Vol. 2 Chapter 21

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Determination *Sophia's Perspective*

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


*Sophia’s Perspective*

“Yes, that is one of the duties of nobles, but I also believe that having a compassionate heart is important,” I said, making a statement in defense of commoners. As a result, I distanced myself from the faction.


It couldn’t be helped. I hadn’t said anything wrong. However, as a result, that incident happened. He suddenly appeared in my class and looked at me with his piercing ice-blue eyes that seemed to see through everything.


“Your followers took some commoner students and went to the courtyard. Do you know anything about it?” he asked.


“What… What are you talking about?”


While I had created some distance between myself and the faction, I didn’t think they would ignore me and do as they pleased. But if what he said was true, I couldn’t just claim ignorance. It would mean abandoning my responsibilities as the daughter of Duke Victorino.


I desperately ran towards the courtyard, only to find the faction members surrounding the commoner students. Confronted with the harsh reality, I felt dizzy.


“What are you all doing?” I exclaimed.


“S-Sophia-sama…” everyone’s faces filled with guilt. However, Isabella and Laura were different.


“Sophia-sama, we are educating the commoners,” Isabella said.


“Yes, Sophia-sama, you said you understood,” Laura added.


“That may be so… but…” I struggled to find the right words. I had indeed given my approval to their statements.


“In that case… I will continue. I will make you understand your position as a commoner. Apologize to me, a noble, for colliding with me,” Isabella commanded, and everyone held the commoner student down.


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“Stop it! Yes, it was my fault too, but this one-sidedness is uncalled for!” the girl resisted, but everyone pinned her to the ground. Isabella sneered at her dirtied face and attempted to step on her head.


Am I just going to stand by and watch? At that moment, his words echoed in my mind.


“You actually think the same, don’t you? You don’t have to force yourself to do something you don’t want.”


I don’t need you to tell me that… I know it very well!


“Isabella, stop!” It was the first time I had ever given orders to the faction members.


“Sophia-sama… Surely, you wouldn’t take the side of commoners? That’s impossible,” Isabella and Laura protested, but I had no intention of backing down.


“Isabella, I’m telling you to stop. Do you even understand what you were about to do? This is not about taking sides. What you and Laura did… it’s a shameful act, not just as nobles… but as human beings!”


By saying this, I might push away the faction members. However, I knew I wasn’t wrong.


“If you harm other students, I will never forgive you!”


“Sophia-sama… Does that mean you’re betraying our faction by taking the side of commoners?”


“That’s impossible… There’s nothing more important to nobles than the faction.”


“If you do something as disgraceful as this, it doesn’t matter what happens to the faction. In fact, turning a blind eye to such actions would tarnish the name of the Victorino family. If you continue, I will expel you from the faction!”


I knew that I didn’t have the authority to do such a thing. However, since I couldn’t forgive what the two of them had done, I deliberately used the word “expel.”


“Release her at once, all of you!”


“Yes, Sophia-sama!”

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Everyone hurriedly


 let go of the student. I approached her and lifted her up.


“The members of the faction were very rude to you. I apologize sincerely. I will make sure to make amends for this, I swear on the name of the Victorino family.”


It was only natural to bow my head. I had hurt her by hesitating.


“Sophia-san, you don’t have to go that far… It wasn’t your fault,” she said, her white hair and purple eyes filled with confusion. Even from another girl’s perspective, she was incredibly cute, unlike me, who lacked such charm.


“No, it is my responsibility for what the faction members did, so I can’t let it be that way. I apologize for the late introduction. I am Sophia Victorino. May I ask for your name?”


“Yes, I’m Milia Rond.”


I felt sorry for her unnecessary fear and hesitation. But that’s exactly why I had to admonish the faction members.


“Then, Milia-san. I will make sure to make amends for this incident, but I apologize for today. I need to talk to them, so please excuse me.”


“The situation has become quite intense,” Prince Erik appeared at this timing. It was only natural considering the commotion they had caused. I had no intention of hiding anything.


“I must apologize to Prince Erik. The actions of the faction members have not only disgraced their own faces but also tarnished the prince’s reputation. You can punish me in any way you see fit.”


Breaking off the engagement with Prince Erik was a significant blow to the Victorino family, but it was only natural to be blamed. The faction members had done enough, and I had merely stood by and watched.


“Hey, Erik. I don’t mean to meddle, but can I say something?” Suddenly, he appeared before me, as I prepared myself.


“This incident was done without Sophia’s knowledge. These guys did it on their own. I happened to see them taking that girl to the courtyard, so I hurriedly informed Sophia and came to stop them. I saw everything that happened. Sophia is not at fault.”


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Why… Why is he saying something that defends me? He also told me about Isabella and the others. But… I couldn’t understand why he would do something like that for me.


“It’s unexpected for both Prince Burn and me, but we’re both here to defend Sophia. Thank you. But I don’t doubt Sophia. And as for all of you who hurt her, I leave it all to Sophia. I have no intention of punishing anyone in my position as a prince. I won’t do anything like that.”


The faction members seemed relieved at Prince Erik’s words, but what are they thinking? There’s no way they should be forgiven.


“That’s fine then. Well, Burn, shall we leave? But before that, Milia, you said your name, right? Wait a moment.”


He was talking to the victimized student. He was using magic without an incantation, but that was not the issue.


“Arius-sama, please wait!”


I couldn’t help but call out to him as he tried to leave. Because…


“I appreciate you defending me, but I don’t understand the reason why you are being kind to me. And… I shouldn’t say this, but I have a responsibility to take for what the faction members did. It’s not fair that I’m the only one not being punished.”


She was hurt because I stood by and watched. My responsibility was heavy.


“You don’t need to thank me. I did what I did on my own, and I only stated the facts. It may be natural for the organization to hold responsibility for what the faction members did, but I have no interest in that.”


He laughed as if it was nothing. It wasn’t a refreshing smile like Prince Erik’s, but… I couldn’t help but be captivated by his confident and cunning smile.


“A… Even though you’re a noble, it’s not enough to say you’re not interested in the faction, right?”


I started to say “Arius,” but couldn’t bring myself to do it. I tried to cover up what I couldn’t do.


“No, it shouldn’t matter. My parents didn’t create a faction either. Besides, the possibility of me inheriting the title is low




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I was bewildered by his unexpected statement.


“Uh… You’re the eldest son of the Duke Gilbert’s family, right?”


“Well, that’s true. But I have a younger brother and sister, and my parents told me I can do as I please.”


Abandoning the right to inherit the title like that is unimaginable for a noble. But it didn’t seem like a joke. I couldn’t understand what he was thinking.


“The possibility of inheriting the title being low? Arius, that’s news to me. I’ll be in trouble if you don’t become the prime minister. When I become king, I don’t want to handle all the troublesome matters alone, you know? It’s just that if I ever need more help, I’ll appoint someone other than Arius as the prime minister.”


“I’m sorry for your younger brother and sister, but I’m only considering Arius as the prime minister.”


I could tell that Prince Erik genuinely trusted him, not just because he was told by the king. I couldn’t understand the reason, but it made me jealous.


“Sorry for going off-topic. Sophia, if that’s all you wanted to ask, I’ll be going.”


“Yes… I apologize for detaining you.”


But why can he smile so confidently like that? Is it really because he doesn’t care about his noble status? Or is it because he doesn’t really understand…?


No, I know he’s not an ignorant fool. In other words, he knows everything and is willingly giving up his interest in the title.


Compared to him… I wasn’t prepared enough. It was frustrating, and I found myself glaring at him.


※ ※ ※ ※


Sophia Victorino, 15 years old

Level: 14

HP: 51

MP: 75

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