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“Kuh……I give up.”

“Winner Zeros.”

When I had just about stopped Suiyami in its sheath around Sophie’s neck, Shana declared me the winner and ended the mock battle.


“Haa …… haa…thank you.”

I reached out my hand to the squatting Sophie.

I’ve had five mock fights with Sophie since then, including this one and I both won three and lost three. My magic bind was finally lifted after three consecutive defeats. The reason why it was lifted was because Sophie was fully aware that I was bound to use magic. The next three fights that I won were mainly close combat, and I fought with magic as a sub.

”So…it changes so much when nii-sama uses magic actively.”


Even though I was mainly using a sword, I was also using magic as well like in the magic battle earlier.  Sophie was especially struggling with the rapid launch of the lightning bolt. Unlike lightning shrink, moving with lightning bolt cannot be done in an instant. However, unlike the lightning shrink, you can change direction on the way, which gives you a lot of freedom.

“Then let’s have a mock battle, Carina.”

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Today I had 22 mock fights, including the one I’m about to have with Carina. I had six with Sophie, seven with Elira, five with Shana, and four with Carina. I’ve won all of my fights with Elira, Shana, and Carina.

The one time I fought using spirits, devils, and beasts prohibited and Elira with all skills free, I almost lost. If we had three mock fights with the same rules, I would have lost more than once for sure. Elira wanted to have another mock battle with the same rules, but the sun was about to set, so this mock battle with Carina, which she had originally promised, would be my last.



“Oh, yes! What is it?”

“You said you were going to do a mock battle with me at the end, is that okay? You don’t want to?”

“Oh, I’m sorry! I’m fine!”

Carina was staring blankly at something until I called her name again.

“What’s wrong?”

“No nothing, I thought I heard something, but it’s nothing! Let’s get on with it!”

“Really? Well, okay then…”

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Carina is a cat beastman, so she hears better than any of us. So she heard things we didn’t?

“Are you ready?”


“Yeah. …I’m ready.”

Carina shook her head and paused for a moment before replying to Elira, the referee, Are you sure you’re okay?

“Then, let’s begin!”


“Lightning shrink!”


I attacked Carina, who was running toward me, using lightning shrink to get close to her in an instant. Carina managed to block that attack. After several mock battles with Carina, I learned that it is better not to use enchantment against her. I just can’t get the feeling of being forced to de-enchant. Every time I do it, I feel like she’s going to be able to take advantage of that gap. Plus, when the enchantment is taken away, it gives the carina quite a power-up.


“Ka-huh ……”

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No matter how much the beastmen specialize in close combat, I’m evolved, so Carina is no match for me. My kick lands cleanly in Carina’s stomach.

“Lightning Arrow!”


Carina was blown away, but she quickly regained her position and avoided my lightning magic. From Carina’s point of view, the last thing she wants me to do is to use lightning magic. Even if she borrowed this magic, it wouldn’t damage me. Rather, there’s a risk that enchantments or other magic will be used while she’s borrowing lightning magic.

In case you are wondering, there is a handicap in this mock battle. Because of this handicap, I dared to release the lightning magic without chanting.

“Lightning bolt!”

I approached Carina with my customary lightning bolt with the sole of my foot.



Then I attacked again with my sword. Carina used her dagger to parry the attack.


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Taking advantage of the slightest gap when she parried the attack, I unleashed an ice magic on Carina. The handicap for me was that I had to use magic other than lightning magic in order to make her say she was defeated at the end. However, my ice magic ice ball disappeared before it hit Carina.

“Ice ball.”

And the vanished ice ball was immediately released by Carina. I took it unguarded. I had originally released it with the assumption that Carina would take it away from me.


Carina was surprised in two ways: first, I was hit by the Iceball without defending myself, and second, there were many Fire Arrows around her.

“Carina doesn’t have eyes in the back either, right?”

“I give up.”

Carina can’t take away even the magic behind her that she can’t see. The fire arrow that exists to surround the whole body cannot be dodged. It is not difficult to activate a dozen or more magic at once if you take advantage of multiple thoughts. However, it took a little time because I did it without chanting so that I wouldn’t be deprived of all of them.

“So much for that! Winner Zeros.”

Carina has not been able to acquire magic sensing. That’s why she couldn’t see the fire arrow I had prepared. I’m trying to teach her to somehow acquire magical sensing, but it’s not working. Originally, beastmen have low magical ability due to their race. If she could sense magic, she would be able to make more use of her eyes, because she would be able to find the moment when the magic she could take away was released. Moreover, she would be able to detect less powerful magic such as the ice magic I used this time.

“Tomorrow we will be hunting again in the deep forest, so please take a good rest today.”

With this, today’s mock battle was all over. Just as Sophie had said, tomorrow we would start leveling up in the deep forest again.

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