Vol. 2 Chapter 37

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Arius's Weakness

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


For now, I remember the faces and names of all the girls I danced with. It would be troublesome if I don’t remember them when we meet again.


“It’s such a hassle, isn’t it?”


I step out of the ballroom and feel the cold breeze on the empty balcony of the palace.


“Arius, you’re quite popular, huh…”


I turn around at the sudden voice, and somehow Sofia is glaring at me with an annoyed expression. Well, I did notice Sofia approaching, though.


“Not as much as Erik, I suppose. Besides, they’re probably here for me, not for you, right? They must have business with the prime minister’s son.”


After all, the future prime minister of the kingdom is a valuable asset. Unlike Erik and Sieg, I don’t have a fiancée either.


Well, there might be some girls who are simply attracted to Arius’s appearance. Either way, it doesn’t concern me.


As I make a weary face, Sofia chuckles.


“That can’t be true. It seems Arius has a rather low self-assessment. After getting to know you as a person, everyone wants to get closer to you.”


With her long milk beige hair and beautiful green eyes, Sofia, a stunning beauty in a red dress, shines in the moonlight. I unintentionally get captivated by her appearance.


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“Hey, Sofia…”


I start speaking but stop midway. Sofia looks at me, waiting intently for my next words.


“I think it’s time to return to Erik’s side.”


For me… it would be… convenient… Sofia is Erik’s fiancée. Even if it’s a political marriage, that fact remains.


So there’s no chance of us getting into a troublesome relationship.


“…Yes, you’re right. As Erik’s fiancée, it’s also my duty to support him.”


Sofia seems to have understood my intention.


The slight hint of sadness in her expression… it’s probably just my imagination.


※ ※ ※ ※


“It’s surprising to see Arius dancing… No, maybe not. Arius can do anything.”


When I return to the ballroom, Burn says this to me. Come to think of it, he was also attending the party.


“No, it’s not like I can do everything. There are things I’m not good at, too.”


“Like dealing with women, perhaps? I thought the same, but based on what I just saw, you seem to be good at that as well.”


Burn gestures with his chin, and the girls I danced with wave and smile while happily talking to him.

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Even Burn, who seems a bit overbearing, naturally engages with the girls who approach him.


He can be forgettable because of his hot-blooded nature, but Burn is also one of the capture targets in “Love Study Koigaku,” a handsome and wild type, and he’s the third prince of the Grandblade Empire, a major country. There’s no way he’s unpopular, and he’s accustomed to handling girls.


“I thought there was one thing I could beat Arius at.”


“No, I’m still not good with girls.”


Dealing with love-struck girls is a hassle, you know.


“If you say that Arius is not good with girls, those guys leaning against the wall will stab you. Well, it’s a given that you’ll come out on top, though.”


Erik organized this ball, and many students from the academy were invited. Maybe because of that, I receive jealous glares from the boys, just like when I’m at the academy.


In fact, it seems they expected me to reveal my incompetence in dancing due to my lack of familiarity with the social sphere. After showcasing flashy dancing, I feel like the jealousy has increased compared to usual.


Or perhaps they think I’m monopolizing the girls I danced with. Either way, I don’t care about such baseless jealousy.


Erik apparently invited some commoner students as well, but they declined, probably reading the atmosphere. Well, it wouldn’t be enjoyable for commoner students, who make up only 20% of the academy, to attend a party filled with nobles.


Milia doesn’t seem bothered by it, though. She simply stated that she doesn’t like parties and chose not to participate.


Feeling hungry, I plate up some food from the buffet-style spread. As expected, the food cooked by the royal chef is delicious. It’s kept warm by magic tools, and new dishes are continuously brought out.


“Arius-sama, how about trying this dish as well?”

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But as soon as I start eating, the girls gather around with their plates, so I end up eating while engaging with them alongside Burn. I eat quite a lot, but Burn is also quite the big eater. The girls admire our hearty appetites, and some boys give us exasperated looks, but we maintain proper manners, so there’s no problem.


“By the way… you really suit each other.”


“Yes… it makes me a bit jealous.”


The girls’ gazes are directed toward Sofia, who returned with me to Erik’s side, and Sasha, who is by Sieg’s side.


Indeed, Sofia, a beautiful girl with a noble lady-like vibe, and Erik, a perfectly handsome guy with luxurious golden hair, look great together.


Even if it’s a political marriage, it’s not unusual for nobles to be paired up, and the two of them seem content with it.


As I ponder over such thoughts, Burn throws in a bombshell.


“Is that so? Personally, I think Arius and Sofia suit each other better. Don’t you think so, Arius?”


The girls around us start buzzing with excitement. In high-pitched voices.


“Eh… Does that mean… it’s a forbidden love!? Kyaaa!”


“No way… Arius-sama and Sofia-sama… this is unbelievable…”


“But but… I heard a rumor that Arius-sama kissed Sofia-sama in the academy’s cafeteria…”


Hey, Burn, are you doing this on purpose…? Well, I know Burn is straightforward but not a bad guy.


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“Hey, Burn. Don’t say things that can be misunderstood. Sofia and I are just acquaintances.”


“Well, calling it just acquaintances seems harsh. Right, my best friend? I just gave an honest opinion.”


“Well, I do consider Sofia as a friend… but saying it like that is a bit embarrassing.”


Burn grins.


“Huh… Unexpected.”


“What’s unexpected?”


“Well, the fact that this is Arius’s weakness. Feeling embarrassed to call someone a friend… It shows that Arius has a cute side.”


Hey, cute… What are you saying? But the girls around us are also smiling.


(((“Arius-sama… is so cute!”)))


Well, even if you say it in a low voice, I can still hear it.


“Alright, I got it. Burn… let’s settle this properly.”


“Hey, Arius… We’re best friends, right?”


Burn’s face twitches. I think I must have looked at him with eyes akin to seeing a top-tier dungeon monster at that moment.


“Yeah, Burn. We were arch-enemies best friends, huh?”

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