“Didn’t you say you were going to a festival today?”

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“Yes, Mother.”

Everyone in the family looked tired.

Because of yesterday’s remaining fatigue, breakfast was simply done in individual rooms, and now everyone was eating lunch together.

“I think Lucas is going to the ball again today…”

Brother dragged on his words in worry. Apparently, Lucas was supposed to attend the ball today. Well, he was very popular yesterday, too… There were still many people to talk to.


I shrugged my shoulders, showing that I didn’t care, and cut the meat in front of me.

“I’m going out with Jane and Aiden, so it’s okay.”

“Still… Ah, how about going with Priest Ian?”

“The priest, too?”


It seemed that the priest was gaining infinite trust within our family. Wherever I went, they would want to attach him by my side first. How did it make sense that I had three escorts?

Ignoring that feeling, I nodded and accepted my parents’ offer.

I couldn’t get Priest Ian’s schedule in his absence, but I had promised to go to the festival with Jane… Priest Ian’s company seemed inevitable if I wanted to go to the festival with her.

‘Priest, you said you were happy to help me the other day. One more time, please.’

“I’ll buy a present.”

At my simple words, the faces of the three, which were still looking a little uneasy, relaxed as if they were never worried in the first place.

Deciding that I must buy them a present, I grabbed the fork and knife again.

I just hoped it wouldn’t be a more tiring day than yesterday.

Our outing was scheduled for an early evening. It was just after lunch, and although there was still plenty of time left, Jane was already picking out my casual clothes.

“Are you picking out clothes already?”

“If you prepare, we will be quick.”

Jane’s cheeks turned red as she replied. She was trying hard to hide it, but she seemed to be quite excited.

I think I made the right choice when I said I would take her. I took my eyes off Jane, who was getting ready to go out, and took a sip of the tea in front of me.

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On the opposite side of me, Aiden and Priest Ian were sitting and enjoying refreshments together. Both of them had just heard about today’s schedule from me.

The two good-hearted people happily accepted the schedule.

Of course, I didn’t know if they were actually happy.

Well, nevermind that.

I pushed the plate of cookies close to them. Ian and Aiden looked at me incredulously.

“Eat a lot.”

After that, the two of them looked at the cookie plate and at me, carefully picked up a cookie, put it in their mouth and chewed it.

It was as if they had been forced to shove a cookie into their mouth. It seemed that my pure goodwill was conveyed strangely to them.

‘Ah, sorry.’

“Oh, Priest Ian.”

Ian, who chewed and swallowed the cookie while looking at me, looked at me with his black eyes.

“Yes, Lady.”

“I want to paint a more detailed picture. Do you have a smaller brush than I use?”

“Of course.”
I stopped giving paintings as gifts because my family treated me as a national treasure painter, but I still maintained my hobby of painting. When it came to boring everyday life, painting should be cherished as an activity that helped pass the time.

I was mainly talking about painting with Ian. When it came to buying tools, I tended to ask Ian for it and then placed an order with the art dealer rather than calling the art dealer separately.

He was the one who taught me how to draw, so I considered him a teacher in his own way.

Perhaps, if Ian knew this, he would sweat profusely from the pressure.

“Do you paint?”

After the two of us had been talking about painting for a while, Aiden asked quietly.

There was a lot of curiosity in his eyes.

“Yes. It’s a hobby I developed after you went to the Magic Tower.”

At my answer, Aiden’s eyes suddenly curved. The pupils that could be seen between the two finely curved eyes looked like greenery.

“Thank goodness.”

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What did that mean? As if I was not the only one who thought so, Jane and Ian also blinked and looked at him, who was smiling brightly.

Aiden glanced at the three of us who were staring at him, and then rather awkwardly raised his cup and drank.

It seemed that he would not tell me why it was a good thing.

It seemed like everyone had a lot of secrets these days, or was it just my feelings?

It was early evening when we arrived at the festival site, and even though it was an awkward time, the streets were crowded with people.

“There are so many people, Miss.”

Jane said with twinkling eyes. Her brown eyes were looking around nonstop.

It was like how I saw the ballroom for the first time yesterday. Seeing a very similar expression, I grabbed Jane, who was like an excited colt, by the collar and placed her next to me. It was because she was so excited that I was worried that she would get hurt while walking.

