It wasn’t until the music started that I understood what Lucas meant by ‘it’s fine even if you can’t dance’.

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And at the same time, memories of the square that I had forgotten for a while came to mind. That incident with the third-rate bullies.

Lucas held me in his arms just like he did that day.

The only difference from that day was that this time my feet were not fluttering through the air like a paper doll but on top of his shoes instead.

I looked around to see if others would look at us strangely due to our unique posture, but as if we didn’t need to set up a separate room, other people were also in a similar form to us.

Of course, they wouldn’t be on their partner’s feet like I was .


“Don’t your feet hurt?”

“They’re already broken and numb.”

‘This person.’

When I stopped replying, Lucas gave a small chuckle.

Our conversation ended with that.

I lowered my head and focused on my toes. Even though they were on top of Lucas’s feet, there was still a chance I might slip off his feet.

But despite my attempts to see, my feet were hidden under the hem of the fancy dress and were not visible at all.

This… Still, it didn’t matter how hard I tried.

I couldn’t see the tip of my toes, which I was trying to do, but thanks to me lowering my head, I noticed something else.

Every time Lucas spins, my dress opened wide. The golden embroidery engraved on the dark blue dress shimmered and swayed like starlight under the chandelier light, and it was very beautiful.

It was as if I was looking at a shining starry sky from above, like spinning on top of a star.

Somehow, I got a little excited. Until I was nodding my head without realizing it and rode the rhythm.

I nodded happily, staring at my dress. I was having a lot of fun in my own way.

“Are you having fun?”

Concentrating on the dress, I forgot that I was spinning on someone’s feet. When the voice of someone I had forgotten passed my ear, I was startled and stiffened my body.

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At the same time, my right foot slipped off his shoe. What I feared had just happened.

‘Oh, please, let someone be dancing on the other end so all their eyes are over there.’

I prayed in my heart and closed my eyes. Contrary to my concerns, however, my body did not stumble or stagger.

A strong arm touched me back. I was held in his arms, a little closer than when I was standing on Lucas’s feet.

I think I heard an ‘Oh my’ somewhere… I hope people weren’t saying that about us. Yes, I hope not.

Lucas slowly put me on top of his feet, who had suddenly clung to his arms. A safe landing was possible thanks to the slow-moving Lucas.

“Thank you.”

I straightened my posture and looked up at him. His face was right next to me at a closer distance than before.

I just kept my head up and danced to avoid the misfortune of slipping off him again.

Face to face with Lucas.

As I continued to look at him without lowering my head, Lucas made a strangely subtle expression and then smiled deeper than ever before.

White teeth slightly exposed by the open mouth, wrinkles on the bridge of his nose that appeared every time he smiled, and eyes that were completely looking at me.

Being so close, I could see the details of the movements in his facial muscles.

Suddenly, strangely, it felt like Lucas had the face of a young boy.

Yes, like the face of a mischievous boy greedy for something.

The music slowly stopped. I could feel the fluttering dress slowly sinking. I sighed and stepped down from Lucas’s feet.

It was a little hard to breathe. As expected, for me, this was exercise. ‘Oh, I want to go home.’

I only danced one song, but I was very tired and wanted to go home. No, actually, since I had been wanting to go home from a while ago, it would be more accurate to say that my desire to go home just grew stronger.

As I lowered my head and caught my breath, I raised my head to greet Lucas, my current partner, just as the first song performers greeted each other’s partners.

But I couldn’t say goodbye to Lucas.

As soon as I raised my head, my eyes met someone in the crowd behind me.

The person whose eyes met mine was smiling. It was evident that he was smiling as he raised his lips.

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But it didn’t feel like he was smiling.

Yes, it was an awkward, forced smile, just like the image of myself who forced the corners of my lips up no matter how sad I was in my childhood, so I could be loved.

Eventually, I couldn’t take my eyes off the pale green eyes until Lucas called my name.


It was only then that I came to my senses at Lucas’s call and remembered what I was trying to do.

The greeting time had already passed, and the people in the hall were dispersing. Oops, in the end I just stood there blankly in front of Lucas.

