~Past storyline~

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My name is Sakamoto Ryuji.


I'm a very ordinary high school student who just turned 17 this year.


During the long-awaited Golden Week, I went to Egypt with my archaeologist parents' invitation.


But what was waiting for me there was an unnamed pharaoh's tomb discovered in the valley of the kings.


The resurrected mummies of warriors!


A fight for my life! was awaited me when I willingly threw myself into the sand dunes to protect my younger sister who had fallen into the trap of despicable grave robbers and was the sarcophagus of an unknown pharaoh.


In order to escape from the secret room where the pharaoh's sarcophagus was enshrined, the moment I accidentally touched the cat's head decoration while pushing the wall of the room,


'Who dares disturb the rest of the tomb?!'


A muscular ghost with brown skin and black hair suddenly appeared in front of me.


The identity of the ghost was Pharaoh, the owner of this tomb, but after hearing all about it from me, he became very angry and asked to borrow my body.


It was good that I lent my body to the ghost of Pharaoh and defeated the tomb raiders to rescue my parents and younger sister who were captured.


However, what I didn't expect at all was that this ghost of Pharaoh attached himself to my body and followed me all the way to Japan.


'In the age of Pharaoh, he was not only the king of a country but also the strongest warrior. Thousands of years have passed since then, so there must be many warriors in this world who can rival me.'


He showed a strong sense of self-righteousness and said that he wanted to fight the strong people outside the tomb.


'Ryuji Sakamoto! Make a contract with me, Jim! If you grant Jim's wish, I promise you happiness in the afterlife!'


Caught up in his momentum, I made a contract in a snap.


Thus, my peaceful daily life was suddenly turned upside down by the ghost of Pharaoh who appeared out of nowhere.




I had a dream.


I didn't remember the details well, but it was probably memories of the Pharaoh, not mine.


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It was because the ancestral rites were being held in an open oasis-like place.


"…Wake up!"


I slowly opened my eyes at the sound of my little sister's voice and the feeling of her shaking my shoulder.


As always, my sister Yuka was standing by my bed in her school uniform, looking down at me.


"Big brother, if you don't get up quickly, you'll be late again."


"She's right, you're too lazy. You're my contractor."


I nodded my head next to my sister, then saw the brown-skinned Pharaoh standing next to her, and I got up and washed my face, saying, "Thank you."


It was the worst morning.




Celebrating the Golden Week, I went to Egypt where my parents were staying for 3 nights and 5 days, and I was caught up in an incident and the ghost of the pharaoh came to haunt me.


The eccentric pharaoh ghost, who said he had forgotten his original name and asked to be called 'Mahes', quickly adapted to modern society.


“Oh, living with a cat at home, are all the people of this era even followers of Goddess Bastet?”


"Contractor. If you eat an unbalanced diet, you won't be able to build a great body as a warrior. Eat vegetables whenever you can."


"Don't turn the laundry upside down. Sort it by color and put it in the basket. Contractor."


"It's noisy! Are you my mother or something?!"


"Well, the grace of Bastet goddess is both here and there."


I don't know how nasty it was to see him cross his arms and calmly respond while saying that.


After hurriedly eating breakfast prepared by my sister, I took a shower in the bathroom and quickly prepares for school.


Since Golden Week lasted for a whopping 9 days, going to school only lasted 10 days.


The town where I lived, Chitose Funabashi, was on the Setagaya side.


It takes about 30 minutes by train to get to Minato-ku where the school was located, so if I didn't leave the house by at least 7:10, I would inevitably be late.


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I didn't even have time to dry my hair, so after roughly wiping off the water with a towel, I left the house with Yuka, who was already ready for school.


"The world has become so much better. Steel wagons roll around, and humans can fly when there are no gods."


Perhaps, if it weren't for the pharaoh's ghost following me around, I would have thought that everything had gone back to normal.




Maya, who was waiting in front of the station, waved her hand excitedly when she saw me and Yuka walking from afar.



Seeing that, Mahes said in a smirking voice, rubbing his chin.


"Is she the contractor's woman? She looks like she could give birth to a healthy child with her big pelvis and big breasts."


"Maya and I have nothing to do with each other?!"


