Author’s Note:

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This is completely unrelated but, It’s amazing how hard it is to find a punchline for each story.



ーー    Bing-bong


My father has arrived.

It’s finally here………….the depressing part. I mean, we’re about to see a romantic comedy cross paths right before our eyes!




“Yosh! Kouyou, how have you been doing?”


“Un, long time no meet Father.”


“Ou ou, I’ll be intruding~!”


He entered the room as he said that.

I also locked the door and chased after him right after.


“Yoー! Konoha! Long time no meetー! Are you well?”


“Eeh, it’s been a long time, Shigeru.”


My father’s name is Kiyama Shigeru.


He doesn’t have any particularly unique trait, but he seemed to be called a genius since back in the days. I heard that I’m smart like my mother but my father could do most things without much effort.


Both of them called each other by their names.


“You don’t seem very livelyー!”


“That’s because you are here.”


Uーn. Why are they so hostile to each other……….

This was basically due to my mother who’s not being honest.

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“Is that so? The truth is that you are lonely right? Nn?”


“Haahh…….There’s no way that’s true.”


“But I’m lonely. Even now I’m very happy when I get to meet you.”


“Tsu!…………..Eh, No, that………..”


And my mother is also fundamentally simple.


“No……that…………the truth is I am……lonely too, so I’m happy………”


“Guhaha! You were pulled in! I see, I see, so you were that happyー!”


“Tsu………..! Sc, you scum…..I’ll kill you!”


But it’s Father’s bad habit to make Mother in a good mood and to suddenly bring it down on his own.


They are truly bothersome parents indeed.


“Ah, leaving that aside, I brought the recipe.”


“Ah, thank you.”


“Aah, Aahh…here mine too.”




After that, the couple fought with each other.

First of all, it seemed like Mother and Father will be going home the day after tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will have our first family dinner together in a long time.


Mother told Father about Koyomi and he’s been teasing me all day since then.



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“Yosh! Good morning! Eh Kouyou!?”


“Nn? What’s the matter, Akira?”


“Yo, you, your hair…and the contacts……”


“Nn? I didn’t mention it? Koyomi made me do this.”


“Eh, Eeeh……your impression feels different…….”


“Yes, yes. Thank you.”


“I haven’t complimented you yet.”


“You were going to compliment me anyways right? You look good in that! Or something along those lines.”


“Well, yes, but …… you’re still a hard man to mess with like usual.”


“I’m sorry about that…Ah, Koyomi good morning.”


“U, Un! Good morning…”


She clearly had a face like she wanted to say something to me so I called out to her.


It’s not like cutting my hair and getting contacts changed anything. I took my seat as usual.


Yeah, I’m the one who hasn’t changed, so of course people will look at me differently.


“Ehー! So you did an image change Kouyou!”


“Umu, that suits you!”


“That’s nice~It fits you! It’s unexpectedly cool~”

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“Yes, yes. Thank you, thank you.”


“Ahaha, your reaction is as weak as usualー. I’m relieved!”




Why are you relieved? I don’t really understand.


“Ehー! Are you Kiyama-kun!? That’s cool!”




“You’re smart, you’re fast, you look athletic, you’re handsome, and you’re cool!”


Uwaa, the girl’s impression of me was the same as the one during middle school.


“Heyーheyー, let’s go play next time!”


“UnUn! Is it a no?”


It’s not as if I can’t, but I don’t particularly have any reason to say OK.

Or rather……


“No, I would rather not do that.”


“Ehー, whyー?”


“That’s because I’m glared at. By Koyomi. The whole time.”


Yes, I’ve been glared at by Koyomi since the girls in the class started talking to me. No, since Yumekawa said I’m cool.

A black aura began to flow out when the girls started asking me to go out to play just now.


“Eh, Ah!”


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“Mmm-hmm! What do you want with ………… my boyfriend?”


She coughs deliberately and then says that while emphasizing the boyfriend part.


“Ah, so you were still dating each other…..”


“Nn? What do you mean? You think I broke up with Kouyou?”


“Do, don’t be that angry……..There was a rumour about it being a punishment game so I thought you already broke up with him since you don’t like him……”


“No, no that is……..I like him properly, and I have no intention of breaking up!”


“Ah, aah………….sorry. I shouldn’t have believed the rumors so easily, right? I’m sorry.”


“No, it’s fine… don’t have to apologize……….”


Well, it’s the truth after all…………


However, it’s probably true that this is a self-serving rumor.

It’s probably just a self-proclaimed detective who’s so jealous that he disbelieves that she’s dating a shady guy like me that he came to that conclusion on his own. I think it’s okay to be angry, though.


“I don’t care if it’s a punishment game or not, we’re still lovers, and we haven’t broken up. Don’t believe too much of it, okay? Rumors like that.”


“Ah, Un. I’m sorry.”


After saying that, the girls went back to their seats.


“Th, thank you………”


“I told you the day before yesterday. I think you should be more confident about being my lover. At the very least I won’t be deterred by it.”




Nnー, I can’t really continue the conversation…….


I mean, my parent’s situation are more of a romantic comedy.

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