“Oh, sorry.”

It was not polite as a partner, so I lowered my head and apologized. Because when people were greeting their partners, I just stood still. At my apology, Lucas smiled as if it was nothing special.

“It’s okay.”
I nodded back at him. Lucas gracefully placed my hand on his arm and led me to the corner where I was sitting earlier.

Lucas, who kindly helped me sit in the chair, stood in front of me without turning around right away.

Just like when he came to invite me to dance earlier, he had his back to the light.

“So who did you see?”


He smiled, but his voice was subtly low.

“Who did you see?”

When I asked again without answering, he quietly repeated the question from before. No, he said he was fine earlier, but now that I think about it, it looked like he was angry.

Well, there were cases like this.


Lucas didn’t answer my question, so he slowly turned his head and looked behind me. As if he was trying to find out who I saw.

However, those who had already watched the dance had dispersed. Of course, the person who made eye contact with me earlier had also left.

Unable to find what he was looking for, Lucas’s fingers tapped my thighs.

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“Because I’m jealous.”

It was absurd. The reason why he turned around and looked for someone with shining eyes was just ‘because I’m jealous’. Did he know who the hell I was looking at? No, more than that, why was he so jealous… Of course, the object he was jealous of was the same person as before.

I had been feeling this lately, but it seemed that Lucas had become a little strange. He wasn’t a very ordinary human being from the beginning, but it felt different from that.

As if his rationally moving head was out of order, he said absurd things or made sudden actions…

“You’re strange.”

Lucas slowly turned his head to look at me.

The smile on Lucas’s face was gone. When the smile was erased from the relaxed person’s face, all I could think was that he looked impatient.

He just looked down at me with a blank expression, then smiled slowly.


Instead of contradicting my words, Lucas accepted that he was strange.

Well, you knew best what you were being weird about. It was just a matter of admitting it or not.

“I’m a bit strange right now.”

The whispered words lingered in my ears. Lucas’s red lips went up in an arc.

It was a smile that looked more villainous than ever, more boyish than ever, and more joyous than ever.

Lucas bent down in front of me, took my hand and kissed it. The pupils were clearly looking at me, so I… I felt strange.

Lucas straightened his back as slowly as he had bent his back.

Then, after a brief silence, he turned his back on me. The back that turned around looked a bit bitter.




After Lucas turned his back on Selena, he turned to a waiter holding a bottle of wine. The smart waiter filled a glass of red wine and handed it over to him.

Instead of greeting by briefly raising his glass, Lucas directly headed to the terrace where the curtains were falling. The terrace was a place for people tired of the party to rest. Selena was not here, but it was better to rest in a place like this.

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Lucas let out a short laugh at the thought that unconsciously came to him as he closed the curtains.

He untied a few buttons strangling him. He felt that his breathing was slightly relieved.

The night sky he looked up at with his head tilted back was full of twinkling stars like the decorations embroidered on Selena’s dress.

There was seriously something wrong with him.

Whatever he thought of, it would connect to Selena.

‘You’re strange.’

Hearing Selena’s small voice passing through his mind, Lucas gently closed his eyes as he looked up at the night sky.

That’s right, he was very strange.

He knew himself that he was very strange. Now that he realized he liked Selena, he thought he would be more rational from now on… People would take care to look good for the person they liked. He wanted to show only the good side of him.

Yes, in the hopes that the other person would like him, too.

To do that, people would have to be rational, so he thought there would be no more impromptu actions… But everything was different than expected. He himself became more and more emotional.

To the point that he became jealous or intolerable of Selena looking at others.

He was becoming a very different person from his previous self.

He didn’t know that liking someone would change him to this extent.

Lucas opened his closed eyes. Dotted lights covered his eyes, and his vision gradually cleared up.

Black night sky, twinkling stars. and the one floating within it.


“Yes, I am strange.”

Lucas spoke to Selena’s floating face. Her blunt face did not smile at him.

No matter how dreamlike it was.

It was cruel of her… Lucas curved his lips and drank the wine he was holding in his hand.

It was a mysterious night.

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