Episode 81. Night Of The Festival (1)

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Count Jive’s estate will fall under the head of the family’s direct jurisdiction. 

Leonhart frowned at the unexpected suggestion.

Even if he was a duke, he couldn’t arbitrarily take his vassal’s territory under his direct jurisdiction.

To declare provisional jurisdiction, there were several conditions, one of which was the consent of more than half of the nobles from the council of elders. 

Normally, they were hostile to the duke and wouldn’t condone the County falling into the head of the family’s hands, but if Nate’s influence was included, the situation would be different. 

Additionally, the territory that Count Jive had included a high-yield ruby mine and a vast chestnut tree forest that could be cut down and used as lumber immediately.

Although both of them were in the territory under Count Jive’s jurisdiction, it was practically the public goods of the senior council, which Nate managed.

In short, he meant that he would give Leonhart the senior council’s steady cash cow.

“…Are you trying to negotiate with me now?”

“What do you mean, negotiation? I’m just trying to fulfil my responsibilities as the head of the senior council.”

Leonhart ended up laughing at his uncle’s reply.

He just found it amusing to watch this d*mned fox doing his best to escape.

His head, which boiled with anger towards him in Tochern, cooled down like a lake in winter. 

Yes, just as Nate has mentioned, he didn’t find any concrete evidence that could pin down his crimes. 

Count Jive kept claiming that he was only following Nate’s orders, but he didn’t even possess a single letter detailing their correspondence. 

It was because he’d faithfully fulfilled Nate’s order to clean up everything, that the communication that was exchanged regarding the duke was destroyed. 

Furthermore, the wizard that was hired by Nate had already vanished without a trace, as did the brainwashing magic placed on the monsters. 

Perhaps it’s because the wizard ran off with the mana stone that was in the body of the monster.

A piercing gleam flashed through his cold blue eyes.

Since he was voluntarily digging into his own flesh and offering him a bone, Leonhart had no reason to refuse. 

‘Though you won’t be able to retrieve that bone soon.’ 

After some careful consideration, Leonhart decided to accept his uncle’s sophistry.

“Indeed, there’s nothing wrong with your words. Without conclusive evidence, I couldn’t possibly accuse you, the head of the senior council and my blood-related kin, as a murderer.”

He turned his head towards the restless Count Jive, who was fettered by the chains. 

“It just so happens that the carnival will be starting tomorrow, so I can’t delay the sentence.”

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It was a principle to pardon all prisoners during the Esbaden territory’s carnival. 

As such, in the case of prisoners that had committed serious crimes, carrying out their executions before the carnival began was an implicit rule. 

“D—Duke, you can’t do this! Didn’t you say that you’ll spare my life if I told you the truth? Duke!”

Count Jive struggled to somehow preserve his life, but it was to no avail.

“It’s also the first carnival since my marriage, so I don’t really want anything irksome.”

Leonhart gave the guards waiting outside the torture chamber an eye signal.

The guards, who were not as learned but quick-witted, quickly dragged the Count down from the ceiling.

“The execution grounds will soon be readied. Before that happens, imprison the criminal in the basement.”

“No, let go, let me go! Duke! Duke! Arghhh!”

Count Jive screamed as he was dragged out of the torture chamber.

Nate watched the person that was once his right-hand man being dragged out indifferently.

He didn’t seem particularly regretful or relieved.

“Well then, I’ll be heading back, too.”

He just left the torture chamber with a light greeting.

As soon as his uncle disappeared, Leonhart also left the torture chamber. 

Baron followed behind him closely.

“Baron, send someone to the Imperial capital.”

“The capital, you say?”

“Yes, and inform them of my attendance in the Imperial hunting contest that’ll be taking place next month.”

“If it’s the hunting contest, didn’t you already send a letter declining to attend it?” 

“I was planning to do that, but now I’ve changed my mind. I should go and give my greetings, since I’ve not shown my face to His Majesty since my marriage. It’s a marriage arranged personally by His Majesty.”

Leonhart’s eyes narrowed.

“And there’s something I want to ascertain.”

His keen gaze was trained on the red brick building in the distance.

The senior council, Kreuz.

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* * *

“Hhngh, M—Madam! What’s with your appearance—? I should have stopped you at that time, Madam! It’s all my fault!”

“Hey, calm down, Layla.”

After returning to the ducal castle, Dooha had to endure a lecture from Layla, who burst into tears as soon as she saw Dooha, in order to console her.

“I—I really, I really can’t believe it! Do you know how I felt when I found out that Madam had left the ducal castle?”

Even the ever so composed head maid was so agitated that tears welled up in her eyes.

“Wait a minute, Madam, what’s with that bandage around your arm?”

“Oh, when I fought with a monster, it made a slight scratch…”

“I—It’s a wound from a monster?” 

