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“Well then, have a nice holiday everyone!”




The school day ends with a closing statement from the homeroom teacher.


The end of school ceremony.

The fact that this is over is a signal that the winter break is starting now.


And it’s also Christmas Eve!


There are some buoyant guys, and there also guys who wish it would end faster.


Well, of course I belong to the latter faction.


“Kouyou! It’s Christmas today!”


Haah, as I thought.


As expected, Koyomi called out to me.


“It is tomorrow to be exact.”


“Today at midnight, right?”

“Yes, yes. And? What about Christmas?”


“With that said, once we get home we’ll go on a date! I have too much luggage now after all.”


“Ehー, where to?”


“Of course we are going outside~. Eating dinner and looking at the illumination together. And then we are going to eat cake at your house and do a sleepover! How is it? ”


“There’s nobody at home right now. It’s illicit you know.”


“It’s too late for that. And besides that I’m your girlfriend so there’s no problem!”




“Eh? Is it weird?”


“Nnー, I guess we can do the date at home.”


When I said this, Koyomii’s face turns red and she puts her hands on her cheeks as she says this.


“Ko, Kouyou……….You’re bold.”


“No, that’s not it.”


Good grief, what kind of misunderstanding did she have?


A Christmas date. A classic for couples. Something that we all yearn for at least once.


“I………..don’t want it………”


“?……What is it?”


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“An outside Christmas date…….”


“Why? It’s romantic, isn’t it?”


“Because there are lots of idiots who think that way too. These stupid couples who have been making out here and there. It’s still cute if it’s just them blushing from touching each other but this is them kissing each other deeply, which is a foreplay for before they get to the hotel. They mistook romanticism and took it to the extreme. It’s not romanticism that makes the couples but the couples that make the atmosphere romantic.”


“Hmm. I don’t really get it but okay!”




“To sum it up, you are embarrassed right! Don’t be shy!”


“That’s wrong. Did you listen to me?”


“UnUn. Then, let’s go home? The time for our date is decreasing, you know?”




She’s always like this recently.

No matter how many times I refuse her, Koyomi kept making appointments forcefully. I feel like I’ve been handled by Koyomi way too skillfully recently.

(She’s been resolute since that incident with Tenya……)


Well, I’m the one who’s allowed it to happen.




“Ah, have you been waiting!?”


Koyomi runs to the place where we were supposed to meet in her school uniform.


“No, I haven’t really been waiting. Besides, there is one extra station for Koyomi to go through.”


“Yeah. Wait, so you are in school uniform too.”


“After all, it’s troublesome to change.”


“UnUn. Uniforms are nice, aren’t they~”


“What is?”

“You can only wear it while you’re a student, right? That’s why I think it’s so memorable. Especially on a date with Kouyou! Yes, a uniform date with Kouyou during the Christmas. You don’t get to do that very often!”


“Hmm, yes, that’s true. So, is there anywhere you want to go?”


“Nnー………………………………Ah! There is one!”


After a minute or so of pondering, she looks up and looks at me as if she has an idea.


“What is it?”


“That place that high schoolers don’t usually go to!”


“Like I asked, where is it?”


“The arcade!”


“Eh, is the arcade really okay?”


“Un! Let’s go shopping!”

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“Well, it’s fine…….”


And like that, we decided on going to the arcade.






As soon as we arrived at the arcade, Koyomi looked around at the various pieces of equipment and her grumbling is visible.


I had thought that Koyomi often visited this kind of place. Or is it always like this every time?


“It’s unexpected. Have Koyomi not been to the arcade before?”


“Nnー, it’s not like I haven’t visited it before, you know? It’s just that it’s been quite a while.”


“Why is that?”


“Even if you ask me that… It just become that way. Until junior high school, I was the kind of girl who had nothing to do with these kind of places, and even in high school Ena and the others didn’t really go here. ”


“Hmm. I see………..”


Come to think of it, Koyomi had been a gloomy girl until middle school. I sometimes forgot about that.


“Well, shall we start with the standard UFO catcher?”


“Eh, un! Let’s do it, let’s do it! I have been wanting to try itー!”


