If it's Your Will

Chapter 54: 54

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While traveling the woman is in the emperors lap which made the people on the side to contemplate who is she? To not pet her feel discomfort in the travel the emperor once again coated her with his spiritual cultivation and once again Wan Gouwan told him not to used it so casually, but he only got a cold glare that he once again remembered how he met the emperor.

Since the emperor looks like he had taken a consideration then he will not argue since he is just a vassal. He is already thankful that the emperor let them take the woman back to the empire since the use of the emperor's spiritual energy might become too critical.
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Since the email emperor has been coating the woman her condition doesn't seem to get worse yet it is not getting better it seems like the emperor used a very high amount so that he can keep the woman's  condition while in the journey.

Meanwhile, in the empire the people in the castle can't stop the fury of a certain wangye. The air of festivity have vanished and only a very cold air permits.

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The Jin Wangye is currently in the throne room while standing, he cannot control his temper since it has become a very personal matters while in front of him is the beautiful Lu Shan who was still kneeling with her little maid. After Yanyu have been abducted she didn't let herself go insane and immediately go to where the young prince is, but she didn't think that the prince will become hostile while looking at her.

The words that the wangye said made her knees to give up.

"Why didn't you let her be taken away, if something happens to her I'll make sure you will also be punished" She cannot argue back because she knows that it is also her fault, if she didn't just look and be passive then Yanyu might not be taken away by those assassins. The Jin wangye have trusted her to bring the princess to him safe, but she had come back empty-handed.

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She's having a hard time because when she asked for a punishment only a cold glare is what he got from the prince, and she thinks that it is because of her position as a first rank princess that keeps the Wangye from doing so.

The prince is indeed in a bad mood, but he knows that it is not the woman in front of him that is at fault, but he cannot control his temper, specially the person who have been abducted is important to him.

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"I understand Lady Murong but you don't need to be punished since it is not your fault you also be compensated because of the lost of you maid" He said that directly to her but in his eyes it really looks like he doesn't really care. Lu Shan accepts the prince decision and when he gives his permission to her to leave.

After she left Jin wangye send people to find the woman and even wants to go but the general didn't let him go since the empire was left to him by the emperor.

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