Big Standards

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When Miaomiao looked at her cards, she thought that perhaps she could win this round. However, she hasn’t placed a bet yet.

“I have no bets,” Miaomiao declared.

“No bet?” Zhou Yuan scrutinized Miaomiao and asked, “if you lose, you must agree to my conditions, and likewise if I lose, I’ll do the same…is that alright with you?”

Miaomiao thought it was just a game anyways, and with Zhou Yuan’s personality, he wouldn’t request anything that would make her life difficult, so she nodded.

She had a straight flush in her hand; therefore, Zhou Yuan’s chances of victory were slim.

Miaomiao flipped their cards, and then she froze for an ephemeral moment since Zhou Yuan had just barely beaten her.

Miaomiao: “Well, I’ll accept the bet. What is your request?” She surmised that he was just going to ask her something about love and relationships.

Everyone probably believed that she resembled a psychiatrist; therefore, everyone asked her for advice regarding their relationships.

“I haven’t thought about it yet. I’ll tell you later.” Zhou Yuan finished speaking, and Jingjing and Deng Feng had just returned from outside. There was still some discomfiture between the two, but Miaomiao felt that there was some progress.

Jingjing was walking behind Deng Feng; she stepped forward and told them, “While we were downstairs just now, we met a very beautiful girl who kept trying to converse with Deng Feng, but he completely ignored her. He was born to live alone forever.”

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Miaomiao glanced at Deng Feng and replied, “He doesn’t need to trouble himself over another person. Don’t just trouble yourself over her just because she looks good.”

Zhou Yuan digested what she had said from the sidelines. He raised his eyebrows in response. He already conjectured that the grown-up girl would understand who was most suitable for her. But her defense of Deng Feng had worsened his mood.

I fall in love, and straight away I experience and feel this pain.

They planned to sojourn one night here. The four of them went out for a nighttime promenade. The night view here was very nice here since it was a resort area.

Jingjing and Miaomiao shared a room. They hadn’t slept in the same bed for a long time.

The two began chatting for a bit after taking a bath.

“Miaomiao. What do you think of Zhou Yuan?”

“He’s very good.” Why does Jingjing ask me this question all the time?

Wait a minute.

Miaomiao asked Jingjing, her voice interlaced with worry, “You aren’t falling in love with him, are you?”

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“What? How could I?” Jingjing swiftly denied.

“I remember that you liked boys who are handsome. And who’s the most handsome boy in our age group? That’s right, Zhou Yuan.” Miaomiao said since her surmise wasn’t unfounded.

The matter needed clarification, so Jingjing quickly responded, “No, I have no interest in this sort of person. I prefer someone I could control. In my mind, people like Zhou Yuan are ruled out. He’s just too complex and cold.”

Miaomiao couldn’t comprehend her thought processes, so she responded, “I think he’s actually very simple. You don’t talk to him that much; therefore, you have this illusion, this conjecture of him.”

Jingjing: “…” Me? You have this illusion of him.

Jingjing remembered her childhood. She never played much with Zhou Yuan since Zhou Yuan never became friends with her. In other words, their worlds never truly overlapped.

Jingjing recalled that Zhou Yuan kept staring at Miaomiao like some crazed animal, possessed by some obsession. The way he stared at her; she knew what this meant.

Miaomiao was fraught with anxiety over her statements, but fortunately, Miaomiao believed that she had no interest in Zhou Yuan.

“You and Deng Feng should also speak with Zhou Yuan more as we are also old friends,” Miaomiao said.

Jingjing saw her innocence, so she said, “Miaomiao…”

“Huh?” Miaomiao peered at Jingjing, “What’s wrong?”

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“Nothing. I’m just sleepy. Let’s hurry up and sleep.”

She originally planned to tell her that Zhou Yuan liked her, but due to Miaomiao’s veneration of Zhou Yuan, she wondered if saying that would aggravate or unsettle Miaomiao.

Zhou Yuan returned from college. He really wasn’t easy to get along with, and he vanished when he was young; there was no contact at all. Jingjing felt she should look at the big picture…or forget it.

Miaomiao wasn’t somnolent at all since she took a nap today, whereas Jingjing was languorous since she spent a lot of time basking in the hot springs. She also didn’t take a nap at noon. While Jingjing was fast asleep, Miaomiao was still wide awake.

She played with her phone for a while, but she felt no fun from doing so. She got up and went to get some candy from the living room.

They sojourned in a suite with three bedrooms and a living room. Miaomiao and Jingjing slept in one room, whereas the two boys sojourned in another.

Miaomiao came out of the house and saw Zhou Yuan up on the balcony, sitting there in the cold.

She approached him, “Zhou Yuan?”

Zhou Yuan raised his head and peered back at her, “Yeah?”

Miaomiao sat down beside him, “The scenery here is really beautiful during the night.”

Zhou Yuan turned his head and nodded. 

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The two of them remained silent, and they squinted up at the sea of stars swimming up in the night sky. The stars gleamed amidst the night sky like fiery, iridescent gemstones that looked down at them, smiling at their innocence and incognizance of human relations.

A few moments later, Miaomiao heard his question, “What makes a person cute?”

Zhou Yuan was not ready to turn into a cute boy, but he was curious about how a person became cute.

Miaomiao answered this question honestly, “He should be lovely, and he should be kind, helpful, humorous, optimistic, and occasionally chatty…”

Zhou Yuan: “…” That’s almost like a non-answer. There’s no true example to illustrate this since it’s so subjective. It’s just too abstract.

The two conversed on the balcony for a while before realizing that it was getting late, so they went back into their respective bedrooms to partake in their soporific slumber.

The next morning, Miaomiao woke up to discover that her head felt heavy, and her nose felt congested.

“Good morning.” When she departed her bedroom, she bumped into Zhou Yuan, so she greeted him.

“Do you have a cold?” Zhou Yuan frowned.

Miaomiao said, “Perhaps I didn’t cover myself up with the quilt last night.”

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