If it's Your Will

Chapter 17

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We're already strolling around the central market and it makes me feel refreshed that I can finally go out of a place with only four corners. If the time when the emperor comes I know that I won't have any leisure time.

"My lady do you want to buy any particular item or snacks I can buy it for you right away" Min er asked with wide but beautiful grin.

"I don't know what kind of snacks are delicious in this country can you tell me what I can buy Min er" She continuously nods her head which made me laugh this girl is really cute.

"Then my lady I'll show you the way to the fruit stalls" Oh fruits I wonder what fruit they sell in there.

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I was deeply thinking about what it might be when I suddenly bump into something but when I feel a hand in my back to support me that's when I realize that it is a person that I have bumped into.

"Forgive me" I immediately pulled away myself from him because it is inappropriate. I didn't see his face because he is so tall that the sun shone on his face.

"I see, so that fate really favor that person tss" I was caught off my trance because he suddenly spoken.

"What?" I asked him but that's when I finally see his face. His face is quite more handsome than the other men that I have seen before but what really caught me is what he said.

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Is he one of those people who like to talk to themselves.

"I'm sorry young lady the one in fault is me so you don't need to apologize" When he said that he looks like a wronged child. I can his longing for someone but why is it directed to me do I know this person.

Before I take my turn to talk someone called me.

"My lady where have you bee… greetings Jin Wang" I was immediately got surprised because of what Min er said. This person is a first class prince a Wangye. I immediately lower my head to show respect.

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"Forgive this princess for not realizing Jin Wang" When I look at him again after I said those words he looked so troubled.

"There's no need for Lady He to ask forgiveness it's also my fault for not introducing myself first." Somehow this persons' aura looks familiar, it felt like I have known him for a long time but it's strange because it's the first time I met this person.

We bid our goodbye to the Jin Wangye but why do I feel like he's hiding something because what kind of smile he gives off before we parted our ways.

I really wonder why.

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"My lady I have brought your favorite grapes do you still wants to buy anything in this market?" She asked me while holding two baskets of grapes. Min er even for me those looks like so many grapes.

"T… there's no other thing that I want to buy, by the way Min er who is that wangye that we have met earlier" Once again she looked out of nowhere then look at me again.

"My lady that person is the 4th son of the previous emperor and half brother of the current emperor his the Jin Wang if I'm not mistaken his name is Nangong Jing, why my lady do you feel somewhat weird around him?" How come she knows.

"N… nothing in particular" So he's a brother of the person I'm to be wed with.

A Suivre…

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