Yesterday, after that matter, when I was about to go home, Koyomi was resting peacefully. Apparently she was crying timidly when I wasn’t there.

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Nonetheless, it seemed like the incident yesterday with Sakai doesn’t leave a trauma in her heart. She’s a strong girl.


And today is the last day of the school cultural festival.


My shift and Koyomi’s shift are only until noon, which means that we will have free time after that.

In other words, we’re going on a school cultural festival date after that.


After we finished our shift, we quickly go to eat our lunch and discuss our plans.


“Where will we go to eat lunch?”


“Aah……No, Umm……..”


“Nn? What’s the matter?”


“No, there’s nothing! It’s nothing. Where should we eat right?”


Koyomi’s condition is a little weird.

I didn’t particularly do anything strange today, nor do I say anything of that sort.

If that’s the case, then I think the problem lies with Koyomi.

Or rather, she looks like she was going to tell me something.

But nothing came out.


Should I try to ask here?


“Koyomi, do you have anything you would like to say?”


“N-, no…………there’s nothing, did I worry you? I’m sorry.”


“But I feel like there’s something wrong with your condition today?”


“I, I was just so happy I can’t calm down.”


“I, I see.”


Nnー, as I thought it’s definitely not that.

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But she was trying to hide it so I should probably not pursue it further.


Well, it’s not as if I can’t guess from the timing. If she doesn’t want to say it then it’s fine. I’ll wait until she talks.


“Then where should we go to eat?”


“Umm, I wonder where…………”


“Ah, doesn’t this one look good?”


I pointed at a brochure, and Nozomi took a look at it.


“An original method of udon they say. This wasn’t in our shop so we haven’t tried this since the school cultural festival started right? I can’t make this usually after all.”


“Ah………………Un……….isn’t that fine…”


I saw Koyomi’s tension drop down.
Could it be that she doesn’t like udon or noodles?


“No…………..? I’m sorry, I don’t know what Koyomi likes at all. Please tell me what you like. We’ll then find from there okay?”


“Uun, I don’t hate udon at all! It’s nothing……….Then, let’s go eat?”


“Eh? Ah, Un………”


I took Koyomi’s hand and brought her to the store.


She was speaking as if she’s having fun, but her face was casted downwards.


Was she being considerate to me, or could this be from another different reason?


I couldn’t find the answer, but I had decided to make Koyomi as happy as possible today. This can’t continue.


I stopped walking in the middle.

Koyomi whose hand was pulling me was turning towards me.


“So-, sorry………was I too fast? Or could it be that you don’t like someone to touch your hands?”


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“No, that’s not it………What’s the problem? Koyomi?”




“Your condition today is a little weird. If you were being considerate to me then you don’t have to. You should just say what you think without holding back.”


“That’s not it! It’s fine! I told you right? I can’t calm down because I’m too happy!”


Koyomi forcefully tried to put up a smile, she was probably trying to increase the tension but it was clear that she was forcing herself.


“Is that really fine?”




“Koyomi………do you know what day it is today?”


“Eh? I, I don’t know………..”


It seems like she was doing it on purpose.


Perhaps she was afraid of me telling a different one.


“It’s fine, Koyomi probably knows about it if she thinks about it.”


“Eh, Etto…………….was it 2 months since then?”


“Un, that’s right.”

That’s right. Today is exactly 2 months after we started dating since that punishment game.


“Is it fine with that?”


“What, what is it?”


“The 2 months anniversary. Especially since there was a lot last month that you didn’t get to do much. That’s why, I was trying to make Koyomi enjoy today as much as possible.”


“U, Un………”


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“But Koyomi doesn’t seem to have fun today at all. To force yourself to be considerate, and forcing yourself to smile………..are you really fine with that? If you have something you would like to say, just say it anyways, let’s enjoy it as much as we can.”


“Ca-, can I really say it…………….?”


“Un, of course.”


Koyomi was bashfully moving her body.


She started to blush, and moved as if she was shy, happy and apologetic.


That miraculous balance was incredibly attractive.

That expression is nice. If I was a high school student without reason, I would have immediately taken that picture.


“Ah, umm……..”




“I, I made lunch……..Can we not go to a store……..and eat together?”


“…………A lunched box?”


“Un…………..last time, you told me that you feel like the one you made on your own is the best…… might be troublesome but………… was the anniversary……….I would like you to eat it…………..I’m not as good as Kouyou, and it might not fit your taste but……..since 1 month ago I have been practicing……….I’m proud of this one……… it a no?”


Aah, I see……………..


So there was something like that.

Uwahh……….I forgot about it………


No, but that was my true feelings. Even now I would rather eat my own cooking. This alone I can’t deny.


Though at that time, I was wary of Koyomi, so I unintentionally……….


I wasn’t intending on refusing this though………


Uwahh………This is completely my fault, isn’t it.


“Ahー, no, it wasn’t as if I don’t want to eat this, I was just thinking that it might have been better to make my own lunched box……….And if I don’t have my own lunchbox and you offered it to me, I wasn’t going to refuse it……….”

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“Etto, that’s why, thank you. For preparing this for me. Is it fine if I eat it?”


“Is, is it really fine? The food in the store might taste better, you know?”


“But, this is Koyomi’s handmade cooking, it’s not like anyone can eat it, I’m going to get the lunchbox filled with the most love in the world from Koyomi. There’s nothing happier than this.”


“Is, is that so……….But, to eat a lunch box in a school festival.”


“For me, this lunch box is the same as the one from a 5 star restaurant. I’m really grateful for this, thank you. It was the first time I got to eat something like this.”


“U, Un! I made it with love! Please eat it!”




Koyomi was smiling happily.


As I thought……..that smile fits her better………


“So, where is it?”


“Ah, I left it in the classroom! I’ll go take it for a while!”


“Eh, Un.”


“Let’s eat in the courtyard! I’ll go ahead.”


“I got itー!”


Koyomi ran towards the classroom.


For now, let’s head to the courtyard…..

This is nice once in a while……….
To get something like a handmade lunch box from your girlfriend. Even though my stomach is empty, my heart felt fulfilled.


Author’s Note:

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