jingjing watched this scene and said, “Come on. Let’s continue!”

Miaomiao was extremely exuberant after her first victory. After all, she did win the match against the great Zhou Yuan. So she happily replied, “Okay. Let’s continue!”

Despite losing several matches, which resulted in him getting some stickers on his face, Zhou Yuan didn’t seem unhappy at all. He was actually very happy.

Currently, the four of them could be considered to be good friends, maybe even confidants.

Miaomiao was the only one, whose face was bereft of stickers.

Miaomiao: “Wow. I’m very lucky today…I haven’t suffered a defeat yet. I’m going to burst with happiness.”

Jingjing patted Miaomiao on the shoulder, “I want to see you burst also. In fact, let me see it now.”

“Please call me the Goddess of Gambling,” Miaomiao said, imitating the tone of someone from a TV show.

Jingjing: “…” No,no,no. You sound like a femme fatale now.

Suddenly, Jingjing said cleverly, “Should we play something bolder?”

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“It’s also a card game, but the person who loses must fulfill the requests of the winner.”

“There are four of us. It might not be fitting to play this game, right?”

“It’s very simple, and there’s no landlord. We each draw the same number of cards. Then, we’ll see which one of us could finish them first. The rules are as follows. The first person finishes, then the second, and then the third person finishes. The last person, who still had cards left, must, without a shadow of a doubt, obey the first’s request.”

Miaomiao looked at Jingjing and Deng Feng and said, “You two have to be careful if I win.”

Jingjing replied, “That’s not true. They have to be careful about me.”

Then, she pretended to throw a casual glance at Zhou Yuan, “…”

What she never saw coming was Deng Feng since he remained taciturn and finished his cards first, then Zhou Yuan, then Miaomiao. Jingjing was the last place.

She originally brought up this suggestion to have fun, but she never expected to lose and find herself on the receiving end of whatever punishment Deng Feng wished for.

“Deng Feng, Deng Feng. Quickly tell us your request,” Miaomiao exhorted.

Jingjing looked at Deng Feng pitifully, “Since we’re almost like siblings, I beg you for mercy. Be merciful with me. Please do not request something like going outside naked.”

Deng Feng looked at Jingjing. Then he produced a pen and paper from the side and scribbled down, “Call me brother.”

“Are you going to back down from this request?” Jingjing said.

Miaomiao: “Jingjing. You yourself said that we had to agree to anything and everything. This shouldn’t be too difficult to fulfill, right?”

Jingjing, who was wronged, said, “…Brother.”

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As she watched this scene unfold, Miaomiao felt kind of funny. Then, she raised her head and saw Zhou Yuan looking at her again.

At this point, Miaomiao began to wonder, ‘Why is Zhou Yuan staring at me so much today?’

Miaomiao’s first reaction was to check if there was anything on her face, but her face was devoid of any peculiarity. 

So…is Zhou Yuan looking at me because he feels that I’m a very smart person since I beat him so many times at cards?

Jingjing wanted ice cream, so she dragged Deng Feng away. Miaomiao and Zhou Yuan were all alone now, so they continued playing cards.

Since there were only two people, they divided the dozen or so pieces of candy that were placed in the middle of the table as a wager.

Miaomiao drew a card and then waited for Zhou Yuan to draw a card.

“Call or not?” Miaomiao asked.

Miaomiao now had a temperament similar to those gods of gambling from the old TV series.

Zhou Yuan looked at his cards and said, “Call.” Then he placed two candies in the middle of the table.

And like that, they had a great time…until Miaomiao lost all her candies in the last round.

Miaomiao: “…” She felt as if someone had destroyed her dignity and dragged it into the mud.

Obviously, Zhou Yuan didn’t feel the same and asked, “Do you still want to play?”

Miaomiao: “…”

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