“Kouyou! Are you okay!”

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“Ah, my bad.”


We couldn’t contact them no matter how many times we tried, so in the end, Akira and the others came around 30 minutes after the events.


Sakai and his people have already been taken away by the police.


“Hmm? Where is Koyomi?”


“Nn? She’s right here right.”


As I said that, I pointed to my knee.


Koyomi is sleeping on my lap while smiling as if she is floating, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.


“Lap, lap pillow………..”


“Since Koyomi have been full of vigor since yesterday, she have been moving quite a lot. She must have been tired to fall asleep after crying.”


“Is, is that so………….How about the people from your part-time job? I have to say my thanks to them.”


“Rumi-chan went home immediately after I made the call, the other two were being inquired by the police regarding the incidents. Actually it was supposed to be Koyomi or me who should be there but Nene-san and the others lowered their head and asked for it to be postponed. In the end the police accepted that as they saw Koyomi’s sleeping face.”


“Sleeping face?”


“Her eyes were swollen from all the crying, and her face were still filled with tears, but it was unbelieveable that she seemed so happy when she was sleeping on my lap. So they didn’t want to be a hindrance.”


“I see………..”


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“And after that, we conveyed it to the parties that had to be informed, and it was arranged so it wasn’t conveyed to the mass media or the society.”


“I see…………that’s good.”


Akira and the others let out a relieved voice.

But well, the truth is that it can’t be helped. Everyone helped a lot this time. Frustratingly, the manager too.


Even now, I should be thanking them.


“Or rather, why did they come too?”


“Aah, I called them.”


“In the middle of all that?”


“No way……I don’t have that kind of spare time, if I was going to call someone, I would have called the police.”


“That’s true. Then how about him?”


“He came in the end. It was dangerous with just us children’s right? That’s why he called someone else to help, and from there Nene-san called the manager.”


“Aah, I see. He is smart.”


“Nene-san was tailing us from a little further away from us, but that congestion was beyond my expectations. Because of that, he lost sight of us.”


“Then how do you find her?”


“I was just lucky.  I met with Rumi-chan as I was on the way of pursuing them, and so she called Nene-san. After that we caught up to them and Rumi-chan told Nene-san about what’s happening. Well, I don’t know why Rumi-chan came along and beat Sakai’s people, but apparently Nene-san and the manager was called.”


“Aah, I see……”


The congestion of the street at that time really helped Sakai’s plan, so it was really lucky that I met Rumi-chan on the way.

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If we hadn’t met there, I wouldn’t know what would have happened to Koyomi or me.


When I looked at Koyomi’s sleeping face, a smile leaked out of my face.

After that, I silently stroked her head.




I heard a little bit of her sleep-talking.


Seeing that condition of hers, I think that this incident this time might not leave a scar in her psychological state anymore.


Especially since this incident was solved without much casualties.


“Then, I’ll be going home soon, so someone bring Koyomi back to her home. Don’t wake her up.”


“Eehh? How about you?”


“I’m sorry, I have something that I absolutely can’t put off.”


After I said that, I stood up so as to not wake Koyomi up, leaving her to Koyomi.


“Nn…..Nn………..No….Don’t go! Kouyou……please don’t goー………..”






Thank goodness she was just sleep-talking. I was so shocked I let out a strange voice.


Or rather, changing her laps like this, is she a genius!


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“You, even Koyomi said that.”


“She’s just sleep-talking.”




“It was an important matter…….”


“Even more than Koyomi?”






“But, I really can’t let this one go. This is like putting the cart before the horse but, this one………..just this………..I……………”


“Nn, well, if that’s the case then I can’t stop you………”


“Thank you.”


“If you need something tell me okay.”


“Aah, it’s fine.”


I whispered to Akira’s ear.


After Akira listened to that, he looked at me as if he was surprised and deeply moved.


“I see…………..If you go that far. Yosh! Do as you please!”


“It’s not like that…………’s just that, I thought of that sometimes. Ah, but I’m going to Koyomi’s house later, can you tell her that? I was thinking of staying over if Koyomi is okay with it. Or rather, I would like to do that with everyone. Of course, after all that’s happened, I think she must be scared.”

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“Ou! I got it! After bringing Koyomi back home, we’re all going to bring our luggage!”


“Nn, thank you……….see you.”


“I’ll see you later!”



I quickly moved away from there.


The sun began to submerge.

I’m bad at things like this, and it takes time.


This is bad……….I don’t have much time….


I ran.


Today……………a lot happened.

Come to think of it, I was supposed to be going on a date with Koyomi today but we couldn’t.


And that’s why, I want to give Koyomi the best cultural festival.


Incidentally, after Koyomi was brought to her home, this is her reaction after waking up.


“Uwaaaann!……Kouyou is not here!”


“Wai-, Oioi this is beyond our expectations! Kouyou! Are you still not done!”


Author’s Note:


Hmm? Koyomi? No punchline?

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