Vol. 3 Chapter 47

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He's a Good Guy, Isn't He

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


We were supposed to meet at the front gate of the academy.


However, since the academy’s grounds are vast, it’s more than 2 kilometers from the dormitory to the front gate.


As I ran with Sirius and Alicia in my arms, I saw Milia and Sofia already waiting there.


“Hey, Arius. Why are you running?” Sofia asked.


“More importantly, who are these kids?” Milia added.


It seems Sofia recognizes Sirius and Alicia. Well, my younger siblings have appeared in social gatherings more than I have, so it’s not surprising.


“These are my younger brother, Sirius, and my younger sister, Alicia. It seems they sneaked out to see me and were waiting in front of my dormitory. I’m sorry for bringing them along so suddenly, but is it okay if they come with us to play?” I explained.


It seemed like Sirius and Alicia realized that they were intruding, and they looked apologetic.


“It’s no problem at all. Oh, and… Arius’s younger brother and sister, right? You look so much alike,” Milia said.


“Yes, I’m Sirius, the second son of Marquis Gilbert. It’s been a month since I met you, Lady Sofia, at the dinner party hosted by Duke Crawford,” Sirius introduced himself.

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“I’m Alicia, the eldest daughter of Marquis Gilbert. It’s an honor to see you again in a place like this,” Alicia added.


Smiling warmly, Sofia watched the two of them trying to be polite despite their young age.


“Sirius, Alicia, I’m also delighted to see you both. However, today we’re going to play as friends, so let’s not be too formal, okay?” Sofia suggested.


Sirius and Alicia were captivated by Sofia’s kind smile.


“Yes, understood.”


“I’ll do that too.”


“Mmm… Still a little stiff, huh?”


Milia cut in at this point, bending slightly to look into the faces of the two children.


“Hey, Sirius, Alicia. I’m Milia, a friend of your big brother. And from now on, we’re friends too, so let’s be more relaxed with each other, okay?” Milia said.




“Yes, that’s right. Alicia and I are already friends, so you don’t have to be so formal. Come on, Sirius!”


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“Yes… I mean, sure?”


“That’s right! Now that’s settled! Let’s have fun to the fullest since we’re going out to play!” Milia cheered, diving into their arms.


Milia has a knack for making people feel close to her. Sirius and Alicia quickly warmed up to her.


“Sofia, Milia, thank you. Even though I brought them along without asking, I’m glad you’re being so kind to my younger siblings,” I said.


“N-No need to thank me, Arius.”


“That’s right. I just wanted to be friends with them.”


Sofia and Milia blushed. Well, they get embarrassed when thanked honestly.


“Sorry to keep you all waiting.”


“I took a little extra time to change. Sorry, everyone.”


I explained the situation to Zeke and Sasha, who arrived late, about bringing Sirius and Alicia along.


“I don’t mind having Arius’ younger brother and sister with us,” Zeke said.


“Yeah, it’s more fun with more people,” Sasha agreed.

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Even though Zeke, Sasha, and I aren’t particularly close, they readily accepted the idea. These guys are good people.


However, it’s evident that Sirius and Alicia are nervous in front of Prince Zeke. After all, Zeke has an image of being rough and cool.


“Sirius, Alicia, do you have any likes or dislikes? We’re going to have a meal together later, so if there’s anything you don’t like, let us know in advance,” Milia spoke up to ease their tension.


“Mm, I’m okay. I don’t have any likes or dislikes,” Sirius replied.


“I… dislike bell peppers. And Sirius doesn’t like carrots either,” Alicia said.


“Alicia is honest, and that’s a good thing! Sirius, don’t force yourself,” Milia encouraged.


“Yes… I’m sorry for lying.”


“Sirius was going to lie to try hard, right? Then I’ll praise you for it. Prince Zeke is not a fan of tomatoes. He always struggles to eat them with a difficult expression,” Milia teased.


“Hey, Milia. Why are you… It’s true though,” Zeke admitted, surprising Sirius and Alicia. To us, it’s nothing new, but Zeke usually puts on a tough front.


Realizing that Zeke also has foods he dislikes, they felt a sense of camaraderie. The tension was gone. Milia has a way of doing that, as expected of her.


“Well then, shall we get going?” Sofia urged everyone.


“Today, we plan to explore the market, have a meal, and go to the theater. Sirius and Alicia, is that okay with you?” Sofia asked.

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“Yes, I’m really looking forward to it!”


“Me too! So-Sofia… I mean, please take care of us!”


“Sirius, I’m looking forward to it too.”


Sofia responded with a gentle smile. Sirius almost called her ‘Lady’ but corrected himself.


“Sirius, Alicia, since you’re with everyone, don’t go off on your own,” I warned.


“Arius, I understand.”


“Yeah, I’m not a kid anymore,” Sirius retorted.


Although they grumbled a bit, they are still nine-year-old kids. Well, with my ‘Search’ skill, I won’t lose sight of them anyway.


“Arius is acting like a big brother.”


“Yes, it feels fresh.”


Well, I’m technically their older brother. Although I haven’t been acting like one at all.


But thanks to everyone, I can take my younger siblings out to play. I’ll spend some time with them today.

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