Jane was silently put beside me, but she still didn’t give up on looking around. It was like a puppy seeing snow for the first time.

‘Puppy, stay calm.’

Well, to be honest, Jane wasn’t the only one who was excited at the festival. I heard that the imperial family also invested quite a bit of their budget in the festival, as it was the national foundation festival.

Colorful fireworks, street vendors, and music playing in the middle of the festival. It would make anyone excited.

And excitement was also the state most prone to accidents.


The accident happened near us.

A drunken man staggered along and bumped into the stall of a street vendor that appeared to be under construction.


The man shouted with a loud sound, and everyone’s eyes were focused on him. The case did not end there.

The wooden frame seemed to have not yet been completely anchored to the ground, and it swayed mercilessly before collapsing with a tremendous sound incomparable to when the man fell. Some of the people who had flocked to the man’s loud scream were caught in the accident.

Fortunately, no one was directly crushed by the stall, but there were people falling or cut by splintered wood lying on the floor.

“What to do?”

Jane asked while concernedly looking at the chaotic scene.

I knew what to do.

I quickly scanned this confusing situation with my own eyes.

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Broken stalls, saggy tents, and wooden frames scattered here and there. Even those who were complaining of pain in between.

It wasn’t a very common fuss.

Well, I guess I would have to call the guards and get some work done… In line with my thoughts, the guards were coming from the other side. They must have been dispatched early because of the loud sound of the collapsing stall.

The guards did a good job.

I was watching the quick work of the guards who ran quickly, but someone called me from behind.

“Miss Selena.”

It was Ian.


When I turned to him, Ian looked down at me with a stiff face. His face was really stiff, but his eyes were shaking like an earthquake.

It was the behavior that appeared when Ian wanted to say something, but he was agonizing over whether or not to speak.

“Go ahead.”

I spoke calmly first, and only then did Ian open his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“I want to help the people.”


Listening to Ian’s words, I looked around slowly again. The number of people who fell and groaned was one, two, three……There were five in total.

“Wouldn’t it be hard?”

Ian’s power is amazing. It was enough to make new flesh grow on the torn back of my head.

However, if there was one downside to his divine power, it was that Ian’s divine power needed to be recharged.

His divine power had a certain capacity. After using up all his capacity, Ian was just limp.

After that, he had to take care of himself and save his energy so that the battery was fully recharged.

To be honest, the people’s conditions didn’t seem serious enough to worry about his power draining, but… Perhaps someone might have had a broken leg.

If he treated such a person and as well as the wounds of the others, he would be very tired even if he didn’t collapse.

Then we couldn’t enjoy the festival and we would just have to go back to the mansion directly.

Ian knew that too, so he was asking me for permission now.

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“Yes, it is fine.”

Ian licked his dry lips briefly, then nodded at me resolutely and reverently.

What else was there to be so nervous about?

In fact, it didn’t matter whether I went back from the festival or not.

I just came out with Jane because she seemed to want to go.

In that sense, I turned my gaze toward Jane to ask the intention of the most important person.

“Jane, what about you?”

Jane’s eyes turned to mine as she looked around anxiously, and then she nodded her head as Ian did.

It meant that she was okay with it, too.

Oh, how nice.

Subsequently, I asked one of the party, Aiden, if he was okay, and he quickly replied that he was okay.

So, after getting a positive answer from everyone, I fixed my eyes on Ian again.

He was just like a child before being allowed to buy something. He even asked for permission before helping someone… Was there someone more selfless than this?

“Yes. It is the priest’s power, so use it according to the priest’s will.”

Only then did Ian’s stiff face loosen up a little.

Thinking that he was truly a priest to the core, I nodded my head to Ian, who was bowing his head to me.

Looking at Ian’s back as he soon entered the center of the scene, I let out a small sigh.

I wasn’t even the main character, so I didn’t know why I was so involved in accidents.

I was afraid to go anywhere, now.

While reflecting on life in my mind, I look for a place to sit while waiting for Ian.

Jane quietly called me.


Jane, who quietly called to me, smiled as soon as she saw me. She had the face of a salesman showing off her reliable face.

“I will stay here. Miss can look around with Aiden first.”

What in the world was she talking about?

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