Chapter 308: Sibling rivalry Part 2

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I swung my sword upward and slashed Sophie’s gravity magic. Even in such a short time, Sophie seems to complete her magic preparations.


I released a slightly larger fireball that also served as a distraction. Of course, the magic sensing would have given away my general location, but I was able to disappear from sight for a moment.

“Dark Inferno!”

Sophie unleashed a fire/dark combination of magic that made my hiding point moot. This combined magic swallowed even the fireballs. This combined magic was so broad that even my sword would have a hard time cutting through it.

So I launched a lightning bolt at the bottom of my foot. The force of the magical explosion allowed me to float several meters into the air and avoid Sophie’s magic. I also activated the Lightning bolt again with the soles of my feet and changed direction in mid-air to face Sophie.

This was another thing Darki had taught me. I had only been using the advantage of the lightning bolt’s ineffectiveness as a kind of self-destructive technique. So she told me to use it more effectively.

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Sophie grabbed the mace with one hand as she quickly prepared her magic. She probably intended to use the mace to block my sword attack and then attack with magic.

“Ice block!”

Before I could get to Sophie, I put out a block of ice about one meter in front of her. I smashed it as hard as I could. Sophie reflexively hid her face with her arms to guard against the shards of the ice block. I lost my momentum from hitting the ice and started to fall in the air.

“Lightning Spark!”

I released lightning Spark without chanting the moment I landed on the ground. This magic scatters lightning over a wide area.

“Release Magic!”

“Lightning shrink!”

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I knew that if I released this, Sophie would have no choice but to cancel the spell. So I undauntedly approached Sophie.


Sophie tried to pull out her mace impatiently.

I pointed the tip of my sword at Sophie.

“Lightning shock!”


I let out a numbing blast of lightning from the tip of my sword. Even Sophie, who has a high magic defense, wouldn’t be able to move a little. If it were true, I would have liked to attack at once with the sword, but that was not possible this time. To buy more time, I fired Lightning Arrows in all directions. I called it in with my title lightning rod. This would cause quite a few lightning Arrows to hit Sophie nearby. So Sophie would use her magic disarm. So I took that opportunity to start preparing a spell that would take out even Sophie with a single blow.

“Absolute Zero!”

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Sophie used an ice magic I didn’t know. No…is this ice magic in the first place? My whole body was enveloped in ice. When I looked at Sophie, who was slightly transparent behind the ice, I saw that she had placed stone walls in all directions to block the lightning. When I saw that Sophie used two magic at the same time, she was acquiring parallel thoughts…. That’s when my consciousness ceased.

“Now, can you see where you went wrong?”

When I regained consciousness, Darki appeared and started talking to me before Sophie and the others could speak to me.

“I think it was the last time I fired my lightning Arrow…”

“Oh, you know. You were greedy at that point and wanted more room to maneuver. That gave her an opening you didn’t need.”

Thinking about it calmly, that was a bad move. Sophie had many other ways to prevent it besides disarming the magic. I had assumed that just because I had been right in the past, I would be right this time, too.

“Ideally, you should make sure you do some damage and then move away from them, or at worst, you should use your big magic to counterattack them. If you are running away, you won’t be able to beat even the best opponent.”


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There was no way I could do well with just the knowledge I was taught yesterday.

“You just had a completely different approach. You can be stronger with more effort from now on.”

“Thank you.”

With that, Darki returned to Suikou.

“Nii-sama! Are you all right! I’m sorry, I just used ice crystal magic.”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.”

I heard that ice crystal magic is a magic in which ice magic evolved just like my lightning magic evolved into lightning bolt magic.

If you take what Sophie is saying in reverse, it means that she has been forced into a situation where she has no choice but to use magic that hasn’t yet been released to the public. I was able to push Sophie to that point without using swords or other physical attacks.

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