Episode 80. Return (2)

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“I—it’s the Duke! It’s really the Duke of Esbaden!”

A knight that’s guarding the castle gate shouted emotionally.

It was because he could spot the duke riding a horse on the other side of the rampart. 

His vivid golden hair, which seemed to be made of melted gold, shone brilliantly under the noon sun. 

“The Duke has returned—!”

“Where, where is it!”

Just then, someone rushed up the castle rampart.

It was Claude.

With a pale face, he pushed away the hindering soldiers and clung to the rampart.

“Sir Claude, the Duke is alive!”

Just as the soldier had said, the Duke of Esbaden was coming this way on horseback.

Claude rubbed his face multiple times after ascertaining that it was the Duke’s party in the distance.

When Count Jive, who returned in a mess, delivered the Duke’s obituary tearfully, he thought the sky was falling.

When he heard that even the Duchess was killed in action, he’d almost fainted. 

“Because he couldn’t catch the Duchess.”

He’d only noticed that the Duchess had deceived him and left the castle two days after she’d done so. 

At the news of the Duke’s death, the senior council immediately appealed to the emperor, saying that the next Duke has to be appointed as soon as possible.

The pro-duke faction protested against how they swiftly settled it like they’d been waiting for a long time, but it was useless.

In the end, they also seemed to accept the Duke’s death silently.

But Claude didn’t believe the count’s words.

It’s because the man he was supposed to follow for the rest of his life wasn’t someone that will die so easily.

And Claude didn’t place his faith mistakenly after all.

Yes, the Duke of Esbaden couldn’t have died so vainly.

His lord was a great man, after all. 

“Sir Claude, are you crying?”

“Shut up, you punk.”

Claude removed the hand that was covering the corners of his eyes and shouted. 

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“What are you doing? Open the gates now!”


The huge gates of Esbaden Castle opened with a heavy sound.

As though it was welcoming its master’s return. 

* * *

“Oh dear, I didn’t expect that you’d come and meet me.”

The nobles of the senior council frantically gathered in front of the gate at the news of the Duke’s return.

Astonished looks appeared on their faces upon seeing the Duke really returning alive.

“Everyone’s expressions are quite the spectacular sight. You don’t seem to be happy to see me return back alive?”

Leonhart was seated on the horse with a relaxed smile.

He raised his hand to the person that stood at the forefront of the nobles of the senior council.

“How long has it been? You’ve been properly protecting the castle, haven’t you, Sir Nate?”

Nate’s face, as he watched the duke return back alive for the first time, was no different from the face of the lord of Tochern fief.

But he had already grasped the situation, and he was adept at hiding his feelings.

The greatly widened eyes quickly changed into kind eyes that pretended to be delighted. 

“You colt-like rascal, why didn’t you contact me in advance if you’re alive? Do you know how heartbroken this uncle was?”

“My apologies, I was extremely busy returning from the brink of death.”

Nate’s forehead became slightly distorted at Leonhart’s answer, but it quickly reverted back to its original state.

“Forget it, it’s fine as long as you’ve come back alive.”

He made an emotional expression like he was truly happy that the Duke had returned alive.

“As expected, God didn’t abandon the Esbaden family. Do you know how much I’d prayed for my only nephew to be alive? As expected, you wouldn’t have died that easily.”

Unlike his other words, that last sentence felt quite sincere. 

Leonhart bowed his head like he was at a loss at his uncle’s well-wishing remarks.

“Yes, it was all thanks to SIr’s prayers for me that I managed to come back alive. I don’t know how to repay this debt.”

“Isn’t that a natural thing to do as your uncle? You must have exhausted yourself after returning, so hurry on in and rest…”

“Oh, I’m afraid that I won’t have time to rest. I have a problem to deal with right now.”

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“Yes, there’s an insect that I’d missed in Tochern.”

Why was he suddenly talking about insects?

Nate’s face hardened as the nobles of the senior council’s nobles tilted their heads, unaware of the situation.

“Well, I’ll see you all later.”

Leonhart smiled, and grabbed the reins.

“I’ll see you later, Sirs.

Nate gritted his teeth as he saw the duke give a meaningful smile before leaving quickly. 

How the hell did he come back alive? He had clearly fallen off a cliff.

That stupid Count Jive.

Just as Nate’s expression became as twisted as a fiend.

A horse approached his side.

“It’s too bad, Father.”

Nate raised his head at the familiar voice.

His only child was seated on the horse.

“Daniel, you…”

“I’d clearly told you.”

Daniel stared straight ahead as he continued.

“I’ll be with the Duke when I return.”


