Chapter 73

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Author’s Note:

There’s more to come, Christmas edition!

There might be no sweetness this time but rather some kind of passion? There might be some!



“Well then! We’ll meet up in an hour!”


With that, I and Koyomi went our separate way to do our own thing.

In the first place, it was Koyomi who said that when we left the arcade and arrived at the shopping mall.

『Why don’t we buy and exchange gifts now?』

Something like that.


In order to increase the surprise factor, we were to act separately.

But what does ………… Koyomi want?


Come to think of it, we have never talked about that kind of stuff.

I need to reflect on this.


In the meantime, I’ll just go round the shops in the area.

It’s better to choose something safe and hassle-free for this kind of thing.


So I wandered around the area and spotted a man I recognised.

He noticed me too, and rushed towards me.


“Yo! What are you doing, Kouyou?”




Yes, it is Tenya.


Since that incident, We have become normal friends and we now talk to each other without any problems.


“That’s my line. What are you doing all the way over here at Christmas?”


“Nn? Me? Well, it’s that. I don’t have anyone to spend Christmas with, so I’m on the lookout for some.”


“You are in the middle of finding one? Are you hitting on girls?”


“Don’t put it in the same category as that boorish action. I’m just going to whisper some sweet nothings to the girls that is also feeling lonely.”


“So you are hitting on girls after all.”


“It’s different! I was told by Koyomi-san. It’s important to be sincere. It doesn’t matter how it started. What’s important is the fact that you want to be together……..!”



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“You………’re bold, aren’t you………”


“Well, rather than that, what are you doing here Kouyou? You aren’t together with Koyomi-san for Christmas?”

“Aahー, about that you see……”


I told him how I separated from Koyomi to do our own thing.


“I see……..and so you are troubled with what kind of present you should get.”


“That’s right. Well, I can probably pick something safe though……..”


“Nnー, you can’t do that right?”


When I mention the gift, Tenya makes a difficult face and denies it.



“Since both of you have gone off on some independent shopping, shouldn’t you try to find something more special? Koyomi-san wants the thing that Kouyou chose right? You wouldn’t be too happy with something that was chosen with textbook model answers, would you?”


“Aah, I see…………Certainly that choice will be safe but I guess I have to take more risks…..”


“That’s right!”

“Ouu! Thank you.”


“Don’t worry about it! I’m better than you after all!”


Kuh, annoying…………..


It’s good that we’ve become friends, but he’s so happy to have beaten me that he uses this line at every opportunity.


He is a really brazen person.


Lately, Koyomi and I are mostly going with a yes or no.


Nevertheless, this advice was honestly helpful.

If you think about it, since it’s Koyomi, even cicada shells that are stored in a jar are likely to make her happy, so I can just give her what I want without worrying about her.



“Well, it really helped me. Thank you.”


“…………..Wait a minute.”




As I was about to go, Tenya stopped me/


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“You know what, I’ll help out in choosing the present too.”




“Don’t worry. I won’t be handing the present over to Koyomi-san, nor will I meet her with you. I just want to help as an apology for that time.”



“Nnー, then I’ll count on you.”




As he said that, he laughed happily.


The person he used to like. And the person he hated.

After surpassing that, he could help me in choosing the present like that.

He’s a really brazen man………



“Nnー. Even after I said all that, I wonder what I should give her in the end.”


“What do you want to give her?”


“I know that but…………in the end I want to give Koyomi something that would make her happy……”


“Nnー. So you want to give something that doesn’t only make her happy, but something that you both will be satisfied with?”




“That’s right. Something that will not only make one side happy, but you too. Somewhere in between.”


“Aahー, like pairs?”


“That’s right!”


Pairs huh.

Clothes? No, that would be lame.

If that’s the case, then I have passed her a ring before.


Besides, this time I want to give them something a bit more practical and everyday.

A mug? No, we don’t live together, so there’s no point in having a pair if we live separately.


(Haah…………What should I do………)


As I am struggling, I passed by a toy shop. There, children are begging their parents for presents.


“Heyーheyー! Buy this toyー!”

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“Alright, later okay…”


Haha, that must be tough.

Kids are nice. If you give them a toy, they will play with it on their own.


Or rather, if it’s make-believe, they’ll play with someone else, and it’s a great gift in the sense that it builds a bridge.


“The problem is, I can’t give Koyomi that…..”


Having said this, my feet stop as I am about to walk past the toy shop.

Then the startled Tenya calls out to me.


“Nn? What is it, Kouyou?”


“There is one, there is one. Come to think of it!”


“Wh-, what is it?”


“The present!”


“Heeー, so what is it?”


“A console.”

(TLN: Well, that’s a surprise. I am actually thinking of a console when I was translating this chapter as I wanted to play P5R.)


“Like I said, a console.”

“Eh? But to give that to a girl……..I’m sorry, can you say it one more time.”


“Like I said, a console. How many times do you want me to repeat?”


“No, no, no! That’s weird, isn’t it! Why would you give Koyomi-san a console!?”


“Aah, I like games right?”


“Ye-, yeah…..”

“That’s why Koyomi plays quite a lot of games too. I think she’s rather addicted to it. I play video games, but Rekizuki doesn’t have a big console, so she always comes to my house and borrows one from me. So I can’t do it in my own house. Sometimes I play games while I’m on the phone at night, but Koyomi is always jealous of me, so I thought it would be perfect.”


“I see………in that case, it certainly is something you both can use daily, and could act as a bridge that could bring the both of you closer. And most importantly, it matches both of your interests!”




“Ah, but how about the money. How much do you have?”


“Well, 30000 yen is not that much though.”


“Eh, that’s expensive! Is it okay?”

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‘Yes. My part-time job has been thriving since the festival and my salary has jumped by about three times. I have quite a bit left over. I also got a Christmas bonus.”



“Is that so…….then it’s decided then!”


Thus, I bought the same games console as I did.

Then, when I said I wanted to give him another ordinary present, Tenya said, ‘If you still have a lot of money left over, you should definitely get a watch, even if it’s a bit expensive!’ I bought her a pretty, girlish pink one because he was so picky. Well, he is a good guy.


In the meantime, it is time to meet up, so I thank Tenya and we part ways.


“Well then, you really helped me today. Thank you.”

‘No, no, I had a good time too. Come to think of it, it’s probably the first time I’ve ever gone shopping with a friend. It’s thanks to you too.”


“Is that so. Well, I’ll keep you company in the future if you invite me when I am free.”


“That’s a roundabout way of saying don’t invite me.”


“That’s not though?”


“So you don’t have any awareness……..well it’s fine. Well then, see you.”


“Un, see you.”


Then we split up and walk in opposite directions.


But after walking about five metres, my name is called from behind.






When he turns around, he raises his hands above his head and waves at me.


‘Merry Christmas! Kouyou! Tell that to Koyomi-san too! Thank you!”




Having said that, Tenya starts walking again.

I shout at his back as he walks away.


“Merry Christmas!”


Tenya………… has become a good guy. I’m a bit moved.

Author’s note:

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