On the day I met my mother-in-law, we disbanded since it was getting late and it became so that Kouyou was going to send me home.

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“Mother-in-law is such an interesting person!”


“Is that so? I don’t really understand. Well even so, that’s because my father isn’t here. The two of them together would be a huge pain in the ass.”


“Father-in-law huh……….I want to meet him.”


“You called him that so naturally huh.”


“Ehehe, it’s because I’m used to it.”


“In your fantasies? That’s somewhat disagreeable.”


“Muuー! Isn’t it fine………”


“I wasn’t saying it’s bad you know.”


“But it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten with an adult woman like this so it was fun!”


“Heeー, good for you.”


“Mu, your response is as weak as usual.”

“That’s not true………..In the first place, she said it herself right? Mother-in-law. If there’s some free time then feel free to invite her. You can come alone with mother and with me. Or even just me is fine.”


“I, I see…………..Th, thank you…………..”




It’s not fair because you say these things that I want you to say without thinking about it.

Maybe that’s why you were popular in middle school…………..


I don’t really like it…………


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“Nn? What’s the matter?”


“That, ……about that, you are going to school tomorrow since you already got your haircut along with the contact lense right?”

“Well, I was told to do so. By you”

“Bu-, but! It’s okay to not change your atmoshere……”


“?………What do you mean?”


“Just like before, it’s fine to emit the don’t talk to me aura.”


“Hmm. To Koyomi too?”


“Not for me!”


“Alright alright. I get it. I’m not going to be swayed by anyone, don’t worry. Mostly, do you think I’ll be popular when Akira and the others are around?”


“You, you will……”




Uu…………I said it………….

I mean, I’m worried! It can’t be helped!

But he’s kind. Haah…….I like him….

Lately because Kouyou have gotten softer, instead of falling in love with me, he made me fall further in love with him.

I’m in a dilemma.


Furthermore if I ask won’t he keep his distance?


“Ca-, can I ask one more thing?”


“It’s fine butー?”

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“Do you have any?”


“What thing?”


“Do you have any lingering feelings for your former girlfriend……..”


“Aah, that matter……….not at all. I told you right? Going out was more of a goal rather than me liking her……I don’t know now. Besides you should just think of it of a funny story.”


“U, Un……I understand………….but I’m still worried about it……..I’m sorry? It’s heavy right…Even though it’s only temporary……..”


“Isn’t it a normal thing to be worried about? To be worried about someone’s former girlfriend. And even if you say temporary, that’s not much different you know. It’s just that my awareness and your reasons are different. It’s true that Koyomi likes me, and we are dating. You don’t really have to worry about it. You can ask me anything if you’re worried. I’ll answer everything I can.”


“…………Thank you…….”


U, uu………..he’s too kind……….you’re so cool…

This is a bad idea. This is the kind of things that will make me fall in love further.

The proof is in the fake Kansai dialect.


Haa………I had a really good time today………


“Hey, Kouyou?”




“Was today fun? Being with me and not just the playing around…….”


“Fufu…….It was very fun. Thank you for staying with me. ”


“Ehehe………Me too!”


And I hugged Kouyou’s arm after saying that.

They are very close together, and my chest hits my arm, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter.

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“It’s hard to walk. ………”


“Isn’t it fine…..wi-, I’m your bride after all….. ”


My face gets a little bit hot. It’s probably read now….


“Like I say, if you are going to be embarrassed then you don’t have to force yourself to say it……….How many times has this happened?”


“I told you, I’m not red!”


“Yes yes…….”


After that I walked home like that while still holding on to his arm.


Even though I was the one hugging him, I felt as if my whole body was wrapped up in his warmth, a feeling of happiness that was hard to describe envelops me.


I guess I couldn’t stop grinning, and Kouyou told me I was weird more than once.


And so I arrived home, and our date for the day was over.


『Thank you for today! It was really fun!』




Ufufu, with RINE, the response is less than when you meet in person.


『Are we going to play tomorrow too?』


『I’m sorry, my father is coming tomorrow so………』


『Ah, I see! It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it.』


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『We can at least have dinner together. What will you do?』


『Please let me eat dinner together with you!』


Hoorayー! Two days in a row………!


『Then is it okay if I come to Koyomi’s house tomorrow?』


『Eh? We aren’t going to your house?』


『Both of them are probably going to fight tomorrow, and this is not the time for that.』


『Ah, I see………』


『Is that not okay?』


『Uun, I’m looking forward to it.』


Kouyou’s going to come to my house tomorrow!


I, I have to clean my room.

And, and then……「Your room is beautiful」 「Is that so?」 「But Koyomi is more beautiful.」「Ehh!」

Is what I’d hope to happen, and then………Kyaー!!


I even said that cooking was our first joint effort.

「It’s like we’re married.」 – 「Yeah, we are.」

「Do you think we could just live together and get married?」「What? No, …….」 「All right, let’s do some prep work! 」「Ehh!」


Uhehe……..I think I’m going to drool.


Aha…….Can’t tomorrow come fasterー?


It was a happy night with my prided fantasy.

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