Vol. 3 Chapter 46

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A Little Visitor

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


“Well, I’m heading back now,” Arisa said, as if the conversation was over, and she left without any fuss. But not before leaving a meaningful remark behind.


“But I think I’ll see you again soon. I’m looking forward to it,” she said, as if she had some ulterior motive. I’m not looking forward to it at all, though.


For now, I’ll put Arisa’s matter on hold. She claimed to be a fellow reincarnator, but I’m not sure if that’s true yet. And I have no intention of teaming up with someone I can’t read.


If she ever tries to expose me as a reincarnator, there will be trouble. However, she doesn’t seem to have any intention of doing so at the moment.


Well, the conversation is over for today, so I was planning to head back. But it seems that things are not yet settled.


“Chris’s party members said they had something to discuss, and I was worried… Arisa seems to have quite an effect on Arius,” Jessica said, giving me a suspicious look.


Well, that’s just a misunderstanding caused by Arisa’s use of ‘Soundproof.’ Since she spoke close to my face, they probably misinterpreted it.


“Jessica, don’t misunderstand. Arisa was only interested in my power and asked if we should team up. But I have no intention of partnering with someone I can’t trust,” I explained.


“It’s a fact that the woman approached Arius… And didn’t she say she would see you again soon?” Jessica asked.


It’s true that she made a proposition, but she’s interpreting it all wrong. Well, I guess it’s because of Arisa’s suggestive way of speaking.


“Arisa was just saying that on her own. Hey, Jessica, forget about that. As for what I mentioned earlier, I’ll make it up to you by spending a whole day with you sometime,” I said.


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Bringing up Arisa’s matter to excuse myself from Jessica is not my intention. But I won’t make excuses to her about Arisa.


“Really? If you say that, you better be prepared to spend an entire day with me,” Jessica replied, her mood quickly improving.


“Arius, you don’t even realize you’re digging your own grave, do you?” Marcia said with a sly smile. What is she talking about?


“Marcia, speaking of which, you said you didn’t like the Glass Runner of the hero party. I didn’t talk much with her, so what don’t you like about her?” I asked.


“What’s wrong, Arius? Trying to deceive us again? Well, never mind. That Glass Runner girl gives off a strange scent. Oh, not in a smelly way. It’s more like a scent of death,” Marcia replied.


I already know that from my appraisal. Linda Roch, the Glass Runner, is not just strong; there’s something else about her. But it seems that everyone in the hero party feels that way about her.


Since Marcia is a fellow scout, she must sense something peculiar about her. Well, I’ll be cautious if I meet her again.


“Jessica, I’m quite busy this week, so is it okay if we hang out next week?” I asked.


“Sure, how about next Tuesday?” Jessica replied.


“Okay, got it. Send me a message about the meeting time and details,” I said.


“Sure, Arius. I’m looking forward to it!” Jessica said cheerfully.


With Jessica’s matter settled, I think I’ll head back now.


* * * * *


The next day after school, I made plans to hang out with Sofia and the others. Our group includes me, Sofia, Millia, Sasha, and Zeke.

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Considering Sasha and Millia, it’s not surprising that Zeke, who gets along well with them, is joining us. Especially Sasha, who has a crush on Zeke all by herself.


But with this group, I’m sure Erik will be the one they invite, not me. When I mentioned that, I got a strange look from Sofia.


“His Highness Erik has been informed in advance, so there’s no problem,” she said.


I understood that there was no problem, but why did Sofia give me that look?


She reminded me to go back to the dormitory to change into casual clothes before going out to play. Since my clothes are stored in the storage cabinet, I can’t change outside.


Back in the dormitory, I found two small silver-haired figures waiting in front of my room.


“Welcome back, Brother Arius! Hehe… We came!” Alicia said with a smile.


“Brother, I’m sorry. Alicia really wanted to come to see you,” Sirius added.


Alicia and Sirius are my 9-year-old twin siblings.


Well, I pretty much understood the situation.


“It’s just that you never come home, Brother, and Sirius is unfair. He said he wanted to see you too!” Alicia explained.


“Well, I never…,” Sirius tried to defend himself.


When your younger siblings say something like that to you, there’s no way you can turn them away, especially when you have something to do.


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I’ll send a message to Ms. Maia to inform her about today, so I decided to return to my room for now.


These twins, Alicia and Sirius, have a habit of sneaking out of the house on their own. Although I did the same thing many times, I can’t act self-righteous here.


“When you sneak out like this, everyone worries about you. For today, I’ll send a message to Ms. Maia on your behalf. But from now on, always tell someone before you come to my place,” I instructed them.


Ms. Maia is the head maid who manages the house in Darius and Lea’s absence. She used to be an adventurer and can use magic, so I’ve exchanged messages with her a few times when I had something to do.


“Brother, I’m sorry…”


“I’m sorry too…”


“Well, if you’re sorry, then it’s fine now. By the way, how did you two manage to find my room?” I asked.


“We told them our names and said we wanted to go to Brother Arius’s room, and the people at the academy showed us the way,” Alicia explained.


“Yeah, they seem to know about us and said they were taken care of by Father and Mother. They asked us to wait at the reception room, but we refused. We wanted to be in front of Brother Arius’s room to surprise you when you came back,” Sirius added.


So the people at the academy were accommodating due to their relationship with the kingdom’s prime minister. But is it okay to give out my room location just because we’re family?


Well, thanks to that, Alicia and Sirius didn’t get lost, so I’ll let it slide.


“I have something to do now. Would you two like to come along?” I offered.


“Really? Is that okay?” they asked in excitement.


With their expectant round eyes, there’s no way I can say no.

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“Yeah, hurry up and get changed, and wait for me in the meantime,” I said.


As soon as I entered my room and closed the door, I changed into my casual clothes. Thanks to my skill that allows me to change equipment instantly, it was a piece of cake.


When I returned, Alicia and Sirius were surprised.


“We were waiting, so you didn’t have to rush. But it’s a little embarrassing,” Alicia said.


“Yeah, that’s right. We’re not kids anymore,” Sirius added.


They blushed, feeling self-conscious about their appearance among the crowd. It’s a childlike part of them.


“Well, I’ll speed up so we can finish quickly. Hold on tight,” I said, grabbing them with both arms, and we started running.


With my status, it’s a piece of cake to run while holding two children. I weaved through the crowd effortlessly.


“A-Arius, Brother… It’s still embarrassing,” Alicia complained.


“I-I know. We’re not kids anymore,” Sirius added.


They blushed even more, embarrassed by the attention. It’s a childish side of them, but that’s what makes them endearing.


“Alright, then I’ll run even faster to finish quickly. Hang on tight,” I said.


“W-Wait, what are you…” they said, but I accelerated, reaching our meeting place in just a minute.


Alicia and Sirius were completely taken aback.

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