Genres were different...

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As they hit each other's faces with their fists, an indiscriminate brawl began.


When Yuseong hit Ivan's chin, Ivan responded by hitting Yuseong's nose, and when Yuseong hit Ivan's shoulder, Ivan countered by kicking his thigh.


Even though they were fighting in close proximity, they just kept attacking, blocking, and hitting each other without taking a step back.


If a normal person had received the dozens of attacks they exchanged so far, he would have been taken to the intensive care unit long ago.


However, the two of them, who possessed ideal muscles that combined toughness and resilience and an unbelievably strong grip, continued to act unaffected even after being hit by such attacks in rapid succession.


"Hahaha! You're holding up well, boy! Then take this one too!"


In an instant, Ivan, who had been facing Kim Yuseong, had his momentum shifted.


'The Emperor's Bear.'


Kim Yuseong, who was hit by his fist, looked surprised with both eyes wide open.


But regardless of that, Ivan continued to strike.


The punching force of a brown bear was about one ton. Although humans couldn't generate the same force due to their physical structure, it could be replicated up to a similar level depending on muscle mass and body weight.


Yuseong, who was trying to fight while getting hit, seemed to have changed his mind after experiencing it once and chose to dodge instead of defend.


As a result, the nature of the fight naturally changed.


A fight between those who want to hit and those who don't want to be hit.


However, there was no one who could forever avoid all attacks, and Yuseong was no exception.




After receiving a punch that he couldn't avoid due to a momentary fake, he felt a powerful pain that made it hard to even breathe.


He tried to break away from Ivan, but he still stood firm like a rock.


Boris, the man they fought during the day, and Ivan were fundamentally different in level.


Literally, they were the strongest.


But Yuseong did not despair, and it was when he tried to hit Ivan's face with his fist once again.


"Stop! Stop it!"


Sasha, who had only been watching the fight so far, suddenly intervened between the two.


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'How did this happen?'


Sasha thought to herself as she looked up at the blue-haired man standing in front of her.


Ivan Vladimirovich Romanov.


He was not only one of the strongest fighters in the world but also her own uncle.


At first, it was just a simple runaway.


But then she happened to meet Kim Yoo Sung.


Thanks to hiring him as a daily escort, She was able to safely finish sightseeing in Akihabara without being dragged away by Captain Boris, the head of the bodyguard.


She enjoyed the time spent together and was grateful for his care, so after apologizing for lying, she tried to end their one-day relationship.


However, the situation changed drastically due to the intervention of her father, who suddenly came by helicopter.


He was only there because of her lie.


But suddenly, her father decided to test Kim Yoo Sung and scout him as a scholarship student for the EE Foundation, even though she didn't know why he liked him so much.


Before she could intervene, the incident had already grown in size like a snowball, and a fight between the two began in the middle of ah-uh-h.


So before it was too late, she intervened between the two of them.


"Papa, stop it. You've already fought enough."


As Sasha spoke and looked up at him, Ivan, who was still caught up in the excitement of the fight, commanded with a cold gaze.


"Step aside, Sasha. I haven't finished talking with that boy yet."


"If Papa doesn't back down, I won't step out either."


Then Ivan said, wriggling his eyebrows as if he was very annoyed.


"...Whether it's this guy or that guy, when an adult speaks, you should just say yes and obediently answer..."


And then he reached out to his own daughter.




Sasha, who was grabbed by the scruff of the neck, was thrown like a piece of luggage.


Fortunately, she wasn't hurt badly as she was thrown into a thicket in the park, but as a result, Kim Yoo-sung and Ivan faced each other one-on-one again.

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Because they had been fighting for a long time, Kim Yoo-sung had reached his physical limit and asked in a hoarse voice.


"...Are you saying that even a real daughter would be merciless if she interfered in her fight?"


At that, Ivan chuckled and replied, "They say that lions drop their cubs off a steep cliff to make them stronger. Even though Sasha may seem fragile, she's the one who inherited my blood. She won't even get a scratch from that much."


Looking down at Kim Yoo-sung as he spoke, Ivan said, "I'll ask you one more time to come under my command, boy. Then I will give you the power to rule the world."


Kim Yoo-sung looked up at Ivan with a burning gaze and replied, "I refuse."


Yuseong Kim looked up at Ivan and answered with burning eyes.




