After a few days, Cheng Wan brought along her daughter and moved into Cao Xiong’s place.

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Just as what he said, it was an old building. Thankfully, the furniture is still there and usable. Cao Xiong have already get someone to tidy up the house and prepared new mattress and blankets, even the electronics have changed to a new one. When Cheng Wan comes, she can move in immediately.

Cao Xiong even hired the nurses from the hospital to take care of her. He went to visit her two or three times before, every time he would sit down for a while and remind her to rest well, after he finishes a cup of tea he would leave.

Even so, Cheng Wan was able to grasp his taste in short time, Cao Xiong doesn’t like to drink green tea but he loves black tea. When he comes again, the tea she made suits his favor.

At the same time, Cao Xiong understood what Cheng Wan’s ex-husband meant in their phone conversation. Cheng Wan…… really couldn’t take care of herself properly.

She’s not clever, sometimes blurry, the worse is she doesn’t really pay attention, when anything happens, she doesn’t have any idea on what to do. She only knows to be gentle and obedient.

Her ex-husband was only a middle class white collar, to that man, all of these characteristics were Cheng Wan’s biggest shortcoming. Especially when she approached to her thirties, slowly she has lost her youth and turned older, her husband started to give her a cold-shoulder.

However, these characteristics were not considered as shortcomings to Cao Xiong, in precise, it was what he caught interested on her instead. A soft woman who is weak and helpless, it was a brand new experience for Cao Xiong.

As the number of times he visits Cheng Wan gradually increases, many times she wanted to talk but hesitated, then felt anxious. Cao Xiong pretended as if he didn’t know.

When he visits her again, she has recovered to a healthy state, with a rosy cheek on her face. She looked much prettier now compared to when she was in the hospital.

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“I have told the nurses not to come anymore.” She served the tea and bitten her lips while she speaks.

“Your body have recovered?” The man asked. He sat on the sofa, took of his hat and simply unbuttoned a few from his black uniform, postured as if he was the owner.

Well, the owner of this house was originally his anyway.

Cheng Wan was always bewildered when she confronts Cao Xiong. When she heard his question, immediately she replied: “It’s fine now.”

Actually she had something to ask Cao Xiong while he’s here now, such as, how long will she able to live in this house, but she’s afraid that he would ask her to move out. To think that she needs to find a new place which she’s unfamiliar to, and live along with her child, she couldn’t help but to feel anxious.

Cao Xiong did not drink the tea but lighten up his cigarette. Obviously he knew what she was worried about.

He stood up and walked around the living room, then asked: “Where’s the child?”

Cheng Wan softly replied: “She went to school.”

In the end she still couldn’t look through his eyes. This man, his aura is too dominant, sometimes it makes her feel scared.

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What she afraid the most was…… his unfounded kindness towards her.

This old house doesn’t have a French window, Cao Xiong leaned against the windowsill and started smoking, he squinted his eyes trying to take a good look on this woman.

So soft, and lost, yet nobody to rely on.

He didn’t say a word; the room was pin drop silence. This man’s scent is all over the place.

Cheng Wan had nowhere to escape, she slightly looked down, her nose started to secrete tiny sweat due to nervousness, unconsciously fidgeting her fingers.

Cao Xiong’s sight is boldly looking at this woman’s slim and curvy body, especially when he noticed she was fidgeting her fingers, the corners of his lips lifted.

Nobody in this world would be kind to someone without a reason.

Cheng Wan is not a naive little girl anymore, she’s already 30 years old. Things between a man and a woman, she should’ve known better. She’s just scared, doesn’t have the courage to confront, not even dare to resist.

As long as she understands, then it’s fine. Cao Xiong pressed the cigarette on the window to extinguish the fire, then he stepped forward and pinched on Cheng Wan’s chin.

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Cheng Wan was forced to raised her head, her sight was blurry, frightened and uneasy. Just like a little puppy waiting to be eaten.

This look of her is exactly what Cao Xiong liked the most.

He lowered his head and kissed her……

When he released his hands, Cheng Wan panicked while staggered a few steps behind, as if this was her last chance to struggle, or escape. She and her former husband was already a couple since high school, they were married immediately after their university graduation. Until now, she has lived for 30 years, she never had other man before. The aggression came from the man in front made her scared.

She moved back a few steps, took a gasp for breath, her back leaned in front of the bedroom’s door.

Cao Xiong took a few steps forward and held her tight, one of his hands fixed her head so she couldn’t struggle anywhere from his lips. He felt the stiff body of this woman in his arms slowly turned soft, he kicked the bedroom door and carried her in……

“Bang” The door was immediately shut……


After that, Cao Xiong clearly told Cheng Wan that he does not plan for remarriage.

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His eldest son, Cao Yang was already 21 years old, and he’s only 9 years old younger than Cheng Wan. Even the second son has turned into an adult. He had no intention of finding a stepmother for them, it would disturb the peace of their family they have now.

But he touched her cheeks and promised her: “If you willing to follow me, I will take care of you.”

What returned from her was a miserable look, his heart couldn’t help but soften a bit, paused a while, he added: “I can guarantee not to leave you alone anymore……”

This sentence has made Cheng Wan felt relieved.

She was dumped by her husband; she knew that marriage actually could not give her any promises. Instead, this man with a strong chest, his promises were more convincing that she does not want to let go.

She really doesn’t know where else could she go if she leaves this place, or even if she brought her child alone, with the little amount of money left from her former husband, how could she even survive?

Under the huge pressure and fear, Cao Xiong was like a floating log to her survival, which she is trying to hold tightly.

Since then, Cheng Wan became Cao Xiong’s lover, and relied on him.

Not any longer, she brought her daughter and left the old house where they stayed temporarily, they moved into a new apartment which was prepared by Cao Xiong.

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