Vol. 1 Chapter 74

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Translated by XenSchwarzer
Edited by XenSchwarzer


Chapter 74

Author’s Note:

I’m sorry that it’s a little bit late.


After separating from Kouyou, I acted quickly.


I immediately went to a video game shop and bought the disk of the latest entry in the series that Kouyou wanted.


Lately due to Kouyou’s influence, I’ve started to play more games too.

Naturally, I still don’t have the machine that could run the kind of games that Kouyou usually plays but, I’ll finally buy it as a treat to myself during New Year with my personal savings.


I was so excited about it that I bought a copy for myself as well, with this the day that I can play games with Kouyou is getting nearer.


So why did we go our separate ways? It’s because of Kouyou.

I’m afraid he’ll probably say he has extra money and even buy a games console out of concern.

Even if it’s a present, it’s too expensive.


But as long as we go our separate ways, even Kouyou won’t think that I want a game console.

〈※But he did〉


And then I bought a fashionable mug after that. I still have some time left over so I’m currently leisurely looking at clothes.

Well, I’m saving my money so I’m not going to buy it.


“Nnー, ah.”


“”This is cute!””


Another voice rang out at the same time and my hand collided with another as I was about to touch the cloth.


“Ah, I’m sorry.”


“No, it’s my fault too.”


As I said that, both of us bowed for the time being.


Wait, I feel like I’ve heard this voice somewhere before…….


As I thought that, she raised her head


“Eh, Kouhai-chan!?”


“Eh? ………Ah………”


The person there is Kouyou’s kouhai(junior) in his part time work, Rumi-chan.


“Aah. Koyomi-san……….”


“Kouhai-chan, it’s a coincidence to meet you here~!”


“Mu, what’s with the Kouhai-chan~? My name is Rumi though.”

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“Ah, sorry about that. Let’s see. Rumi-chan?”


“Yes, that is fine. Are you free right now? Instead of talking while standing like this, should we go somewhere else?”


“Ah, Un.”


After that was said, we entered to the closest Max.


“You see, Rumi-chan.”


“Nnー, what is it~?”


Rumi-chan replied while buying the shake she bought earlier.


“Thank you for helping me that time when I was ……… being attacked by my ex-boyfriend. I didn’t get a chance to thank you for some reason.”


I’ve been to Kouyou’s part-time job several times, and I’ve met and spoken to Rumi-chan a number of times, but this was the first time I’d ever thanked her in such a formal way.


It must be probably because we didn’t have the chance to be alone.


“Oh, that one? There’s no need to thank me at this point. It’s better for a woman’s enemies like that to die. I just fought a little on behalf of all women.


“Ahaha, is that so. Even so, Un. Thank you.”


“It’s fine~. Or rather, are you not with Senpai?”


Senpai…..should be Kouyou.

I told Rumi about the events leading up to how we ended up separating to shop on our own.


‘I see……………… It’s true that senpai is so financially well off that he doesn’t need a part-time job.’


“That’s rightー. We don’t really have that big of a gap in our values but he could buy an expensive gift so nonchalantly as if it’s nothing and I’m worried about thatー”


“Ahaha, I understand that! So that’s how it is~”


“And even on the other day───”


“Really? Me too───”





We discussed a lot about Kouyou during that time.


After a while I asked what I had always wondered.


“You see………”




“Rumi-chan, did you use to like Kouyou?”

“I like Senpai? No way! If I had liked him, I would have tried to appeal more to him, and I’ll do everything in my power to stop you from going out with him.””

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“Phew, not really, it’s turned out for the better for both of us, so it’s fine. Don’t worry. Senpai is not my type.”


“Ehー, then what kind of people is your type?”


“Nnー, it would have been nice if it’s an ikemen.”


“Then Akira?”

“That is a little differentー, I want someone who is cool, and cute. And someone with not that high of a specification.”


“Hee……….someone who is protective?”


“No, no. It’s not that. Someone who could let me travel~”


“Eh……then is it…….”


“Yes! I want to tease him!”




“And so, I would like to make him strong~, and also sturdy~”


“Is, is that so……..”

(She wants to raise him……………I had some vague suspicions before but、she really is an S S huh〜………)


“Isn’t it about time now?”

“Eh?……….Ah, you’re right…………”


I looked at my phone and saw that it was about 10 minutes before the appointed time.


And so we parted ways there.


‘Well then, Koyomi-san, I’ve enjoyed my day. Merry Christmas. Please tell senpai I said so.”


“Ah, Un. Me too, thank you for talking to me? It was fun! Merry Christmas!”




Then, when I went to the meeting place, Kouyou was already waiting for me and was fiddling with his phone.


I run to Kouyou and call his name.

Kouyou notices this and looks at me, so I dive into his chest with all my might.


“Sorry for the wait!”




Kouyou caught me.


Nnー, as expected it feels good, this feeling soothes my heart, and his hand that is warmly embracing me.

I feel most at home here and I love it. If I’m not careful, I won’t want to leave.

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“Is it okay now?”


Well, Kouyou won’t allow it anyways.


After hugging me for a while, Kouyou forced me to pull away.


At first, he tried to let go softly, but then, perhaps because my resistance was getting stronger, he pulled away with all her might, without question.


It’s a little sad.


“Well, let’s start the gift exchange!”


“Nn, I understand……….Ah, I bought two of them so can I give one in advance first?”


“Is that so? I have 2 too~! Then should we exchange it first!?”


“That’s right.”


Then we decided that it was not a good idea to do it here, so we moved to the restaurant where we had originally planned to have dinner and talked over a drink first. By the way, Kouyou and I are sitting opposite each other.


“Well then, let’s start right away……here!”


“Thank you, then me too.”


Then we give each other our gifts.

Kouyou look at my mug.



“This is cool. I’ll take good care of it, thank you.”

He smiled at me.

That smile alone makes it worth the purchase.


I, too, open the present as soon as possible.

Inside was a lovely watch.


(This is cute……………)


Thank you! I hugged Kouyou again and immediately put it on my wrist.

It feels heavier, warmer and more comfortable than any watch I have ever worn.

I feel like I could watch the hands of the clock tick by forever.


Then it’s time to get down to business.


“Okay, next. Ah, Kouyou!”




“Can I hand over the present first?”


“That’s fine though.”


I then give the present to Kouyou.

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Kouyou says thank you and accepts it.

He took off the wrapping and look inside.


“Are? This is the one that I mentioned I wanted……”


“Un! Because Kouyou said you wanted it! Next time I’ll get a console too, and then we can both play it together.”


“Heeー…….Then it’s just right…….”




“Thank you. Then do you want to open mine now?”


Then Kouyou handed me the present.


Wait, this is big! And heavy on top of it…….


“What is this actually………..tsu!”


Surprised, I look at Kouyou and he is grinning while looking at me.


“Th-, this……is expensive right?”


“You shouldn’t ask that sort of question on a present, you know?”


“I, I see………thank you…….”


“Are you surprised?”


“U, Un……”

“Me too. To think that we have the same idea.”


I knew it, I’m no match for him……


Because he can guess what I want with such pinpoint accuracy.

I’ll never be able to beat Kouyou for the rest of my life……….






I stand up and approach Kouyou.




With this, it’s the third time I’ve kissed you.



Author’s Note:

Ahaha, Koyomi is too bold.


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