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But he couldn’t stand watching this little girl feeling uneasy alone just like a scared little bunny anymore. Standing in front of this kind of little girl, no matter how cold a man could be, he would subconsciously become gentler. Thus he tried to pick up a conversation with her.

“How old are you?


“What’s your relationship with her?”

“She’s my mom.”

“What about your dad? Do you know his phone number? How about we make a phone call to your dad?”

The little girl had tears flowing inside her eye: “My dad has left, with an aunt. My mom said he won’t be coming back anymore!”

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Cao Xiong paused awhile, but he still managed to ask her mother’s name and her father’s phone number. Then, he made a call to her father.

But that man was irritated: “I have already divorce with that woman! She’s already a grown up, can’t she just take care of herself? Tell her not to look for me anymore!”

Wtf! Cao Xiong stared at the phone after it got hanged up, this is a bullshit! If this man appears in front of him, he swore he would bring him down in one punch!

The doctor told him the child couldn’t be saved, and he requires the patient’s family to sign the consent letter, Cao Xiong then signed for Cheng Wan.

The little girl fell asleep on his laps. When Cheng Wan was pushed out from the operation room, she’s still asleep from the effect of anesthesia. Cheng Wan was then pushed into a single patient room that was arranged by Cao Xiong earlier, he had also arranged nurses to take care of her.

When Cao Xiong carried the little girl to another bed, the little girl was roused up from sleep.

“Uncle, are you leaving?” She asked. A seven years old girl is already able to interpret in clear language.

“Yes, I have something to do.” Cao Xiong replied.

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The girl burst in tears and asked: “What about my mom? Is she still alive?” Since she witnessed her mother fell down right in front of her, especially when the car wheel almost ran over on her mother’s body in just a few centimeters, and she also witnessed her mother bled a lot.

Cao Xiong felt helpless, he pointed at the bed beside her: “She’s fine. She’s asleep now so don’t wake her up, she’ll be better tomorrow.”

When he pointed at Cheng Wan, he finally had a chance to clearly take a look at her face. He couldn’t say that Cheng Wan is pretty, but she does have a delicate facial features. Now both of her eyes are closed, her face is pale with an obvious sign of sickness.

Losing a man, to this weak and soft woman, meaning there would be no hope for her on continuing to live.

Cao Xiong entrusted the little girl to the nurses, then he left the hospital.

This is why he prefers to marry to a woman that is like his late wife, when he is busy, or even when he was pushed to the frontline, only woman like his late wife would be able to support the family, and act as a guardian for their kids. Cao Xiong had numerous thoughts when he was walking on the road.

Cao Xiong finally had the time on the day after to visit Cheng Wan at the hospital. Although his car did not hit her, but considering the tragic circumstances she had gone through, he still prepared some money as compensation.

On the road, he listens to his bodyguard talking about Cheng Wan, and that was when he knew that woman’s situation was worse than he thought.

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Her former husband sold their house and only gave her twenty thousand as an alimony for their daughter. That house was the man’s property before they got married, thus the woman had no other choices. When the new owner came to overtake the house, the owner rushed them to move away quickly. The woman got dumped by her husband, and she even lost her only shelter, which is why she is in despair to seek for death.

“What are you planning to do onwards?” Cao Xiong ignored the “Do not smoke” sign in the hospital, he grabbed a cigarette and started smoking.

Cheng Wan was unsure of her future. Her parents have passed away; she doesn’t have any other relatives either. Her husband was supposedly to be her only closest family, but he dumped her when she was pregnant and dated with another woman. Cao Xiong asked her what to do, but she got completely lost on what to do next.

She mumbled but didn’t know what to say. To confront with this awe-inspiring army man, she only felt uneasy and lowered her head, both of her hands unconsciously held tightly on the thin blanket. Maybe she used too much strength that her slim fingers started to turn pale.

Her long hair was loosely tight into braids, hanging at one side of her shoulder. The sunlight penetrated through the glass window, casted on the side of her face which was seemingly translucent.

Cao Xiong looked at this woman, he took a whiff of the cigarette.

Ever since he was young, he never liked this type of woman with no capabilities and woman without her own assertive, but at this moment, he actually felt a stung on his heart for her softness, what a bizarre.

Cao Xiong was always a decisive person, from the moment he was tempted to this woman, it only taken him a whiff of time to decide.

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“I have an old house still vacant, I can lend it to you to move in. You should rest for two more days and I will arrange someone to pick you over.” He said.

“But……” Cheng Wan was dazed by his sudden offer, her first instinct was to reject, as she felt this is too much to accept.

Yet, Cao Xiong wasn’t the kind of man who gets rejected easily. “If not, where are you going to live? What about your child?” He pushed aggressively: “At least you should have a place to stay, even if you want to find a new house, you should take care of your health first!”

Cheng Wan had just gone through an abortion, supposedly she should be under post-natal care. Just as he said, even if she wants to look for houses, she will need to wait for her body to recover. Cheng Wan couldn’t even say anything to reject him. Moreover, this man is so dominant that he has already planned her whereabouts. At times like this when she got suffocated by the cruel reality following one and another, suddenly she felt that she could breathe again.

In the end, she lowered her neck and softly said: “Then…… Thank you……”

Her neck was long and white as snow, it was a beautiful curve when she lowered her neck, at the same time it also symbolizes her humble obedience.

This action of hers has made Cao Xiong felt satisfying.

Cheng Wan still didn’t know, when she approached to Cao Xiong, this man is a kind who take dominance of everything, the moment when she couldn’t reject him, it already means she has belonged to him, like a caged bird.

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