Vol. 2 Chapter 18

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Protagonist *Milia's Perspective*

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


*Milia’s Perspective*


I was reincarnated into the world of the otome game “Love Magic Academy,” commonly known as “KoiGaku.” I became the protagonist, Milia Rondo… probably.


I can’t be sure because my memories from before “KoiGaku” are vague. I can’t even remember who I was in my past life.


I do remember that I loved “KoiGaku.” But whenever I think about it, I feel strangely sad.


It’s as if I played with someone very important, but I can’t remember who that person is, and only a sense of sadness remains.


Perhaps my memories of being reincarnated into the game world are just my imagination. But I don’t think so because my memories of “KoiGaku” are too vivid.


There is a way to confirm that it’s not just my imagination. I have been recognized for my magical talent and enrolled in the Royal Magic Academy, which is the setting of “KoiGaku.”


If events unfold as I remember, it will prove that my memories of my past life are real.


Having come from a rural town to the capital, I encounter the first event of “KoiGaku.”


On the way to the academy’s dormitory, I come across a child who got injured while avoiding a noble’s carriage. I use magic to heal his wounds.


“Thank you, miss.”


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“It’s no problem. I’m just glad your injury is healed.”


I have confirmed that Prince Eric, one of the capture targets in “KoiGaku,” witnessed the incident.


Since I’m wearing the academy uniform, Eric now knows that I’m a student at the academy.


When I arrive at the dormitory, I am approached by a handsome guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, who has a mysterious aura.


“You… you’re a total country bumpkin. Your hairstyle is so lame.”


He is Eric’s twin brother, Prince Sieg, the second prince. Sieg is also one of the capture targets in “KoiGaku” and my favorite character.


“Yes, I suppose so. After all, I’m just a poor commoner’s daughter. The nobles of the capital wouldn’t understand my feelings, would they?”


“N-No… That’s not what I meant…”


Sieg panics at his own words, which are the same as in the game. Despite his image as a carnivorous male, he quickly gets flustered when he realizes he hurt someone’s feelings.


“Sieg-sama… Who is this girl?”


“Well, Sasha… We just happened to run into each other.”


Sasha Blancard, a beautiful girl with pink-gold hair and aqua-colored eyes. She is the daughter of the Marquis Blancard and Sieg’s fiancée.


“Really? Is that true?”


Sasha gives me a sharp look. Her character was supposed to genuinely like Sieg.

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“Yes, it’s true. We simply met by chance, and there is no relationship between me and this person. I have some luggage to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me.”


Milia in “KoiGaku” is a tsundere character who initially maintains a cold attitude towards the capture targets. This is fresh and intriguing to them, sparking their interest.


Although Sieg looked surprised as he watched me, he eventually smiled.


This is the first event between Milia and Sieg… Yes, everything is just as I remember. I am convinced that my memories of my past life are real.


Although thinking about my memories of “KoiGaku” makes me feel strangely sad, in my past life, I loved the game




It’s a miracle to be reincarnated into the world of a beloved game… So I will play the role of Milia Rondo from the game. I don’t want to ruin the world of the game that I loved.


From then on, events unfold according to my memories of my past life, and I calmly go through the events of “KoiGaku.”


In the second week of academy life, it is time for the event where I meet Arius, the son of the kingdom’s prime minister, who is the third capture target.


I head to the library, as the diligent Milia is supposed to do research there when she doesn’t understand something from class.


There, I encounter Arius, who also loves studying. The event was supposed to be a cliché scene where our fingertips accidentally touch while reaching for the same book, but…


“Noel, that formula is wrong. You should use this one instead.”


“Yeah, you’re right… It’s true. You’re amazing, Arius-kun!”

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Arius was teaching a quiet, studious girl with braided hair and glasses. This scene wasn’t in the game. Moreover, Arius’s demeanor… He’s an intellectual, glasses-wearing guy, supposed to be gentle and herbivorous.


Arius, talking to the girl, wasn’t even wearing glasses, and his presence was different… He had a different kind of charisma compared to the game.


It’s natural for Arius to stand out since he’s one of the handsome capture targets in “KoiGaku.” Contrary to his image as quiet and gentle, he stands out with a somewhat arrogant and self-centered attitude.


Huh… Why does Arius seem like a completely different person from the game memories? 


In the midst of my confusion, our gazes unexpectedly meet. 


“Hey, why have you been staring at me all this time?” 


His eyes are a piercing ice-blue color that seems to see through everything. A confident smile plays on his lips. It’s as if he’s aware that I’m playing the role of Milia. 


But this expression… I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before. But I can’t remember who it is… 


“Um… I’m sorry!” 


“Hey, wait a minute!” 


Ignoring Arius’s attempt to stop me, I flee from the library. I don’t even know the reason myself, but I feel guilty for some reason. 


On my way back to the classroom from the library, I remember the next event. 


In the game, as Milia reminisces about her fingertips touching Arius, she absentmindedly walks down the corridor and gets entangled with noble students who proceed to harass her. 


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The ones harassing her are Sophia, the villainess and Eric’s fiancée, and her entourage. The event is supposed to show Milia standing up firmly against the nobles, and Eric witnessing it and becoming more fond of her, leading to a deepening of their relationship. 


“Ah, I’m sorry…” 


“Wait a moment, you commoner over there!” 


I get caught up with a noble student after our shoulders collide. Up until this point, it’s the same development as the game. However, I quickly realize that the situation is different from the game. 


“Isabella, didn’t Sophia-sama tell us to have compassion for commoners?” 


“Yes, Laura. But Sophia-sama is merely kind, she never forced us to do anything!” 


“That’s true… It’s unthinkable that Sophia-sama would prioritize commoners over us.” 


Such lines weren’t in the game. The two before me give off a distinct noble atmosphere. In the game, this is where the villainess, Sophia, is supposed to appear, but she is nowhere to be seen. 


“Now, commoner. Let me show you what happens when you show disrespect to nobles.” 


I’m grabbed by both arms and dragged into the courtyard. This follows the same flow as the game, but Sophia is still nowhere to be found. And there’s one more thing… something different from the game. 


For reasons I don’t understand, Arius, who must have followed us from the library, was watching our situation. 


※ ※ ※ ※

Milia Rondo, 15 years old

Level: 22

HP: 92

MP: 128

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