Chapter 64

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Author’s Note:

A little heartwarming this time.

And a little short.


Even though he is more fickle than anyone, he was better than most people.

Even though he is more silent than anyone, he was still more popular than most.

Even though his personality is like those in the background, he has more illumination than most.

I probably……….no certainly, must have admired him.

『Ahahaha、so it’s you1』

『That’s impossible~!』


『……Is that so?』

『I’m sorry………』


Anger welled up in me.

I worked hard. More than anyone else!

But even so……I’m the one who can’t laugh more than anyone…………!



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After school, after all the classes had finally ended……….

It’s been so long I’ve forgotten but, studying for a test for an entire day is pretty tiring huh……….

“Yo! Are you tired?”


“Whoaー, you weren’t late today, and you also never dozed off. So you really were serious about studying for the test.”

“Even though you were very active yesterday. How are you so lively……….”

“Well, I can’t help you on studying though, do your best! I’ll cheer for you!”

“Thank you……..Fuwahh……”

I let out a big yawn.

I used all the time I would normally use to play games to study yesterday and stayed up quite late.

Thanks to brain that isn’t half bad, the contents was digested without much difficulty also partly due to me who doesn’t really have any prejudice against studying, but even so it’s not fun, and it drains a lot of my stamina.

“Ah, Kouyou! You are going to the study group(date) now right?”


“You-, you see…….I want to hear the words that you said yesterdayー……um….is that a no?”

Her face reddens and she looked up at me with upturned eyes.

It’s scary that she actually did this expression unconsciously.

Leaving that aside, the words from yesterday?

Yesterday, yesterday….yesterday…………yesterday?

What did I tell Koyomi yesterday?………..Yesterday…..

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“……………..Ah! So that’s it……”

I remembered it now.

So it’s that matter yesterday where I said I like her. Yes, yes.

“Ahー, Koyomi? Kouyou is going to be a little busy for the time being, you know? I’ll go accompany you with everyone else as replacement? Okay?”

Akira suddenly barged into the conversation from the side, trying to persuade Koyomi.

Akira……….to think that you did this for me…..

“Eh, is that so………but even so, Kouyou has his own studying to do, that’s right…….Un! I got it!”

“That’s right! It’s good to play with your friends once in a while!”

“Ehー, I played with you guys frequently though.”

After she said that, Akira and Koyomi went away.

Even though Koyomi is smiling, she looks somewhat lonely.

I hadn’t been on a date lately to begin with due to the training for the ball game, and after what she said to me yesterday, I’m going to postpone it for a while.

Well…….this is tough…..


“Nn, nn?”

She turned around and looked over here.

“It’s fine. The study group(date).”

“Eh, is that really okay!? Really!?”

“Oi! Is that really okay Kouyou?”

Akira whispered to my ear.

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“I’m doing this because I don’t want to make Koyomi sad. And if that hurts me in return then I’m just getting my priorities backwards.”

“But the study group.”

“I can cover up the part that I couldn’t cover at night. There’s still 10 days left. It should be fine.”

“If, if you said so then it’s okay……….don’t overdo it! If you collapse, Koyomi will also be sad you know!”

“I got it………….”

And after he said that, Akira waved his hands towards us, and went away.

“Is, is it really okay? Weren’t you busy?”

“Nn, it’s fine, it’s fine.”

“Ya, yay!”

“Ah, but even if you said it’s a date, it’s still a study group to the end okay? You should study properly alright?”

“Un! How about the place?”

“The usual cafe should be fine right.”

“Then, let’s quickly go there~! Can I cross arms with you!?”

“After we get out from the school gates.”


And like that, she quickly grabbed into my arms.

“Oh, wai-, Koyomi, I told you after we’re out from the school gates right!”

“Nnfufufufu~. I loーve Kouyou’s arm!”

When I tried to separate it, she solidly clung to it again.

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Haah…………….I guess there’s no choice…….

“Hey, Koyomi…..”


“Do you know what we were called recently?”

“What do you meanー”

“They call us a bakaple you know. I heard some whispers when I went to the school cafeteria with Akira last time.”

“Ehー! Is that true?”

“It’s because you were doing things like this that we are being called that!”

“Nnー, that’s true but, I don’t really mind it though.”(TLN: I’m not sure how to translate もーん to english so I will say that it instead depicts Koyomi pouting.)

“No, that’s why………I told you that I don’t really like it though……”


I didn’t hear anything……..She was humming to herself.

Haah…….Even now, the guys passing by were looking at us curiously.

Bakaple they say………..Even though I never acted like a dere. This is extremely vexing.

The gaze on us when we get out of the school gates was really painful.

Author’s Note:

The difference between serious and funny lol.


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