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The cool breeze in early summer night is quite refreshing, it has dispersed the heat remained from the daytime.

Just the right time for families to gather for a dinner.

There’s no exception even for the Cao’s family.

The main house of the Cao’s family is very historical, not only has the owner of the house changed quite a few times in the past decades, it has been repaired, renovated, and even rebuilt for many times. Still, the house manages to remain how it originally looks like. Compared to other newly built modern houses, the masonry constructions of the building, the huge arc of glass panes on top and the heavy thick curtains made it looked like it was soaked under the sunlight, solemn yet elegant.

Currently, inside the dining room, except for the fourth son who have not returned yet from studying abroad, the chief commander from the east warzone, Cao Xiong, sat down by the dining table with his eldest, second and third son, having a quiet dinner.

Four men dining together is usually quiet, sitting up straight although their posture is relaxing. Even though after they have come home and changed their uniform to casual clothes, it is not hard to notice that they were trained from the army.

Even for the second son, Cao Bin who did not enter the army but chose for political career, was strictly trained by his father since young, he was not inferior at all compared to three other men who wears uniform.

The dining atmosphere is somber and heavy, only the sound of chopsticks slightly touched the side of the dishes and the chewing sound can be heard.

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However, this is not because their father-child relationship is bad, nor because there is nothing to say between themselves, but because the eldest person here, Cao Xiong, looked overcast with his gloomy face.

Three of his sons made eye contact with each other hoping that their brother could take the initiative to comfort their father. However, nobody had any idea on how to start.

Cao Xiong as their father is depressing because his lover passed away, as his sons, what could they say to give comfort?

Thus, they had no choice but to continue eating on their own.

The first one to speak up, was Cao Xiong himself.

Without any notice, suddenly he announced a made decision: “Your Aunt Cheng is no longer here, but her daughter is still small, I have told Butler Zhou to take her over in these two days, she will be living with us until she turns into an adult.”

The eldest son, Cao Yang and the second son, Cao Bin made eye contact with each other.

The third son directly asked: “Does she not have any other relatives?”

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“No. She was the only child and her grandparents have already passed away. They had no contact with any other relatives. These few years, she……” Cao Xiong stopped a while, then said: “Only me. I have promised to take care of her daughter, so she could rest assure.”

The first sentence was still talking about the girl that she had no other family, but after that the conversation switched back to that woman again.

The second son, Cao Bin and the third son Cao Xing both looked at their eldest brother, Cao Yang.

Cao Yang has a broad shoulder with a tight waist, his body is tall and solid, exactly looks like Cao Xiong when he was at a younger age. He sat over there and did not move away his eye from his father and said: “Fine, let her live in our house. It’s only the matter of increasing an extra pair of chopstick, since these few years Aunt Cheng has always stayed by your side, at least we did not disappoint her.”

Cao Xiong seems like his mood is a little better, but it also seems like he felt more depressing, it’s hard for the sons to grasp their father’s mind.

At last, he sighed and put down the chopsticks: “Continue with your meal without me.”

“You should eat more……” The second son, Cao Bin tried to advise him.

Cao Xiong shook his head, then stood up and left.

The sons couldn’t do anything but look at their father leaving.

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Outsiders would think that this man with the age of over 50 is still strong and firm. But only his sons know that their father has gotten much weaker within these few days.

The sons couldn’t help but feel sad.

The outsiders would have thought that, the sons that live in this kind of prestigious family would definitely hate their father for finding a lover. Usually this would involve the family with many issues in between such as causing the family inharmonious, and the conflicting interest of the sons.

However, in Cao’s family, there wasn’t.

The sons of the Cao’s family knew that their father has already did his best.

Fifteen years ago, when their mother passed away, their father was only 39 years old. Especially when he was popular in the army, there are so many people who wanted to set up marriage with him, and these families usually comes with prestigious status.

Cao Xiong at his prime of life looked at his four sons, Cao Yang was 14 years old, Cao Bin was 12 years old, Cao Xing was 10 years old, and Cao An was 8 years old. Each of them has an age interval of 2 years. Cao Xiong has considered for a long time, thinking that his sons might not get along with their stepmother, and they might have conflicting of interest if he had another child with his new wife…… In the end, he chose to stay alone.

A man like him, surely there are many women around him. But no matter if it was just an act, or just a trade, he would never let these women affect his sons.

Since the sons were still young at that time, they would never imagine that a strong man like his father, besides taking care of his physiological needs, would also need someone to stay aside with him.

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Hence, Cao Xiong was alone for seven years, right until eight years ago he met a woman called Cheng Wan.

That was a rainy night, a pregnant woman suddenly ran across the road, purposely looking for death. Luckily, Cao Xiong’s driver was specially trained before, he drifted the car and dodged the girl at the crucial timing. Although the car did not hit Cheng Wan, but still she fell down on the floor. Blood flows down along her leg till the road, then become shallow after mixing with the rain water.

Cao Xiong came out from his car and without any hesitation, he carried the woman back to his car: “Go to the hospital!”

“Sir!” The bodyguard called.

Cao Xiong followed the bodyguard’s gaze and noticed there’s a small little girl crying by the roadside. The little girl got wet in the rain standing right there and didn’t know what to do but to feel panicked and scared.

Exactly just like her mom.

Outside of the emergency room, the bodyguard went to the convenience store and bought a big towel for the little girl to dry her clothes and wipe out the water from her hair, then he wrapped her up like a mantle.

Cao Xiong and the little girl was speechless.

Cao Xiong had four sons, four of them were trained accordingly just like new armies even when they’re at home. To treat such a gentle little girl, all he could say is he had zero experience at all, even when he speaks, he mustn’t raise his voice too loud or else he would frighten the little girl.

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