"I'm sorry."


It was the moment when Ivan raised his right fist as he said that.


Suddenly, a giant repaired sword flew from somewhere and stuck into the ground beneath him.




Ivan recognized the shape of the sword.


No, he couldn't forget it.


This sword was one of the favorite weapons of the man that Ivan had been searching for so long.


To use it in front of him was nothing short of a provocation.


"Who are you! Reveal your identity!"


As Ivan shouted, trying to strangle Kim Yoo-sung's throat, a ninja dressed in black flashed and rushed towards him with a ninja sword.




Blood scattered in the air.


As Ivan, who had suffered his first injury since coming here, stumbled back, Kunoichi, with black mask covering her face and crimson hair, stood in front of him to protect Kim Yoo-sung, who was about to fall.


"I am Huma Yukiha, the 17th leader of the Fuma clan. I am here now."


At the sudden intrusion of the ninja, Sasha, who had barely hidden herself in the soft bushes, couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, her eyes shining.


The ninjas from Japanese anime really existed!



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I couldn't help but be dumbfounded when I saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of me.


It was because someone I never expected would come to my rescue.


If our first encounter was accidental, as we broke the ice, the senior stalker who had been openly following me began to attend the same gym as me, stamping his attendance card.


Humaru Yukika was standing in front of me wearing a black ninja suit. She raised her sword defensively and looked back at me before asking, "Are you okay, Kim Yuseong?"


"How did the senior get here..."


"That man is looking for Humma Kotalo, my father who left the village ten years ago and we lost contact with since then."


Humaru-senpai briefly explained and said that it was not important now.


"I tried not to intervene unless I had to, but this man really wants to kill you. So, I had to intervene."


As she spoke, Humaru-senpai handed me something while standing behind me. It was two pills, one black and red, and the other was a ghost pill.


"One is a special Humma-style medicine that enhances your body's natural healing power so that you can move unless it's a fatal injury. The other one is a ghost pill that artificially boosts your energy and allows you to use the power you couldn't use for a while. Of course, there are some side effects, but you don't have to worry too much about it."


Hearing that, I swallowed the black pill first, and Fuma-senpai laughed like she was relieved and aimed her ninja sword at the overwhelmingly strong Sasha's father.


"While he recovers his strength, I will deal with you. Ivan Romanov."


Then Sasha's father, who was called Ivan, laughed.


"I've heard of it! The black Yukika has an overgrown daughter! That's your story!"


Then he spread his arms wide and shouted.


"Good! I don't know what trick you used, but come on and try it! You'll feel the power of the Humaru Assassination Sword!"


With that, Humaru-senpai disappeared at a speed that was beyond belief, as if her body itself had become a flash of lightning. 




She ran around Ibani's surroundings so fast that she left an afterimage behind her as if she had used a body duplication technique.


The soundless assassination sword struck Ibani's body with great force, causing his flesh to split and blood to flow.


However, Ivan, who had been laughing-




-suddenly stretched out his right arm and grabbed something tightly.


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That was Humaru-senpai.


""Not bad, but you're not as good as your father!"


Ivan pushedHumaru-senpai to the ground without hesitation.


- Aaaaaaang!!


As a result, a huge cloud of dust rose, and the ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred.




But what remained in the cleared area was not Humaru-senpai, but a doll in the shape of a ninja.


"Inbeop, Hulmulbeotgi's potion."


Suddenly appearing next to me, Humaru-senpai kindly explained and then glanced at me.


"Your wounds seem to have healed somewhat. Now, swallow that ghost pill."


"I was told earlier that there were side effects to taking this. What are they?"


"Since it squeezes the energy in your body to the limit, the worst that can happen is feeling weak for a few days. Even that will return to normal if the used energy is restored."


"If that's all..."


As long as it wasn't a serious side effect like hair loss or erectile dysfunction, I could take it.


- Gulp


The moment the red pill went down my esophagus, I realized something was wrong.




As soon as I took the pill, my body became insanely hot as if I had literally swallowed fire.


Even so, I started beating like crazy as if my heart was out of order.


I hurriedly asked Humaru-senpai if something was wrong, but she said that it was just like that and told me to be patient.






I couldn't stand the heat of my body any longer and screamed and tore off the black short-sleeved T-shirt I was wearing over my upper body with my bare hands.

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