Vol. 2 Chapter 20

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I Will Never Let Her Become the Villainess

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


“Prince Erik…”


The voices of Sophia and the noble girls overlap. Well, Erik is the key figure in this event. Although the game and the actual situation are completely different.


“I must apologize to Prince Erik. The actions of the faction members have brought disgrace not only to themselves but also to your name. You may punish me however you see fit.”


Sophia is resolute, and she has made up her mind. Her punishment will likely include the dissolution of her engagement with Erik.


On the other hand, Isabella, Laura, and the other noble girls have no such determination. Well, I couldn’t care less about them.


“Hey, Erik. I know it’s not my place to intervene, but can I say one thing?”


I thought I wouldn’t have a role to play this time. I know it’s unnecessary meddling. But I’m the one who instigated Sophia, so I have a responsibility to prevent things from getting worse.




In a different sense than Erik, the noble girls panic at my appearance. I stirred things up with them in the dining hall. But I completely ignore them.

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“What happened this time was something these girls did without Sophia’s knowledge. I happened to see them taking that girl to the courtyard, and when I informed Sophia, she hurried to stop them. I witnessed the whole sequence of events. Sophia is innocent.”


“Yes, that’s right. Prince Erik, I can also vouch for the fact that Sophia-sama is not at fault.”




The noble girls panic for the third time at the appearance of the third capture target. This time, their reaction seems to be asking why Barne is here. Well, I brought him along as a precaution.


Erik is a good guy, but there are times when I can’t understand what he’s thinking. In the game, this event solidifies Sophia’s role as the villainess, so having more witnesses is better.


“It’s unexpected for Barne-sama to be here, but I’m grateful that both of you are standing up for Sophia. Thank you. But even I never doubted Sophia.”


Erik responds with his usual refreshing smile.


“As for those of you who hurt her, I leave everything to Sophia. I have no intention of dealing with it as the prince or taking any action against you.”


The noble girls feel relieved at Erik’s words. But that doesn’t mean they’re forgiven.


“If that’s the case, then fine. Well then, Barne. Shall we leave?”


Our presence is hindering the conversation between Sophia and the noble girls.

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“But before that, you mentioned her name as Millia, right? Wait a moment.”


I approach Millia and activate “Purify” and “Heal” just to be safe. With that, Millia’s body and clothes become clean as if nothing happened.


It’s always surprising for them to witness me using magic without incantations, but the one who was most surprised this time was Millia. Well, she’s seeing it for the first time.


“Uh… Why can Arius use ‘Healing’…?”


Her voice is too low to hear clearly, but she seems to be muttering something. Millia isn’t supposed to be this kind of character. There’s definitely something off about her. Well, Erik and Sophia also have their discrepancies from the game’s image.


Especially for Millia, who is the protagonist of “Love Studies,” it’s understandable that her image would be different from when she played the game.


Well, I’m done here. Let’s really leave this time.


“Arius-sama, please wait!”


Sofia called out to me.


“I told you to stop with the ‘sama’ honorific. So, what is it?”

“Thank you for defending me, but… I don’t understand why you’re being kind to me. Also… I know it might be inappropriate to say this, but I have a responsibility to take the blame for what the faction members did. It wouldn’t be fair if only I’m not punished.”

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Sofia stared straight at me, as if trying to pierce through. This is the real Sofia.


“First of all, you don’t need to thank me. I did what I did on my own, and I simply stated the facts. As for taking responsibility for what the faction members did, it’s only natural for the organization to do so, but I’m not interested in that kind of thing.”


“B… But as a noble, even you can’t just disregard the factions, can you?”


She stopped herself from saying “Arius” just now.


“Well, it doesn’t really matter to me. My parents didn’t create any factions, and the likelihood of me inheriting the title is low anyway.”


“Huh… But you’re the eldest son of Duke Gilbert’s family, right?”


“Well, that’s true. But I have a younger brother and sister, and my parents have told me that I’m free to do as I please.”


Since I became an adventurer, my twin siblings, Sirius and Alicia, were born. They’ll be nine years old this year.


Well, I only met them once right before entering the academy, so I don’t really feel like an older brother.


“Low likelihood of inheriting the title? Arius, this is news to me as well.”


Erik interjected with a refreshing smile.

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“I’ll be in trouble if you don’t become the prime minister. It would be a lot of work for me if I had to handle all the troublesome matters when I become the king.”


“You’ll be fine, Erik. If things get tough, you can just appoint someone else as the prime minister.”


“I apologize to your younger siblings, but I’m only considering Arius as the prime minister.”

Well, I never intended to push for Sirius and Alicia anyway. Even if I’m told such things, I have no interest in being the prime minister.


“We’re getting off topic. Sofia, if that’s all you wanted to ask, I’ll be going.”


“Yes… I’m sorry for detaining you.”


For some reason, she’s glaring at me again. Maybe it’s because Sofia sees me as too free-spirited.


But being bound by a family or faction is not something I want.




Arius Gilbert, 15 years old

Level: ????

HP: ????

MP: ????

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