A Kind World...

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Afterwards, Sasha approached her father who had been knocked out and said she would take care of the aftermath, and told me to leave.


I tried to give her my phone number in case anything happened, but Sasha refused at first, saying she would ask me first for it the next time we met.


There was nothing more I could do, so I told her that I understand, and after saying goodbye to Humaru-senpai at the subway station, who helped me, I went home.


And the next day...


As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, I clutched my head and thought to myself about what had happened yesterday.


'I did it!'


It was as if I was possessed by something.


No matter how much the world is in a manga, I thought I had basic common sense, but I was so out of control.


Most of it was self-defense, but if it had been a fight like yesterday in the original world, I would have been thrown in jail without hesitation.


Just in case, I searched the Internet for keywords related to what happened yesterday.


'Akihabara', 'Ueno Park', 'Russians', 'Street fight'


However, none of them yielded any results on the search engines.


It was as if the fight between me and the Russians that occurred in broad daylight never happened and was thoroughly covered up.


That fact gave me a chill.


It seemed like, as Sasha had said, Japan was involved in hiding information and covering up the incident.


This was also proof of the immense power of the multinational corporation, Easter Egg Company.


In addition to search engines, I searched relatively small community bulletin boards, but they were the same.


Just in case, I rummaged through the pockets of my hoodie lining.


Fortunately, the 2 million yen Sasha had given me was still there.


'Fuck, it wasn't a dream. This wasn't the ending.'


I had no means of contacting her from my side, so for now, all I could do was wait endlessly for her to contact me.


As I lay on the floor of my room, staring at the ceiling absent-mindedly, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation throughout my body.


It must be the aftereffects that Humaru-senpai mentioned.


Certainly, I felt like something was missing more than usual.

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The saggy feeling from the morning might also be the aftereffect of the red pill that hasn't gone away yet.


Fortunately, there were still four days left for the Golden Week, so there was plenty of time before going to school, but just in case, I decided to avoid strenuous exercise for a while.


With that in mind, I remembered that I had been so tired last night that I went to bed without even taking a shower, so I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.




Friday, May 5th, 2017...


Golden Week, which lasted for a total of 9 days, was also coming to an end.


Now, after the weekend, I went back to school.


Today was Children's Day, and families with boys put a carp-shaped kite called a 'koinobori' on the veranda.


Well, I had never actually tried it myself, I only know about it in theory.


"Seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine..."


I kept looking at my smartphone screen while doing some light bodyweight exercises, but Sasha, who disappeared with her father the day before yesterday, still hadn't contacted me.


Maybe she went back to Russia for her father's treatment.


"Eighty-eight, eighty-nine, one hundred!"


I wiped the sweat off my slightly exhausted upper body with a towel.


Maybe my body hadn't fully recovered from taking just one day off yesterday, as I still felt like my energy was drained from my body.


If my usual body condition was 10, it was probably only around 2 or 3 now.


In my opinion, this was also quite generous.


After helping my parents with their work and having lunch, I couldn't just keep the money Sasha had given me lying around in my room, so I put on a baseball cap and went out to deposit it in my bank account.


Maybe because today was Children's Day, passers-by in the family unit were busy walking around the flowered streets.


Maybe May 5th was the day when children's meals were sold the most at family restaurants?


I had to walk quite a bit because the bank I usually use was in an arcade shopping mall about 15 minutes away from the store.


While strolling around with my hands in my sweatpants pocket, I easily spotted the various-colored koinobori flying in the wind on the verandas of residential buildings.


After finishing my short walk, I went into the bank's automated corner. I inserted my bankbook, entered my password, and inserted the bundle of bills into the cash deposit slot.


After confirming the 2 million yen written on my bankbook, I thought about buying some snacks on my way home and stopped by a convenience store near my house.


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As I entered the convenience store fiddling with my smartphone, I heard a familiar voice and looked up.


Standing at the convenience store counter with a smile on her face was Humaru-senpai, who had long dark-purple hair.




"Kim, Kim Yoo-sung?!"




Fortunately, it was a time when there were no customers, so I was able to have a brief conversation with Humaru senpai who was working at the convenience store.


"Thank you for the other day."


When I said that while holding out the canned coffee I had just paid for at the counter, Humaru-senpai shook her head slightly as she accepted the canned coffee.


