Chapter 65(Koyomi’s POV)

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Author’s Note:

Koyomi’s POV in a while!

Same like the last one, a little bit heartwarming~.


“Hai, this is wrong.”


Kouyou lightly chopped my head.

He was sitting besides me, watching me study while enjoying his big parfait.

The sweet smell from just now made me feel a bit hungry.

“I taught you this just now right? Here─”

“After all! This one is hard……..”

“No, Nn─…that might be true but…….”

“And when you eat something like that besides me, my concentration was unintentionally broken. I also want to eat it─!”

“After this okay.”

“Ehー, just one mouthful is fine! Please!”

“No, you will definitely want to keep on eating after that.”

I asked him with upturned eyes and Kouyou made a face as if he is clearly displeased.

Aah, come to think of it he is the type of person who won’t give his parfait away.

“Haah…………I got it……..Annー”



Kouyou made a face as if he says that it can’t be helped, scooped out a part of the parfait and brought it to my mouth.

Wasn’t he the type of person who won’t give his parfait?

Or rather he is feeding me hereー!? He did it as if it was natural but, is this not his first time?

I was shocked by a lot of things that I let out a weird voice.

“What is it? You don’t want it?”

“After, after all………you usually won’t give your parfait away right?”


“Then, then……….!”

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“Nnー…..there wasn’t any particular meaning to it. I just thought that it should be fine if it’s Koyomiー”

There it is! Kouyou’s killing technique! His refreshing smile!

Br-, bright………! I was so embarrassed I can’t look him in the eye.

Without knowing it, I looked downwards. My face is hot. It is probably bright-red right now.

“What is it? You don’t want it? My hands are getting tired.”

“I, I want it! Please!”

“Alright, alright.”

I forcefully chewed on the spoon Kouyou filled.

“Sw, sweet………..”

“Yosh, then let’s continue studying!”

He switched so fast as if a switch was pressed.


The thing he said yesterday………I, I want to hear it again………

When Kouyou said he likes me.

I’ve already recorded it in my brain and replayed it many times, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t mishear it.

According to Kouyou’s personality, he won’t lie at times like these.

(I’m a little curious…………)

Butー, Kouyouー, he didn’t show that kind of situation, he is just like how he is normally.

No, he became more assertive but he is no different from usual.

“Koyomi~? Are you listeningー?”

“Eh, Ah, Un…….”

I hurriedly replied when he suddenly calls my name.

What should I do, I wasn’t listening at all~………..

“That was a lie, you didn’t actually listen right.”

“Ah, Sorry………..”

“Koyomi, this is a study group in the end. Do you understand?”

“Un…………I’m sorry………”

Kouyou got angry at me.

So he isn’t particular conscious about it………

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It’s a date after all……..just a little should be…….

“Haah……If you can’t concentrate, I’ll listen to you, how about it? Why don’t you say it?”

“Eh……Will you listen to me?”

“Of course. This is somewhat of a date after all. If the tension suddenly goes down I’ll be worried you know?”

“I, I see………”

Thank goodness. For the time being he is a little aware.

“Ah, you see……..”


“The thing yesterday………was on my mind a little……”

“Nn? It wasn’t a lie you know?”

“That’s not it………..that was different from how it was until recently………I was so nervous, my heart thumping loudly…..So I wondered if I was the only one who felt that way and I couldn’t concentrate on my studies because of that……..”

“Do I look like the sort of person who would be like that?”

“That is………not really……….”

“It’s okay. That one wasn’t a lie, it was the truth. I like Koyomi. Of course……as someone of the opposite sex. I am and will still continue on loving you, I love you.”

“I see…………Thank you………”

“Alright, then let’s study!”

“You switch gears way too quickly!”


So Kouyou won’t go dere-dere in the end.


But………love, he said he love me……..


I couldn’t help but feel a smile on my face. My face is bright red, and if Kouyou see me, he’ll make fun of me.

One of my dreams are granted, so it’s fine I guess!

“Ah, and Koyomi……”


Kouyou said it bluntly while eating his parfait.

“Just now you told me that it’s not in my character.”


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“My heart is beating quickly too you know. It has been all along.”

“Heh? But, but……….your attitude doesn’t show it at all!……..”

“Un. It wasn’t really nervousness. For me, this heartbeat is like a kind of relief. Or something like that…”


“Un. The fact that Koyomi is besides me. That gives me relief just a bit.”


“Ko, Koyomi!?”

“Mo, Mou…..that is foul play……there’s no way I can focus………!”

My life has no regrets now!

Th-, this is dangerous. The destructive power!

I have decided! I have finally decided!

I don’t have time to study right now!

Today I want to be pampered to the max!

I want to hug Kouyou as fast as possible.


“Uwah, wai-, how about the studying?”

“I won’t do it anymoreー! Today is going to be a pure date!”

“Eh, no, that is……….”

“Please, please! Just today!”

“But I……….from tomorrow……”

“I got it! You can’t do the study group anymore right? If that’s the case then I can ask Nonoka!”

“Ah, is that so…………”

“By the way, you weren’t sleeping at class today, why are you so serious?”

“Nn, Unー. There wasn’t particularly any deep meaning to it. It’s just that I thought I will try a little this time.”

“I seeー, then I’ll work hard too!”

“Eh, then………”

“That’s why I would like Kouyou to pamper me today as much as possible~!”

“…………..Okay, okay…..”


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After that, I spent the rest of the day just being pampered.

Even Kouyou who looks a little unsettled recently had a gentle smile as if he had given up.

But, I didn’t know the reason why Kouyou was trying his best at studying at the time.(TLN: Another ominous sentence……well I give in, whatever will be, will be.)

Maybe that’s why I did that kind of thing.

That’s why I did that kind of thing before the test……


“Haah~, I stayed too late and it became late now~”

Kouyou and the others are no longer at school.

I hurriedly descended the stairs and head towards the entrance.

I looked outside and saw that it was a moderately large outside.

“I didn’t bring an umbrella because I didn’t watch the news!”

If I waited any longer, it probably wouldn’t stop. My mom is busy as usual, so I can’t ask her to pick me up. The closest thing to a home around here is Kouyou’s, but I don’t want to interrupt his studies.

“It should be okay until the station right?”

With my back up, I ran into the rain.


“So it really is true………”

He cuts his hair and wears contacts, so he looks quite different, and his last name has changed. In addition to that, the character too.


I had a flashback about that scene from last time

I wasn’t particularly interested in it at the time, but I can remember it clearly now.
If I’m not wrong…….that must be it……

It’s not like I did anything to him. I’m not sure if it’s a resentment or not, but I guess there’s no other possible choice.

(『You don’t have any right to love/be loved』huh………)

That might be true…………….

Only a melancholy mood prevailed in my heart before tomorrow’s test.


Author’s Note:

Hmm? There’s something disconcerting about this……

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