“No matter how much the count interferes, did you think I would just let things progress as Father wants?”

Nate’s shoulders trembled at his son’s words.

Was Daniel the one that saved the Duke?

He’d definitely told the count to keep an eye on Daniel so that he wouldn’t be able to help the Duke, but he had failed even that?

Nate’s reasoning was partially right and wrong, but he had no way of knowing that.

“Then I’ll head in first. I’m quite exhausted, because I had to use a lot of mana unnecessarily.”

Daniel left his father, who was gnashing his teeth, and disappeared into the castle with the duke and knights on horseback.

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Blue veins rose on the back of his wrinkled hand.

* * *

“I’m rather bewildered.”

Nate frowned at the stench.

He was standing in the middle of the torture chamber that’s located underneath the ducal castle.

“Save me, save me, Sir Nate! I’m not guilty! Aren’t you aware of that? I just did what you told me to do! Sir Nate—!”

Count Jive was hanging from a chain that originated from the ceiling of the torture chamber.

As soon as he saw Nate, he screamed for help like a madman.

But Nate turned his head away from the count’s scream without even blinking.

“…Did you call an old man alone to such a brutal place just to listen to such lies, Leon?”

“It’s too early to conclude that it’s a lie.”

Leonhart, who was standing opposite of him, smiled with a tilted head.

“It’s a clear fact that he tried to kill me at Tochern Castle.”

“Then what are you hesitating for? Anyone that tries to kill a member of the Esbaden family is to be executed, no matter the reason.”

“While that’s true, shouldn’t I know the reason I had to die at least? So I questioned him, and he told me something interesting.”

Leonhart gave his uncle a sideways glance.

“You’re the one that stuck an unknown wizard on him and made me kill him.”

Instead of answering, Nate stared at the count that’s hanging from the ceiling, and soon burst into laughter.

“Haha, it’s a story that I’ve never heard of.”

Nate frowned as if he was really in the dark.  

“Leon, why would I kill you? You’re my only nephew.”

“Do you mean that Count Jive has a reason to kill me?”

“Even if it’s me, there are things that I’m also unaware about, Leon. But…”

Nate smiled at the count, who was looking at him pathetically.

“Whatever the reason may be, there is no reason to forgive that stupid pig if he truly dared to murder a member of the Esbaden family.”

Unlike his elegant curl to his mouth, there wasn’t any hint of amusement in his eyes.

As though he didn’t need to show mercy to someone he has already abandoned.

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Count Jive slowly began to shake his head in the face of Nate’s cold gaze.

“You can’t, you can’t do this! S—Sir Nate! Duke! I’m innocent! I had only done what Sir Nate had told me to do! That Viscount ordered me to go with the wizard to Tochern and kill the Duke! It’s the truth!”

It was quite ridiculous to see the right arm strangling its master.

Leonhart waited until the count finished speaking, before turning his head.

“Apparently, that’s what happened.”

“Well, is there any proof that that person’s words were the truth?”

Nate still looked rather relaxed despite being exposed by his right hand man.

His skin was so thick that it’s disgusting. 

“If you want to take me as someone that has attempted murder, you’ll have to bring solid evidence, Leon, and not the testimony of that half-lunatic.”

Nate smiled benevolently at his young nephew, who was glaring at him.

“I’m your uncle. I’m also the head of the senior vassals that lead this duchy. In addition, you aren’t the only one that has connections with the imperial family.”

Sometimes, your enemy is your strongest ally.

Nate knew too well the value of the authority and reputation that’s engraved in his name.

The fact is, the Duke wouldn’t be able to cut him off. 

“If you push me without any solid evidence, I’ll become mad at you, Leon.”

“What if I said that I have evidence that’s even more solid than this?”

Nate’s face seemed a little agitated when he heard that Leonhart possessed even more tangible proof, but that only lasted for a moment. 

“Then, bring that more solid evidence in front of my eyes. Though, I don’t know if there’s any more.”

Nate was extremely confident.

Since the duke wouldn’t gain any more proof that’s more tangible than this. 

He knew his nephew’s personality better than anyone else, as he’d known Leonhart since he was young.

If he had more solid evidence than Count Jive’s testimony, he would have gone for his head immediately.

Instead of calling him into this dirty, smelly torture room and making the same threats.

“However, Count Jive is a member of the senior council, so as the head of the council, I’m also required to take some responsibility for his wrongdoings.”

Nate stroked his chin a few times like he’d racked his brains. 

“How about this? Something like, ‘Count Jive, who’d attempted to commit the murder of the head of the family, and all the assets and territories of the Count will be confiscated and fall under the Lord’s direct jurisdiction’.”

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