"No, it was something I had to do. It would go against my duty to just watch an innocent person get hurt."


I looked at Humaru-senpai's side profile and barely opened my mouth.


“That…senpai is a ninja, right?”


No matter how much it was manga world, I honestly didn't expect her to say something like this.


After hearing my question, Humaru-senpai nodded while sipping a can of coffee.


"That's right. I belongs to the  Huma ninja group."


"Then why do you disguise yourself as an ordinary person and go to school?"


Then Humaru-senpai said with a wry smile.


"It's not a disguise. In this world, even if you're a ninja, you still have receive basic education."


'Ah... I see.'


Realizing I was too narrow-minded, I nodded and asked another question.


“Honestly, there are many things I want to ask of you, and about the hidden world too.”


Scramble Love seemed to have an incredible amount of hidden settings despite being a love comedy.


Because otherwise, nothing like the day before could happen.


In particular, I was curious about what kind of energy I was using.


If I took the red pill again, would I be able to use the same power again?

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However, upon hearing this question, Humaru-senpai shook her head with a troubled expression.


"I can't tell you right now. I also need some preparation. And I need to ask permission from the elders in my hometown, so please give me some time."




It wasn't something I needed to know right away anyway.


Even if the original of Scramble Love seemed to have drifted into battle from love comedy, I didn't think there would be such a large-scale event happening one after another.


After all, in a world where love comedies were the foundation, there were still many regular events that could only be seen in school.


There was no way a smart writer would miss that.


"When I'm ready to explain next time, I'll come to you first. So please wait for a few weeks."


"I understand."


Feeling like the conversation had come to an end, I got up from my seat with the empty can in hand to start heading home.


"I'll see you at school then."


"Take care."


After exchanging curt goodbyes, I watched as Humaru-senpai walked back towards the convenience store counter, and suddenly, something came to mind.


“By the way, Humaru-senpai, why are you working part-time here?”


Then, as if she had been stabbed in a painful spot, Humaru-senpai replied with a slight blush on her face.


"I'm living on my own, and I need money for expenses..."


Ah, well if that was the case, it was understandable.


“Take care.”




I left the convenience store with both hands full of plastic bags and headed home.




The first day back to school after the long Golden Week:


Returning after 10 days, Class 2-B's classroom felt awkward.


Arriving at school at a neither too early nor too late time, I greeted Satoru, whom I hadn't seen in a while, and asked him what he did during Golden Week.

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Then, Satoru, whose skin was shining brightly, proudly opened his chest and said.


"I went on a hot spring trip to Hakata with my family."


Hakata is quite far away.


“At that distance, You would have boarded a plane.”


"Of course, we took a plane and also ate the flight meals!"


He boasted about eating in-flight meals, and it was quite high school-like in this aspect.


A little while later, Rika, who had a slightly tanned complexion, entered the classroom shaking her hand.


"Hello~ Ryu-chan~ Weren't you lonely while I was gone?"




To be honest, I didn't feel her absence that much, but it was better to give her lip service or two to avoid any future conflicts.


"Hehehe~ You seem like a loner~"


And Rika poked my chest with her index finger.


Eventually, when it was Monday's first HR class, 2-B's homeroom teacher and history teacher, commonly known as "Gorilla", Mr. Matsuda, entered the classroom holding a black roll book.


"Quiet! Quiet!"


In line with that, the noisy classroom became quiet, and Matsuda-sensei stood in front of the table, and then said in a serious voice.


"Today, there is a transfer student in our class. To be precise, he is an exchange student from a sister school in Vladivostok, Russia. It is her first time in Japan, so please treat everyone well."


Then, in a loud voice, he spoke to the transfer student standing outside the classroom.


"Come in, transfer student!"


The classroom was momentarily quiet when the front door opens and a foreign transfer student appears.


A beautiful foreign Slavic girl entered the classroom with her long, straight, blue-silver hair flowing and introduced herself with a soft smile on her lips.


"Alexandra Ivanovna Romanov. Feel free to call me Sasha if my name seems too long."


Saying that, Sasha slightly lifted her skirt and greeted everyone with an elegant gesture.


“My hobbies are shooting, horseback riding, watching anime, and reading. And what I’ve come to like recently is…”


“....Kim Yoo-sung over there.”


Thanks to Sasha's explosive remark from the first day of transfer, my peaceful school life began to take a turn.

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