Vol. 2 Chapter 13

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The Thoughts of the Villainess ※Sofia's Perspective※

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


※Sofia’s Perspective※


“You know deep down you feel the same way, don’t you? There’s no need to force yourself to do something you don’t want to,” Arius Gilbert said, his ice-blue eyes seeing through me, and a confident smile playing on his lips. What is he thinking?


He suddenly called me by my name and said something so presumptuous. He’s getting too close, whispering in my ear… It’s truly uncouth.


I am the fiancée of Prince Erik, the first prince of the kingdom. If he were to see us like this… Well, knowing Prince Erik, he would probably just laugh it off with his usual smile. It’s not about whether he trusts me or not… It’s just that I have no interest in him. We are merely political partners due to our arranged marriage.


The Victorino family is one of the three major ducal families, but our power has been declining, despite being the oldest among the ducal families. That’s why the marriage with Prince Erik is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Victorino family. My father told me so, and I am well aware of it. I have no intention of complaining about a political marriage. It’s just that… while I’m still a student at the academy, I want to enjoy the last moments of freedom in my life.


Of course, I understand that I can’t be completely free. There are always nobles affiliated with the Victorino family around me. Even if the marriage with Prince Erik increases the Victorino family’s power, I cannot neglect the relationships with the nobles from other factions. In the aristocratic society, connections are crucial, and if the trust of the nobles from the factions is lost and we become isolated, the Victorino family will ultimately lose its power.


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But still… even if he said it, I can’t help but think that it’s really wrong to look down on commoners just because they’re commoners. After all, our subjects are also commoners, so that would mean looking down on our own people.


Moreover, 20% of the academy’s students are commoners. Are we going to belittle them just because they’re commoners? Can’t we get along regardless of our social status as fellow students at the academy?


“Sofia-sama… Is something the matter?”


Rachel called out to me, bringing me back to reality. I was currently having lunch with the members of our faction in the cafeteria.


If I keep getting caught up in my thoughts like this, it seems everyone will be at a loss. Everyone seems to have let it go after Arius stepped back, and they are enjoying their meals while chatting.


“Rachel, it’s nothing…”


Rachel is the daughter of the Crannos Earl family, affiliated with the Victorino faction. Among the students affiliated with the factions, she has the most gentle personality and doesn’t belittle commoners like the others.


I am saved by Rachel’s presence. But… I can’t get his words and face out of my head.


“Sofia, isn’t it your duty to stop them?”

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That’s right… I know that too. But it’s not just our faction, many of the noble students have a sense of superiority to some extent. He and I are in the minority.


Besides, I have a duty to protect everyone in our faction. If there is trouble with other students, I have no choice but to support our side…


“Sofia-sama… If I may, it seems you’re not feeling well. If that man… Arius-sama did something indecent, there’s no helping it.”






My face involuntarily grows hot. That’s right… it’s his fault for doing something like that!


He doesn’t even know anything about me, and yet he dares to say such presumptuous things… Really… His face and words won’t leave my mind! Yes, even I…


“Hey, everyone. Could you listen to what I have to say?”


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All the members of our faction stop chatting and pay attention to my words.


“Regarding what happened earlier with Arius, I cannot forgive his actions, but I believe there is some truth in his words. The girl earlier didn’t know the rules and sat in the wrong seat. If there are similar incidents in the future, couldn’t we, as nobles, show our generosity and forgive them?”


My words confuse the members of our faction.


“Sofia-sama… Are you suggesting we prioritize commoners?”


“I never thought Sofia-sama would favor commoners over us.”


These two, Isabella and Laura, say with smirks on their faces. They were the ones who complained to the girl earlier and grabbed her shoulder. They always take the lead in belittling commoners.


“Of course. But it’s not about their social status. I’m asking you to show your nobility by forgiving them.”


“Sofia-sama, you’re so kind.”


“That’s right! I believe it’s our duty as nobles to educate ignorant commoners.”

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They don’t harbor any ill intentions towards me. However, they believe that looking down on commoners is only natural.


“Yes, that’s one of the duties of nobles. But I also believe that having a compassionate heart is important.”


My words don’t reach their hearts. This is my limit.


I cannot defend other students to the point of opposing our faction.


But my heart remains clouded. Is protecting them for the sake of our faction truly what I should be doing?


“You know deep down you feel the same way, don’t you? There’s no need to force yourself to do something you don’t want to,” his words echo in my mind. Ah… I can’t get his face and words out of my head. What is it that I truly desire…


※ ※ ※ ※

Sofia Victorino, 15 years old

Level: 14

HP: 51

MP: 75

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