If it's Your Will

Chapter 16

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It's been a week since I came here in the Lou empire but there's still no news about their emperor coming back and it doesn't make me sad because I can take as much time as I can as long as he is not yet in here. I don't know how am I supposed to talk to the emperor of this country. Just thinking that he likes war doesn't really create a good image to me. Maybe he's also one of those people whom cannot leave without their blood thirst.

"Min er do you know the emperor of this country?" I faced her and asked this question that's when I realize she's folding my clothes.

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She tries to think about my question and look out of nowhere.

"My lady the emperor of this Lou empire is the young and talented Nangong De Wei, he's the second son of the previous emperor and the least favored child, but he proved himself to the previous emperor and gained the title of a crown prince then after the previous emperor died he ascended the throne and even prove himself as a worthy emperor of this country by giving what is desire for so many years, the power and prosperity" So he's not a bloodthirsty person then but, but why do I feel unease in this empire.

"My lady do you want to go outside the castle?" I was quite shocked to what she had said, why does this woman keep doing this kind of act. I don't know why, but she's so amusing.

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"Then how can we leave the palace then" She bumptiously show me her imaginative muscle.

"Hehe my lady do you forget that I'm a spiritual practitioner the palace guards in our premises are only Mortal practitioner, so they won't have any much for me" I wonder what she's talking about?

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"My… my lady don't tell me you don't understand what I'm talking about?" I just give her a troubled smile, and she gave me a huge sigh. I have heard it earlier from Honghui one of the palace guards that is under the general but I just let it by because I don't really want to blame them.

"My lady there are two types of practitioner in this land the first one is a mortal practitioner which is the building up of a body it can be achieved by the normal way of practicing to make the body formidable and strong while the spiritual practitioners are those people that use the essence of the world to cultivate their Spirit and use its power" I have heard it earlier but it's the first time I learned what is a spiritual practitioner.

"My lady do you want me to teach you the way of a spiritual practitioner I can always be your tutor" I just smiled at her.

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"There's no need Min er I don't want to hurt any people, so I don't need to learn it." I said, but I was suddenly in a tight hug.

"My lady your so kind huhu I love you already" I just smile and pat her head.

"Min er I thought your taking me out?"

A Suivre…

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