Vol. 2 Chapter 36

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Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


In conclusion, I underestimated the capabilities of the Intelligence Department more than Erik. The six Sweepers easily spilled the beans, and the rebellious nobles who attempted to assassinate Erik and the others were apprehended. The members of the Intelligence Department didn’t resort to torture, but rather used a variety of mind control magic such as “Charm,” “Geass of Command,” and “Submission” to extract confessions. While I can use mind control magic to some extent, I’m not skilled enough to make it effective. However, the members of the Intelligence Department were able to use it flawlessly to make the Sweepers and nobles confess.


Using mind control magic on criminals is legal in the Ronaudia Kingdom, and the information obtained through this magic is considered valid evidence. So we used the confessions of the Sweepers as evidence to capture the nobles and subjected them to the same magic. Although the most powerful among the rebellious nobles managed to escape with a lizard’s tail cut, we know who the true mastermind is, but without evidence, we couldn’t capture them.


There is one remaining question: why did they make their move at this timing? If we consider it normally, the Academy would have been cautious, so if they wanted to ensure a successful assassination, they should have avoided it. After all, the targets of the assassination were individuals who would play a crucial role in the future of the kingdom. There was no need to rush to assassinate them.


However, the fact that they executed the assassination plan at this time indicates that they either had some urgent reason or they believed they could succeed even if they were suspected. But both Darius and I were aware of their movements, and as a result, we were able to prevent them without much difficulty.


From here on, it’s purely my speculation, but for example, if information about our security arrangements had leaked, not to everyone, but only to the members of the hidden Intelligence Department and someone other than me. If that were the case, they might have thought they could prepare a force superior to ours and exploit weaknesses in our security. In other words, they might have been manipulated from the beginning. If my speculation is correct, the question then becomes: who manipulated them? Considering Darius’s personality, he wouldn’t do something as foolish as using Erik and the others as bait to expose them to danger. While there is a possibility that the Intelligence Department acted on their own, Darius is not foolish enough to overlook that. Therefore, the most likely possibility is Erik, but ultimately, it’s just my speculation.


What I do know is that Erik has his own network of contacts and sources of information. Although Darius provided Erik with the necessary information about the assassination plan, he didn’t share all the information. However, Erik had a complete understanding of the situation, and the guards he sent as escorts were his own people. Darius has confirmed that the king did not lend a hand.


Even if this incident turns out to be Erik’s scheme, he wouldn’t do something foolish enough to be trapped by his own plan. Moreover, Darius and the Intelligence Department are keeping a close eye on things, so they can handle most situations.

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Well, enough about Erik’s story. On a different note, I have attended almost all of the Academy’s classes so far. Well, during lectures, I mostly work on other things. Nevertheless, I have never skipped a class.


But now that I’m facing the most challenging top-level dungeon, the biggest obstacle is attending classes every day. Without sufficient consolidated time, it’s impossible to conquer the most challenging dungeon. So, I negotiated with Darius to reduce my attendance rate, with the condition that I ensure the required credits for graduation. Skipping classes at the Academy is not uncommon. The royal family has official duties even before ascending to the throne, and the children of nobles also have various tasks related to their families. Therefore, the Academy doesn’t place much emphasis on attendance. As long as your exam grades are good, you can earn credits. Academy exams are a piece of cake for me.


Darius naturally understands all this, so he seems to have anticipated that I would want to skip classes.


So I had prepared an answer, and in exchange for reducing my attendance rate, I was told to regularly attend social events. After finishing classes, I immediately headed to the dungeon every day, including weekends. I haven’t made any appearances in the social scene since enrolling in the academy. Although I gather information about the nobles, Darius apparently wants me to gain experience in noble society while attending the academy. Well, I understand that knowledge and experience are different things.


To be honest, it’s a hassle, but for me, it’s more important to secure time to fully devote myself to challenging the most difficult dungeon. So I decided to accept Darius’s conditions.


※ ※ ※ ※


“Arius, it has been eight years since we last met, hasn’t it?”


“Yes, Your Majesty. I apologize for not keeping in touch.”


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So, I’m currently attending the ball hosted by Erik at the palace. It was supposed to gather only young nobles attending the academy, but since I decided to return to society, Darius surprised me by bringing me along with the king.


King Albert Stalion of the Ronaudia Kingdom is truly a high-spec man, with his blond hair and blue eyes giving off a sophisticated gentleman vibe, befitting the father of Erik and Sieg. He also has the same easy going demeanor as Erik, appearing at the party without needing to be approached.


“Well then, Your Majesty, I leave the rest to the young ones.”


“Yeah, that’s right. Erik, sorry for the interruption. I’ll leave the rest to you.”


After the king and Darius left the room, I found myself surrounded by noble young ladies. They don’t have faces I’ve seen in class, and judging by their appearances, most of them are probably upperclassmen. They’re all wearing flashy dresses, so they must be daughters of nobles with relatively high ranks.


“We have heard rumors about you, Arius.”


“Your swordsmanship surpasses Prince Burn, and your magic skills defeat Lord Mars. It’s truly amazing.”


“You played the most active role in repelling the intruders who invaded the labyrinth. Please tell us how bravely you fought against them. We would love to hear about it.”


Well, during the incident, I didn’t really show off in front of other students. I only used teleportation magic, and I only fought once I reached the lowermost level.

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Well, I know where the rumors originated. Erik has been boasting about my exploits all the time.


Spreading rumors about the activities behind the scenes would be less convenient than spreading stories about students’ achievements. The fact that I defeated the Sweepers is true, though.


“Sorry, but I don’t have a hobby of bragging about myself. Feel free to spread rumors if you want.”


As these rumors have spread around the academy, lately, the gazes of the love-struck girls have become even more annoying. I’ve been turning them down like this every time.


“Oh my! To not boast about your accomplishments when you’ve achieved so much, Arius, you’re splendid.”


“Yes, you are the epitome of a nobleman!”


The atmosphere of the party seems to have emboldened them. Instead of releasing me from their encirclement, the girls are getting even more excited.


“Everyone is curious about Arius. Since you’ve come to a party after such a long time, why don’t you enjoy it more?”


The appearance of Erik makes the girls even more excited.

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Well, whether I enjoy it or not is a different matter. Getting along well with the nobles is also a part of my learning.


“I’m not good at talking, you know. How about instead of talking, we dance a song together?”


Today is a ball, after all. The palace orchestra is playing music at a volume that doesn’t interfere with conversations. I extend my hand to the girl who first approached me.


“Oh, gladly!”


Leading the blushing girl, I dance with flair to the music.


It’s not like I’m dancing for the first time. I did attend social events until I was eight years old, after all.


Besides, with my status as Arius, I have no problem with dancing.


As the first song ends, a grand applause erupts. Well, it’s no surprise that I stand out at this point.


Naturally, the next girls are waiting for their turn. I accompany each of them in order.

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