If that’s what you decide!

Together with Koyomi, we look around at various machines.


The UFO catchers are all different in terms of the objects they can take, the strength of the arm, the number of arms, and the lever and button type of operation.


Koyomi thinks while looking at the prizes for a while. And then,


“I’ve decided! I’ll do this!”


In the end, Calendar Moon chose the one with the stuffed bear. It’s a three-legged button type.


“Yosh! Then let’s go!”


We put the money in and it finally started.

Koyomi was unsteady at the beginning and often stopped at odd points, but now it is up for grabs. Now we just need to put it in.


15 tries later. One try is around 100 yen so when you think about it, it’s not so bad………


“Muu! We were so close!”


“Haah……I get it. I’ll get it for you.”


“Really!? Yay!”


As I said that, I inserted the money inside the machine.

I carefully operated the button and released it just in time.

The arm then drops down, grabs the desired stuffed animal and carries it neatly to the hole.


I take the stuffed animal that fell out and give it to Koyomi.

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“Waah! Thank you! As expected of Kouyou!”

“It’s nothing. ………… I’ll go get a drink.”





Having said this, I moved away from Koyomi, hurriedly buys a drink and sneaked a look at Koyomi.

Koyomi starts another UFO catcher again, and without wasting any time, she drops it in one shot.


(Haah………As I thought………)




“Eh? Nn, what? Kouyou. Ah, that’s right! Look! I got it! I got it after a few times!”


“Liar……….Koyomi, you are really good at that right.”




“You got it in the first try right. That one.”


“U, Uu…………After all! I want a present from Kouyou!”


“But if that’s the case……..”


“It can’t be a present that is bought. I want a situation where you got me something from that machine!”


Koyomi happily embraces the doll that I got.


“Haah……..why are you so good at it?”


“I used to come to the arcade when I was little. I played a lot of games then.”


“Haah………wait for a while.”


Having said that, I selected a UFO catcher at random, put in the money, dropped the stuffed animal into the hole and takes it to the calendar month.


“Here, the present.”




“I don’t want to be tricked by you, I want to give it to you myself. Koyomi’s present it is.”


“Ko, Kouyou!”


When I said this, Koyomi dived at me vigorously.


”Ah, it’s a nice smell……”


“Kusukusu, you’re just like a pervert.”


“That might be true. Well, let’s go to the next one.”



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After that, Koyomi was completely back to its old self, and they played all sorts of games and played out together.

We also played competitive games, of course, but Koyomi almost always ended up winning.


She’s insanely strong, this woman. Combined with her original athleticism, she was insanely strong in air hockey and other sports.


“Oh, let’s take a purikura at the end! I’ve always wanted to do that once!”


As we are about to leave the arcade, Koyomi suggests that we do so.


Purikura, huh. It’s usually a machine that will make you look good, but in the case of Rekizuki, I have a feeling that if I do something wrong, it will make me feel bad.


“It’s fine but, isn’t it pretty full?”

“Ehー, oh you mean the make upー?”


“No, no. I mean you look pretty.”


“Muu………………Doing that suddenly is forbidden from now on!”


Koyomi grabbed my arm while her face is still red in the purikura machine. 


When you put money in, the machine asks you to choose a mode! Koyomi happily chose the lover one, and in the end, she chose the one with almost no processing.


And so the photography proceeds.


In line with the Purikura instructions, we take photos of ourselves in embarrassing poses, as silly couples would do.

When I looked at Koyomi, I saw that she was also blushing.


And, the last one was

『For the last one, hold each other’s hand while kissing the cheek!』


You’ve got to be kidding me.




“Haah!? I don’t want to! Koyomi is good at this right?”


“No! It’s impossible! I’m too embarrassed!”


“Me too.”



“Ah, it’s starting!”






The photograph that emerged showed Koyomi with her eyes wide open and her face bright red, and my profile touching her cheek.


Author’s Note:


Kouyou is too soft and Koyomi is getting used to handling him.


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New work, Mr Hayase of Nagamantei.

It is a romantic comedy as well. Please read it!!!

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