Vol. 2 Chapter 19

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The Event of Millia and Sophia

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


In the library, I felt someone’s gaze on me while talking to Noel. I followed the gaze and saw a girl with white hair and deep purple eyes.


Oh, right, this is the timing for the event where the protagonist of “Love Academy Koigaku,” Millia Rond and Arius, meet. But I’m not interested in otome games, so I don’t intend to follow the event obediently.


“Hey, why have you been looking at me since earlier?” I said, deliberately distancing myself. It’s troublesome to get involved with the romance-minded Millia.


“Um… I’m sorry!” Millia suddenly ran away. Her reaction felt strange. Considering she’s a tsundere, she should be angry at this point.


“Hey, wait a minute,” I said, chasing after Millia. Catching up to her is easy, but I know that consecutive events will occur. I decide to keep my distance and observe.


“Ah, I’m sorry…”


“Wait a moment, you commoner!”


Millia and a noble girl collided, triggering an event.


“Isabella, didn’t Sophia-sama tell us to show mercy to commoners?”


“Yes, Laura, but Sophia-sama is merely kind. She didn’t force us to do anything!”


“That’s right… It’s unthinkable for Sophia-sama to prioritize commoners over us.”


In this event, Millia and Sophia should have a conflict, and then Erik should step in as a mediator. But for some reason, Sophia is nowhere to be seen, and her followers are leading Millia to the courtyard.


So, Sophia is not involved in this unlike the game… What does that mean?


Well, it would be quicker to ask the person herself. I head to Year 1 Class B, which is Sophia’s class.


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“Oh, isn’t that Arius? Did you come to see me?”


“No, Burn, it’s not you. I have something to discuss with Sophia.”


Passing by Burn, I head towards Sophia’s seat. It must be because of the rumors at the cafeteria. The romance-minded girls are paying attention to me and Sophia.


“Arius-sama… What do you mean?”


“Hey, Sophia. Stop with the honorifics already. You can call me by my name too.”


Sophia, whose face turns red for some reason, sends me a reproachful look.


“Anyway, your followers took a commoner student and headed to the courtyard. Do you know anything about it?”


“What… What are you saying!”


Sophia rushes out in a panic. As I try to follow Sophia, I hear Burn’s voice.


“Hey, Arius, aren’t you being cold? We’re supposed to be best friends, right?”


Hey, when did we become best friends? I chuckle at Burn’s words.


“Well, if that’s the case, want to come along?”


After all, Burn is the third prince of the empire. He might be useful for something.


“Yeah, of course. If Miss Sophia left in a hurry, it means something has happened, right?”


This guy surprisingly has good intuition.


“Well, something like that. But don’t just act on your own, okay?”


“Yeah. Leave it to me, my friend!”

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Burn smiles, showing his white teeth. He’s a good guy, but he can be a bit overwhelming.


When we arrive at the courtyard, noble girls surround Millia. Sophia, who rushed over, interrupts them.


“What are you all doing!”




The followers show embarrassed faces, but the two who attacked Noel try to act innocent.


“Sophia-sama, we are just educating the commoners.”


“Yes, Sophia-sama, you said you understand




“That’s true, but…”


As a daughter of a duke, Sophia has an obligation to protect the followers belonging to her faction, even if they are at fault.


This is a crucial moment for Sophia. I’m not interested in the world of “Love Academy,” but I’m the one who instigated Sophia. I have a responsibility to see it through to the end.


“That’s why… I will continue. I will let that commoner over there understand her position. Come on, apologize for bumping into me, a noble.”


Chapter 19: The Event Continues


The noble girls forcefully hold down Millia.


“Please stop! I admit it was my fault for bumping into you, but this one-sidedness is uncalled for!”


Millia resists, but she is outnumbered and eventually pinned down to the ground. Her face gets dirtied by the soil. Isabella sneers and attempts to step on Millia’s head.


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“Isabella, stop…!”


Sophia’s tone is firm. It’s the first time I hear her giving orders.


“Sophia-sama… Surely, you won’t side with the commoners? That’s unthinkable.”


“That’s right. It’s impossible for kind-hearted Sophia-sama to give us orders.”


Isabella and Laura seem confident, but Sophia is resolute.


“It’s not about whose side I’m on. What you all did is a disgraceful act, not just as nobles… but as human beings!”


She has made up her mind. Sophia has that expression on her face.


“If you harm other students, I will never forgive you!”


Sophia declares firmly. I… I’m captivated by her appearance.


Hey, come on. This is a joke, right? She’s just a 15-year-old girl. What’s a 40-year-old man in spirit thinking?


Although Isabella and Laura are bewildered by Sophia’s change, they continue to resist.


“Sophia-sama… Are you saying that you are abandoning us, the members of our faction?”


“Such a thing is impossible… There is nothing more important to nobles than their factions.”


But it was a futile act against Sophia, who had made up her mind.


“What you do as human beings has nothing to do with factions. In fact, if I overlook such acts, it will tarnish the name of the Victorino family. If you continue, I will expel your families from the faction.”


Sophia doesn’t have the authority as the head of the family, but making such a declaration in front of the nobles belonging to the faction shows her strong determination.


Realizing this, Isabella and Laura turn pale and fall silent.

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“You should release her as well,” Sophia says, referring to the noble girls who were restraining Millia.


“Yes, Sophia-sama!”


The noble girls who were restraining Millia hurriedly release her.


Sophia approaches Millia and, disregarding her own dirty clothes, lifts her up and bows deeply.


“The members of the faction have shown great disrespect towards you. I am truly sorry. I will make sure to make amends, putting the name of the Victorino family at stake.”


Sophia, a daughter of a duke, bows to a commoner. It’s shocking in itself, but the weight of their own guilt for putting Sophia through this makes the noble girls astounded.


“Sophia-san, you don’t have to go that far… It wasn’t your fault.”


Millia is perplexed by Sophia’s sincere apology. There’s… still something off about Millia’s reaction.


“No, the actions of the members of the faction are my responsibility, so I can’t let it be. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am Sophia Victorino. May I know your name?”


“Yes, I’m Millia Rond.”


“Then, Millia-san, I will definitely make amends for what happened today. However, I must apologize and excuse myself for the time being, as I need to have a talk with these girls.”


Sophia glares at the noble girls once again. With this development, it seems like I won’t have a role to play. As I’m thinking about that…


“It’s become quite an intense situation, hasn’t it?”


Erik appears with his usual refreshing smile.


※ ※ ※ ※

Arius Gilbert, 15 years old

Level: ????

HP: ????

MP: ????

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