Geumgangyacha (金剛夜叉)...

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The pain was momentary.


At the moment when something boiling inside me was completely released, I felt a strange sensation.


Could I describe it as if a third eye had opened?


A lot of information that I couldn't feel just a moment ago flowed into my brain through my expanded senses and vision.


'Is this the 'unusable power' that Humaru-senpai talked about?'


I clenched my orange-glowing fists and checked my overall body condition.


For some reason, I felt like I could do anything now.


Perhaps noticing this dramatic change in me, Ivan, who was standing across from me, muttered amusedly.


"Is it that Eastern mystery? To think that an ignorant brat who only took one red pill can handle such a large amount of Qi."


I approached Ivan, who had developed chills all over his body while fighting Humaru-senpai.


"Ivan Romanov, I don't know why you took a liking to me. Frankly, I don't really want to know. But if there's one thing that's made clear by the way you lay your hands on your own daughter..."


I pointed a finger at his face and asserted.


“ that you are an incorrigible villain.”


Becoming a disciple of such a person would not accomplish anything great.


Especially if it was a world in a boy's manga that emphasizes friendship, effort, and victory.


“Kuh, kuh…”


However, upon hearing my words, Ivan shook his shoulders and laughed as if he had heard a funny joke.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Then he grabbed his stomach and started laughing loudly like a man with air in his lungs.


"Is that all you have to say with such a serious face, calling me just an evil villain? It's so cliché! It's beyond cliché! It's so corny!"


Having said that, he suddenly looked at me with a straight face.


"Kid. Those words are just an excuse for the weak. The strong can do anything. This world has been going back to the principle of the law of the jungle since a long time ago."

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Ivan growled like a beast.


“It is the law and order of the world that the weak deprive the strong of all rights and freedoms. So if you really want to convince me, you only need one.”


Ivan pointed to himself as he said that.


"Defeat me right here and now."


That's how I can prove my righteousness.




'What the hell is going on?'


Humaru Yukika was secretly taken aback by the effectiveness of the Ghost Pill, which was far better than she had expected. 


To the extent that she automatically thought, 'Was this a scam?'


Originally, the Ghost Pill stimulates the dormant Jin Qi (真氣) within the body to amplify the total amount of Qi that the person could use at that moment.

[TN: Jin Qi =  Positive energy/ Life force ]


Since it literally sucks the energy from the body to the bone marrow and uses it, if the efficacy of the medicine decreases, one would have the low-level physical strength for several days. It was an elixir.


However, Kim Yoo-sung's unexpected reaction to the pill was due to the fact that a tremendous amount of the Gyokuyang Jin Qi (極陽眞氣) that had been dormant in his body for 17 years was suddenly released, like Mentos in cola, creating an immense force.

[TN: Gyokuyang Jin Qi =  Extreme positive energy  ]


As a result of examining it with spiritual eyes, all the energy veins in Kim Yoo-sung's body were pierced at once, as if he had been subjected to interrogation and blood.


Despite this, a huge amount of Jin Qi remained, slowly and stealthily rising like a serpent throughout his body. 


'With Kim Yoo-sung's current state, he might be able to take down Ivan.'


The effect of the Ghost Pill lasts for about five minutes, which may seem ridiculously short, but in the world of martial arts, it is enough time to decide on a battle. 


Finally, Humaru Yukika swallowed her dry saliva as she witnessed the beginning of the century's showdown right before her eyes.




Kim Yoo-sung was the first to move between the two.


His movements were incredibly light compared to before.


His legs, enveloped in an orange glow, seemed to be on fire.


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He kicked the ground and launched a high kick toward Ivan's sturdy body.


- Bang!!!


Ivan, who faced him, also fired a high kick, but of the two legs that hit in the air, it was surprisingly Ivan's side that bounced first.


'What kind of strength is this...'


Ivan widened his eyes.


It was an unbelievable power.


Ivan was certainly superior in terms of muscle mass and body size, while Kim Yoo-sung had shown slightly inferior or similar physical abilities just a moment ago.


However, the tables had turned and Kim Yoo-sung was now ahead in terms of power balance.