She nearly fainted upon learning that Dooha was injured during a fight with a monster.

She yelled that a scar being left on the body of the Duchess she was serving was something impossible. 

“Still, it’s such a relief that you’ve returned safely, Madam.”

“If Madam wasn’t safe, I would have left this ducal castle.”

Of course, at the end, they were more delighted than anyone else about her safe return.


After a bath and changing into new clothes, Dooha lay down on the bed and called her handmaiden. 

“Did anything happen in the castle while I was away?”

“Nothing happened. It was too quiet.”


Dooha was worried that Nate would do something strange while the Duke was away, but things like that didn’t occur, fortunately. 

“But Madam, my apologies for having to inform you of this as soon as you returned safely, but…”

The head maid stepped forward with an anxious expression.

“Erm, how do you intend to prepare for the upcoming carnival…”

“I’d already finished preparations for the carnival, didn’t I? Were there any items that didn’t arrive in time or lacked funds for?”

“No, it isn’t that. I’m referring to the handmade item that’s to be offered as a tribute on the final day of the carnival.”

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The head maid looked at the duchess’ unfinished embroidery, which was hanging on a wall, and spoke mournfully.

“Isn’t it still unfinished?”

Godd*mn it.

Dooha stiffened like a statue on the spot soundlessly.

Only then did she recall the past, where she’d abandoned her embroidery and headed to Tochern Castle in order to save the duke.

She regretted her past self, who’d complacently thought of completing it after she’d returned. 

‘Can’t this be bluffed as the finished product?’

She tried to play a petty trick momentarily, but it was meaningless.

The most important portion, the middle of the silk cloth, was empty, making it evident that it wasn’t a finished product, but a work in progress.

“There’s no helping it. If I start now…”

“Madam, there is only a day left until the carnival, is it really possible?”

What, a day?

As Dooha’s eyes widened, her personal handmaiden made an expression of regret. 

“How long has it been since Madam left the castle? But I’ve finished the embroidery at the edge of the tapestry. I’d left the last part alone because Madam insisted on doing it herself…”

Layla fiddled with her fingers as she read the atmosphere. 

“I should have just done it roughly…”

“No, Layla. You did really well.”

Dooha patted her slumped shoulders and got up.

When she looked at the tapestry that was large enough to cover an entire wall of the room, she felt suffocated.

However, she didn’t want to let her first carnival as the duchess go by carelessly. 

Although she’d pulled the arm that was injured by the monster slightly, it wasn’t like she couldn’t embroider. 

Well, she had managed to shoot arrows just fine with these arms, so embroidery wouldn’t be anything much?

Dooha rolled up her sleeves and opened her mouth. 

“Layla, I’m sorry, but can you bring me the sewing box and thread? Well, actually, just bring me plenty of that. I think I’ll have to stay up all night.”

The head maid was surprised by the duchess’s vigour and tried to dissuade her.

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Even if the handmade craft was important, the duchess’s safety was more important.

“Madam, it can be completed in half a day’s time with the assistance of the other maids. You must be exhausted after returning from Tochern Castle, so please take a good rest…”

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.”

“How can you think of overdoing it when you’re still injured? Please leave it to us.”

“I’ve told you this before, Sylvia.”

Dooha smiled at the head maid that was genuinely worried for her.

“I don’t want to use cowardly methods in things that require sincerity.”

And this time, she just wanted to complete it properly, instead of out of obligation as the duchess. 

“It’s my first carnival. I don’t want to be blamed by other noblewomen for nothing at all and implicate the Duke.”


Eventually, the head maid and Layla could only surrender and prepare the box of needles and bundle of thread, before retreating from the room. 

They stole glances at Dooha, who was eagerly embroidering, through the gap in the door, and shook their heads. 

“Really, Princess, no, Madam must be a superhuman. She subjugated monsters,  died and came back to life, but she had to work hard at embroidering as soon as she returned.”

Layla felt both worried and proud as she watched her master’s small back.

“She was originally a passionate person, but I think she has become more passionate after coming here. Occasionally, I find it really mysterious how she can do that much.” 

“Well, I think I know why.”

“What? How would the head maid know? I can’t even understand when I’ve known Madam for a long time!”

The head maid only gave a smile in response to Layla’s question.

“Layla, you’ll have to find that out for yourself.” 

“What? Head maid, just tell me! Are you going to be despicable and keep it to yourself?”

“You have to be extremely contemptible to survive in the ducal castle.”

“You’re lying! Does it make sense for you to say that, you who remained loyal in front of that hoodlum prince? You just don’t want to tell me…”

“Now, let’s not bother the duchess and prepare a meal.” 


The head maid covered Layla’s mouth and headed downstairs. 

Even after the both of them left like that, the light that seeped out of the slightly opened door remained until late into the night. 

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