Today is the day of the test.

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The me that is uncharacteristically nervous, went over to the front of the train station with a parfait in my hands. Sweet stuff sure is good for relaxing after all.

But, this kind of behavior must have been a mistake.


“I ran and surprisingly didn’t get wet…….could it be because of the bag.”

There is currently a heavy rain outside. It was a little later than usual, and I had a little bit of time before the train comes.

As I was bored, I stared out in front of the station platform and saw Kouyou heading somewhere.

There is still some time, so I guess I’ll go talk to him!

At that time, if only I didn’t talk to him.



“Nn?………Oh it’s you Koyomi.”

On the way, I was approached from the side, and when I looked, I saw Koyomi approaching me.

“Ehehe, can I get in?”

“Nn, it’s okay. Wait, you are sopping wet.”

“I forgot my umbrella.”

For some reason, only her head was barely wet and I didn’t notice it, but her shoulders, legs, and other side parts were very wet.

“Haah……..You’re an idiot.”




After I said that, I put my umbrella in front of Koyomi.

“You’ll get wet right? That’s why I’ll lend you my umbrella…..”

“Eh, but……….”

“It’s fine……”

“But you’ll catch a cold.”

“That’s the same case with you.”

“Ah, is, is that so…….”


“Th-, thank you…………..Do you have any plans on where you are going after this?”

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“Nn? Aahー, well I was planning on doing something but I thought it would be fine.”

“Eh, why?”

“Nnー? Because I saw Koyomi’s face?”


Koyomi’s face became red.

That was my true feelings though.

I was so nervous that I froze, but when I saw Koyomi’s face, I relaxed. Well I’m sure it doesn’t really mean anything to those people who don’t know Koyomi though.

“Then, you should also go home quickly so you won’t catch a cold okay?”

“Eh, U, Un.”

“Well then.”

“Un. Bye-bye!”

Nevertheless, the rain is pretty strong today.

I didn’t bring anything in particular to replace my umbrella.

Well it’s not really that far, so I should be fine if I just run.

After that, to prevent myself from getting sick, I immediately went over to take a bath after I got home and went to the bed right after.


The appointed day of the test. It’s going particularly well.

But the change came in the third subject.

My breathing becomes ragged and my body is hot.

(Why at this kind of time…………!)

Is it because of the rain yesterday.

No, it is likely that that was not the only reason.

Even though I haven’t done any all-nighters, I have been staying up at night during the entire testing period…..

Of course, I wasn’t sleeping during the class too.

Usually I would have just crammed before the exams by staying up late and sleeping during the class.

The high level of sleep deprivation lowered my immune system, and the accumulated fatigue exploded with yesterday’s rain, and now it’s finally showing.

There is essentially no chance for me to take this test at a later date.

I’m lucky that the symptoms aren’t too heavy.

Anyways, I have to get my brain running. I can’t afford to let all my efforts so far to go to waste.

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I took a short hot breath and then continued with my test.


The results are………

One: Tenya Iseda

Two: Nonoka Hirayama

Three: Kiyama Kouyou.

It was posted like this.

“I lost……….”

I couldn’t even beat Hirayama here.

I clenched my fists tightly.

“Ko, Kouyou…….”

Akira called out to me awkwardly.

“Yo-, you……..what will you do now……”

“I don’t know……..”

How vexing………..

This is the first time I feel this frustrated……

(Damn it…………!If only I had tried a little bit harder!)

Aah, regretting it at this point is already too late huh…….


“Hey, hey! Kouyou!”

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and when I looked at that direction, Koyomi was smiling happily at me.

“Ah, Kouyou is amazing! You got the third rank!”


“Ahー! Koyomi! Kouyou has some business that he needs to deal with, you can talk to me instead!”

“Geh, Akira. Again?”

It seems like Akira was being considerate.

(Sorry………Thank you……)

“Ah, wait! One more thing!”


“Fufufu, I told you I did my best right? Look at this!”

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After she said that, Koyomi showed me her test results.

“I got the 29th rank! I raised by about 100 ranks!?”


“It’s all because of you Kouyou!”

“But, I….I didn’t do anything…….”

“It’s because Kouyou gave his best that I could do it too! I understand. Kouyou, you were actually frustrated right over your results? But…….I, I know that you’ve been working harder than anyone, that’s because I’ve been watching you more than anyone else!”

Aah…………..That’s wrong…….

What should I do here?

That’s wrong.

I want to be with Koyomi and Koyomi wants to be with me.

That’s……all it is.

I have decided what I will do from the very beginning.

“Thank you, Koyomi.”

I went off to head to Iseda.


I’m currently in an abandoned place that is no longer in use.

This is just the perfect place to have a secret discussion.

“Yo, you finally arrived!”

It seems like Iseda have arrived earlier than me.


“A promise is a promise! You’ve lost to me! I’m better than you, and this proves it! I’m the one who truly deserves Koyomi! I’ll have you break up with her!” (TLN: Promise my freaking ass, this was you blackmailing someone into making a promise.)

“Wait a while, please. I was serious this time. I still don’t want to break up with her……”

“Then I’ll show everyone the prove of your false confession! I’m sure they would all look at you with cold shoulders!”(TLN: I don’t care if this guy happens to have a sad backstory or whatever it is, this guy is plain annoying)

“Stop that too………”

“You hate this, you hate that, then what on earth do you want!”

“I came here…… apologize……”

“Tsu! …..I don’t want that kind of thing! Did you think I wanted one of your heads? I don’t want it! …………… I’m …… The only thing I want is Koyomi! What’s the matter? You promised! Swear it!”

“I can’t……….do that…..”

“You………how unsightly….at this point….! Even though you lost! Even though you are inferior! I hate seeing indecisive people like you the most!!”

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From my point of view, Iseda’s face looked more like resentment, disgust, and regret than anger.




I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around at once and Koyomi was there.

She came closer.


“I didn’t call her…………Koyomi, why are you here…..”

“I somehow know that something is happening. I followed you after that. More importantly tell me! What are you two talking about!? What do you mean by the prove of the false confession!?”

“That is………”

“Fine, I’ll ………… tell you all about it. I’m the one who threatened him. I threatened Kouyou. If he can’t beat me in the test, he’ll have to break up with you. If he don’t break up with you, I’ll tell everyone that you two are fake lovers. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out what’s going on……….!”

“That…………so that’s why Kouyou……..”


“Forget it…………. I don’t care anymore……. I’m just gonna give it all away………….Kouyou is just a loser who lost to me. And Koyomi is someone who played with people’s feelings……….”


“Before that…….I have something that I haven’t said until now.”

“Aah? What is it!?”

“Long time no see………Tenya-kun.”

“Tsu!………..You……..after all this time!!”

A nostalgic nickname.

After I called him that, Iseda’s face changed to anger.

“Eh, what is it? What do you mean?”

Koyomi was clearly confused.

“After all this time, what are you planning!!”

“Eh, wait, I don’t understand at all though!”

“His name is Iseda Tenya………his original name is Aoba Tenya. My classmate during middle school.”

Author’s Note:

Next is Iseda’s past.

Kouyou and Aoba huh.Please bookmark, give this a high rating and thank you for reading!

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