He quickly corrected his posture and changed his stance.


'Lion Emperor'


The Lion Emperor...


It was the one with the most lethal technique out of the five forms of martial arts that he had learned on his own.


Ivan changed his hand gesture into a hook.


It was to reproduce the lion's claws based on his strong pinching power.




Despite the unbelievably strong power, he aimed for the relatively weak speed.


With determination, Ivan kicked the ground and swung both hands at a speed that Kim Yoo-sung could not respond to.






However, it was not Kim Yoo-sung who was injured, but Ivan's own finger.


Probably a compound fracture.


Despite being human flesh, Kim Yoo-sung's skin was as hard as a diamond.


It seemed like a phenomenon caused by the immense amount of positive energy rising from his skin like a wildfire.

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As he was taken aback and stopped in his tracks, Kim Yoo-sung punched Ivan straight in the face.




Ivan's nose broke, and blood splattered everywhere.


Realizing he had misjudged the situation, Ivan hastily tried to retreat, but Kim Yoo-sung was no fool, having once held him in his arms.


“You scoundrel.”


'If I don't want your teeth to come out.'




A punch rush began with a gust of wind from the depths of his lungs.


Ivan, unable to properly hold his fist due to his finger fracture, regretted his complacency as he was hit by an endless barrage while in a defensive stance.


'Shit! If only I had used my full Qi from the beginning!'


He had let his guard down too much.


If he had fought sincerely from the beginning, he would not have been in such a miserable state.


And then he was horrified by his own thoughts.


'I lose? To a mere high school student, not even my lifelong enemy, Huma Kotaro?'


There was no greater shame than this.


In a hazy state of mind due to the relentless attacks, Ivan gritted his teeth.


Without teeth, use your gums... Without being able to hold your fists, use the back of your hands.


He raised a blue aura from both hands.


"Emperor Griffin."


The symbol of the king, a fusion of the king of the land, the lion, and the king of the sky, the eagle.


He swung both arms vigorously.


- Knock!

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However, due to the aura emanating from his entire body, Kim Yoo-sung blocked the counter-attack too easily with his heightened senses.


Due to the endless punch rush, Ivan's body became covered in bruises, and when he glared at Kim Yoo-sung with venomous eyes, Kim Yoo-sung spoke with a fierce look in his eyes. 


"The fight is over now."


He tightened his grip on Ivan's wrist and twisted it, causing his wrist bone to snap. 




Feeling the excruciating pain of his arm bones shattering, Ivan screamed and collapsed to the ground. 


"Me! Me, Ivan, the strongest in the world! Losing to just a Japanese high school student!"


As he rolled on the ground, screaming in agony, Kim Yoo-sung kicked him in the chin to ease his suffering and said, 


"I am Korean."




One of the legendary Seven Heavenly Fist Warriors!


Ivan, the God of Destruction, who was also the head of the giant East Egg Company and the winner of the 1st and 2nd GOF!


The aftermath of his humiliating defeat caused a huge commotion in the underworld!


The fall of a living legend and the emergence of a new star, comparable to him! What's more, the fact that he was just a 17-year-old high school student made it even more of a hot topic!


Those who witnessed the battle in Ueno Park, secretly filmed and uploaded, debated what nickname would be appropriate for him, who had brought down a legend and become a new one!


A body as hard as a diamond!


Strength, akin to the mythological Hercules!


A fighting spirit as fierce as a yacha demon, and even a mercy that spared Ivan's life!


Those who knew that the fight between the two was purely accidental gave Kim Yoo-sung, who mistook the destructive deity Ivan for a black yacha demon, the nickname of "Diamond Yacha"!


Even if his tremendous combat power was only a one-time occurrence!


The world's strongmen who knew nothing of this fact began to take notice of the high school student from Japan who had defeated one of the giants of the underworld, the destructive deity Ivan, from his first appearance!


However, the person at the center of all the rumors, Kim Yoo-sung, had no way of realizing that those glances were directed toward him!


That was because he was just an ordinary high school student with a little more muscle than others!

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