The game was in its final stages and the time was running out. This is probably going to be the last play.

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The score is now tied at 4-4. The ball is with Akita as we tried to counter the enemy’s attack.

By the way, all of the goals that the team had was scored by Iseda. He was really good.

Akira rush forward, drawing attention to himself. Thanks to that the opponent’s mark on me was getting thinner.

At that moment, I ran without stopping. I’m confident in how fast my feet is.

That took everyone by surprise and because of that they can’t chase me.


Akita passed the ball to me with a huge long pass.

There was one defender in front.

I can dodge this one!




Just like how I had practiced with everyone else, I pulled it off beautifully.

If we keep going on like this then it’s going to be our win. I bring the ball up.

“As if I’ll let you!”


It seems like he came back at the last moment.

It was originally a counter attack. The allies solidifies their defense, so there’s no way that I can pass the ball easily.

“You’re on my way.”

“That’s why I said I won’t let you.”

In an attempt to cross Iseda, I tried to control the ball, but that was all seen through.

Can’t I avoid him somehow………….

“Haah, haah……..”

“With this you understand right? That I completely surpasses you! Give it up!” (TLN: *sigh…….I hope this arc about Iseda will end soon…..)

I can’t protect the ball any further than this. I guess it’s almost time……..

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“I’ll give up. but this is a team match. I never intended to win on my own.”


I approached Iseda and sealed his movements.



I gave the ball to Akira with a heel pass.

“Nice pass!”


Iseda reacted too slow.

He can’t catch up to Akira.

Akira took the ball and shoot it.

The ball went in, as if it was being sucked in.

And so,


“Bleep, bleep, bleep!”


The whistle that signaled the end of the match was blown.


The one who won was our class, the 4th class.



There were cheers all over the place.

“We did it Kouyou!”

As Akira said that, he took out his hands and I silently striked his hands.

It was a high five.

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“But, I guess this is no good……..”

“Nn? Why?”

“Because this is the victory of the group, it wasn’t my own accomplishment. In the end I couldn’t score any points.”

“But you see, scoring points in soccer is not everything there is to it. You gave me a nice assist at the end! ”

“However, Iseda was very active in both defense and attack. His nimble ball movement, firm defense, precise instructions, and fast, sharp shooting. Akira, Manamoto, and Nakata from the soccer team scored one goal each, and Akita scored two goals. It’s obvious who was the most active.”

“Bu-, butー”

“I’m not sad about it or anything so it’s okay. It’s just that, it wasn’t a bad result for Iseda……..”

“I see………”

“Well, there’s nothing I can do even if I babble here. The real match is during the end-of-term exams.”

“That’s right! Come on, Koyomi is also here, so let’s go to where everyone else is!”


“Ah, I’m sorry. Can you go on first?”

“Oiー, come soon alrightー!”

“Yes, yes.”

After he said that, Akira ran off to where everyone else is.


“It was a good match, Kouyou-kun.”


Iseda appeared besides me all of a sudden.

“Well~, looks like I’ve lost.”

“If you are joking then it’s not funny at all………”

“Nnー, that’s not what I meant though. Well, for this one shall we say it’s a draw?”

“Do as you wish.”

“I’m looking forward to the end-of-term examination okay?”

“That’s right. I can finally get rid of this stalker, so I’m looking forward to it.”

“Stalker huh……….”

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“In the end………I guess that I like Koyomi. When I hugged her after the match, when she cheered for me, everything just makes me so happy.”


“I want to see Koyomi smile. If I break up with her, then I won’t be able to see her smile anymore. That’s why, I won’t lose to you.”

“Fu, fufufu…………And I will destroy that………”

“…………….It’s been coming back to me a little, you are──”

“Just let me tell you one thing. You have no right to fall in love………”

“……………..That’s just your own assumptions……”

After saying that much, I move away from Iseda.

Although, my predictions are probably on the mark.

That unpleasant feeling from last time. The feeling that I’ve met him before. It wasn’t just once or twice.

And for some reason, he bore a grudge against me.

“Ah, Kouyou~! You were so cool in the end!!”

“Fufu, thank you.”

Koyomi jumps into my chest and I caught her.



In our hugging state, I turned my face towards her, and we look together in each other’s eyes.

“……………From now on too, let’s be together okay.”


“………I like you.”

“Eh, Eh, Ehh?”

“Are? You aren’t happy about it?”

“No, no………sa-, say it one more timeー!”

“I don’t want to.”

“Once more! Once more!”

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“You’re noisy.”


I held Koyomi’s face against my chest, forcing her to shut up.

I……….have already promised. I will definitely not lose.


At that night, I called my mother for the first time in quite a while.


“No. that’s not it.”

“Un, Unun. I see, I see…….”

“And so, I need something to be delivered urgently.”

“Un, Un I see. Yeah, okay…”

“Un. And so Iーーーーーーーーthat’s how it is.”

“No、not really。Un。I see、that’s about it. Yeah.”

“Un. Well then I’ll count on you. Un. Okay. Well then.”

That’s the only possibility I can think of.

I wasn’t the type to actively make friends to begin with. ………

“Haah………..It would be great if I could know with just this……”

After I said that, I went to sit at my desk once more.

There are only 10 days left until the end-of-term examination.

The ball match has already ended. Studying is my number one priority right now.


Author’s Note:

Kouyou have finally fallen.

I put in the “-” part when I make a phone call, as many characters as I can fit in.

I’m sure there are a lot of people who know what I’m talking about.

Please bookmark, rate it highly, and give me some feedback!

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