"Brother, what's wrong all of a sudden?"


Perhaps because Mahes was invisible to others, Yuka, who was walking next to me, tilted her head.


It must have looked like a crazy scene to someone who didn't know what was going on, so I stumbled through my words, trying to explain.


"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. It's like I suddenly received a strange radio wave."


"Pufu, what's that?"


Fortunately, I was able to gloss over it somehow, but I would have to be careful not to make the same mistake outside.


After reuniting with my childhood friend Maya in front of the station, I take the subway to Minato-ku, where my high school was located.


"Hello Mr. Gorilla!"


"Who is the gorilla!"


In front of the school gate, Matsuda, the dean of students in the second year and the homeroom teacher of class 2-B, was wearing a tracksuit and was regulating the students' attire.


"Sakamoto, welcome to Yaguchi."


"Hello, sir. Your muscles look bigger than usual today."


"Hehe... You noticed, huh. During the break, I asked my friend who's a bodybuilder to train me in hell."

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While saying that, the teacher, who made a pose emphasizing the biceps, said while grabbing the nape of the neck of the first grader who was trying to sneak past her eyes.


"You should come early like this every day. How nice would that be?"


"Ahaha, sorry."


After I said that and groaned, and passed through the school gate safely, Mahes, who had been silent, asked.


“Is that man a former warrior? His muscles don't seem ordinary.”


"He's just a teacher who likes to exercise. He's 36 and still single."


"That's… sad."


Maybe he was speechless after hearing his age, but Mahes covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.


Considering the average life expectancy of ancient people, it must be because Matsuda-sensei was at an age where it would not be strange to have grandchildren rather than children.


"Brother! Then see you in the evening!"




The middle school building is different from the high school, so after parting at the crossroads in the middle, I enter the school building with Maya.


Class 2-B.


Every time I looked at that nameplate hanging outside the classroom, it was hard to realize that it had already been a month since the beginning of the new semester.


When you open the classroom door and enter, the first thing that catches my eye was Kim Yoo-sung's s back as wide as the Pacific Ocean.


When I went to my seat by the window and sat down, thinking that it would always be a great start, Mahes, who was looking at the high school girls with a relaxed face outside the classroom, asked me with a serious face and twinkling eyes.


“Ryuji, what is that man really like?”


I realized that the one at the end of that line of sight was Kim Yoo-sung, who was sitting in the far back seat by the window on the hallway side and answered in a whisper.


"That's Kim Yoo-sung, the strongest guy in our academy."


At first, I didn't have a good impression of him because of the ominous rumors surrounding the academy, but he turned out to be a surprisingly good person.


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Perhaps people who don't know him well just talk about his appearance without knowing the truth.


I personally had a good impression of him since he helped me a lot on my date with Karen from the next table.


To be honest, at least once I want to call him "Brother!"


It was like the feeling of someone just popping out from an 80-90's manga.


After hearing my explanation, Mahes crossed his arms and muttered something interesting.


“I never thought that even in modern times there would be a man with this level of Twt-Ra.”




"It's an Egyptian word that means the shape of the sun, or the energy of the sun. Among the ancient Egyptians, the stronger the energy, the closer it was to Aton Ra."


"But why Kim Yoo-sung?"


Then Mahes closed his eyes and answered.


"His Twt-Ra is equal to or even greater than mine. It's almost like that of a great warrior."


After hearing what Mahes said, I looked at Kim Yoo-sung with surprised eyes.


I knew he was strong, but to receive such an evaluation from this macho pharaoh who took down twenty tomb robbers in one go.


"If we actually fight, I'll win, but it's exciting to know that there are strong people like this even in modern times. My heart is already pounding."


"...I've said it before, but you have to be patient for now. I can't help you until at least two years, until my studies are over."


Mahes then nodded and said.


"I'm used to waiting. How many thousands of years do you think I spent in that tomb?"


"That's good. I'm sleeping? Wake me up when Matsuda-sensei comes."


"Yes, I understand."


I was relieved that I could communicate well with the ancient Egyptian Mahes and decided to take a nap until HR started.


...Honestly, until now, I never expected that.


Could it be that I'll end up fighting Kim Yoo-sung?

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