Vol. 2 Chapter 33

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Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


We headed deeper into the dungeon with the accompanying teacher. The name of the teacher assigned to our group is Oscar Brian. Well, he’s not actually a teacher at the academy. He’s the escort arranged by Alec.


In addition to the real teachers assigned to each group, there are seven other people discreetly surrounding us, keeping their distance. They are definitely using us as bait to lure the anti-king factions.


“What’s this? Orcs again! It’s too easy and boring.”

“It’s just the first floor. Can’t be helped.”


Burn and Zeke took the lead in defeating the monster creatures. Given their stats, it’s natural that they have no trouble.


“If that’s the case, let me join in too. The idea of protecting me just because I’m a woman is outdated, you know?”

“Milia, it’s dangerous with your skills.”

“Your Highness Zeke, in that case, I will support you. Milia, let’s fight together.”

“Okay. Thank you, Sofia.”

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“Sofia seems… close to that girl.”

Sasha, Zeke’s fiancee, watches them with an envious look.


“Sasha, why don’t you join us too? It feels refreshing to defeat monsters.”

“Huh… Can I join too?”

“Of course. Right, Sofia?”

“Yes, of course. Sasha, don’t hesitate.”


Milia quickly became friends with Sasha. She’s good at socializing and doesn’t hold any prejudice against commoners, so she easily opens up to others.


We progressed smoothly in the dungeon for about two hours. The three girls took the lead while Zeke casually supported them. Sasha, who noticed this, blushes. They’re the only ones focused on “Love Academy.”


“Hey, Arius. You seem pretty free. But isn’t it unsatisfying to fight only goblins and orcs? How about having a mock battle with me?”

“Well, Prince Burn, I think it’s better not to do that. It’s a dungeon exploration class, so we need to be prepared to support the students.”


While chatting and advancing through the dungeon, suddenly a shining magic circle appeared in the air. It’s a summoning magic circle triggered by detection. They’re adding interesting tricks.


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Five winged silver demons called Silvandemons appeared. These creatures are not the level you would expect to encounter on the first floor as they can use area-of-effect magic from the fourth level and have high defense and magic resistance with their tough scales.


“It’s an emergency! Students, step back!”

Oscar, the escort arranged by Erik, immediately draws his sword and swiftly kills the Silvandemon. The other five escorts also gather around. Well, all of them are over level 100, so their quick response is natural.


“What’s the matter? I can handle a demon with ease.”

“No, that’s not the issue. The fact that a demon appeared on the first floor means someone intentionally summoned it.”


Burn and Zeke move to protect the girls. Their movements are not bad either. Certainly, Burn’s abilities would allow him to fight evenly against a Silvandemon. But it’s different when there’s more than one enemy.


One after another, summoning magic circles are activated, and over 20 Silvandemons appear.


“Leave it to us. Tarna, Zeal, Jared, Gaia, evacuate His Highness and the others. Orca, guide the students from other groups.”

“Understood. Everyone, this way!”


While the three of them remain to deal with the monsters, the other four lead us to safety, making sure the other groups don’t come near. Well, it’s clear that we’re the target, so it’s not a bad response, but it feels like we’re being led into a trap.


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After one of the escorts rushes ahead, a gigantic magic circle appears. It’s a delayed trap set to catch us all at once. But this time, it’s not a summoning magic circle.


“It’s a teleportation trap! I will protect His Highness with my life!”


It’s a pattern where enemies lie in wait at the teleportation destination, but for some reason, the teleportation didn’t activate.


“It failed… What’s going on?”


Well, I did activate a teleportation interference magic.


“I appraised the magic circle… so I know where they were trying to teleport us. Hey, Erik. If we want to counterattack, shall we slightly adjust the coordinates and activate the teleportation magic?”

“Arius, I leave it to you. It’s a rare opportunity, after all.”

As expected, Erik is quite intentional about this. He knew there was a teleportation trap and deliberately intended to jump into it. Well, we also have escorts over level 100 and the intelligence agents from the espionage department who are currently hidden with “Perception Obstruction” and “Invisibility.”


“Prince Erik… What do you mean?”

“Tarna, Zeal, Jared, Gaia, I want you to stay with us until the end.”

As Erik says this, he looks around as if there should be no one there. It means he’s aware of the presence of hidden enemies, including the spies who are still concealed.

“Prince Erik and Arius, what are you talking about? We are also involved, so explain properly!”

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Milia glares at us. Everyone else nods with serious expressions. Only Mars seems to be lost.

Mars also obtained information about the attack and requested an escort from a teacher connected to the church. Well, I didn’t really grasp Mars’ movements, but if I observe the teacher’s movements, it’s pretty obvious.

But the teachers that Mars requested couldn’t keep up with Erik’s escort and were completely ineffective.


“Well, there are other enemies lurking around, so it’s safest to stay with me. Listen, everyone. Don’t ever go outside the barrier.”

I also call out to Oscar, who is annihilating the demons.

“Hey, Professor Oscar. I hope you’re aware that there are still five hidden enemies. I’ll leave dealing with them to you guys…”

After confirming Oscar’s and the espionage agents’ reactions, I activate the teleportation magic after deploying the “Absolute Shield Barrier.”


Using flashy magic like this is fine since the magic itself is something even an S-rank adventurer would use normally.


The destination of the teleportation is the lowest level of the dungeon.


※ ※ ※ ※

Arius Gilbert, 15 years old

Level: ????

HP: ????

MP: ????

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