If it's Your Will

Chapter 53

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Wan Gouwan is having a hard time to tell the emperor what is the condition of the woman. She had lost so much blood that her face is so pale, and she had so many bruises and some of her bones might have broken.

"Your highness where did you find this woman?" He asked focused on what the emperor may answer.

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"To answer your question I'm not the one who found Ya… the first but Honghui" He almost frowned when he heard a different word from the emperor then suddenly change it, but he just shrugged it off and look at Honghui's direction.

"I… I found the woman near the river I think that she might have washed away by the strong stream and then hit some big rocks. When I found her she is in a much worse situation." While digesting what Honghui said he immediately looked at the emperor with a questioning eyes.
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'Did the emperor know how to treat someone. If what Honghui said is true then the emperor might did something to help the woman but of that is, so I can only think of one possible way'

"Your Highness it may be absurd on my case but did you use your cultivation to help the woman while Honghui is gone for us?" The emperor didn't even think twice answer.

"Indeed" The answer that the emperor made the two figure inside the hut to look in disbelief.

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"Your highness do you understand what taboo did you just made?" He asked with a bit of alarm but what he didn't expect is that the emperor didn't even look like he doesn't care which surprised him. It only shows how significant this woman to him, now he's contemplating whether he must tell the emperor if he need to tell the emperor what the woman's situation right now but by how the emperor looked impatient he doesn't have anything to do but tell him.

"Your highness the woman is in a very critical condition and also the atmosphere in this mountain is affecting her health, your cultivation helps to protect her from it, but we mustn't risk your health too" Honghui said directly to the emperor's eyes.

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He cannot let the emperor lose his cultivation because of a woman but unknown to him if he understood the woman's identity he will regret not caring about the woman.

"So you suggest that we leave and you treat her on the empire?" the emperor asked seriously since he's not familiar into medicine he is letting Wan Gouwan have the decision because of his expertise.

Wan Gouwan instantly nod to the emperor's question since they are running out of time, but he can use first aid to treat the woman in while in the way to the empire since it's only one day travel to arrive to the Lou empire but if the woman's condition get any (worser) than I had already had he had no choice but to stop the carriage in the middle of their travel.

A Suivre…

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