ImOS – Chapter 76: One Mega Rocket

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Wawa was a little speechless: “In just 2 minutes, a Double Kill has been given up and Jinx is the receiver…” 

Mille couldn’t believe what was happening either: “This… the bot-lane is already done for.”

Rita: “…”

Double Kill in 2 minutes… Xiao Ran’s ADC Jinx was instantly fed!

“My Jinx is going to be invincible at bot-lane!” Xiao Ran declared with all smiles.

For an ADC Jinx to start off with a Double Kill in the early-game, it was the same as riding on a rocket and taking off. It was impossible to stop her.

After clearing a few minion waves and using the Q spell to switch to the rocket launcher to push the lane into the opposition’s turret, Xiao Ran then controlled Jinx to recall back to base for the first time before purchasing the B.F. Sword

After seeing the B.F. Sword in less than 4 minutes, be it the shoutcasters, the live audiences, or the viewers in the streaming channel, everyone was stunned.

The opposition’s Sivir had already done for!

In fact, the red side’s bot-lane was indeed finished.

At the 6 minute mark, Xiao Ran’s ADC Jinx had reached level 6 first.

However, Jinx and Blitzcrank had each made a mistake.

Jinx didn’t position herself properly and got hooked by Thresh, allowing Sivir to deal a combo which resulted in a waste of Heal to escape danger.

Blitzcrank missed his Q when Thresh hooked Jinx and hooked a minion.

As a result, they were suppressed under the turret.

Jinx who only had less than 1/3 of health didn’t dare to exit the turret at all but she didn’t wish to give up on a big minion wave either. She had no choice but to cower under the turret to pick up the CS while being on guard against Thresh.

However, Xiao Ran and Wu Xiaofan didn’t look nervous at all.

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In fact, Xiao Ran was speaking secretly in the team voice chat: “Xiao Ran, how long before your Q finishes cooldown?”

“Another 10 seconds, but if we are going to fight now, 5 seconds will be enough.”

“Sigh, we don’t have a choice. It is all because of the cowardly behavior of the opposition. If we didn’t sacrifice a little, the opposition would never exit their turret range.”

Wu Xiaofan was sweating a little.

This sacrifice was simply too much. Xiaofan was made to miss his Q while Jinx had walked up a little to get hooked by Thresh. Xiao Ran had even wasted a Heal.

If the opposition could still hold back after all these sacrifices, then Wu Xiaofan truly had to admire their patience.

Seven seconds later…

“Gangplank, ult!”

After speaking, Xiao Ran controlled Jinx to walk out a little.

“I have been waiting for you!!”

Thresh’s eyes lit up and threw his Q spell over.

But it seemed like Xiao Ran already knew Thresh was going to throw out his Q and shifted a little to dodge Thresh’s hook.

At the same moment, Gangplank’s ult rained down and covered Sivir and Thresh, sealing off their route of retreat.

Jinx raised the minigun in her hand and executed the W spell.

Sivir reacted instantly and lifted her hand with the E spell to produce a shield and blocked Jinx’s W spell ‘Zap!’.

“Sivir has no more E, go go go!”

Wu Xiaofan nodded and executed his hook.

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With a ‘poof’, Sivir used her Flash and dodged Blitzcrank’s hook.

This series of executions was smooth like flowing water.

The reactive E spell to block Jinx’s W and in just the span of less than a minute, she used Flash to evade Blitzcrank’s hook.

Sivir’s player felt like his mechanics had already reached his prime!

But immediately after, the proud smile on Sivir’s player was frozen on his face.


He just happened to Flash into a row of Jinx’s chompers.

Sivir dared to swear to the heavens!!

When he dodged Blitzcrank’s hook, there was nothing above him!!!

Sivir didn’t understand why there would be a row of chompers that suddenly appeared! But the shoutcasters and audiences saw it clearly.

The moment Blitzcrank used his hook, Jinx tossed her E spell over there and laid down a row of chompers.

It was all part of the strategy!

In fact, it wasn’t just the chompers, Xiao Ran had already designed this trap from the beginning…

The moment Thresh hooked Jinx, Sivir and Thresh were slowly entering the trap that Xiao Ran had set up.

Subsequently, there was no longer any suspense. Blitzcrank used W to increase his movement speed before knocking up Sivir just before her root was finished.

Xiao Ran then used Jinx to fire the minigun and after a series of ‘dadada’, Sivir’s life was claimed.

What about Thresh?

When Sivir was rooted by the chompers, Thresh didn’t hesitate at all and escaped with Flash.

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It was fortunate that he was very decisive with his decision, allowing him to escape this calamity.

Thresh might have escaped, but this rhythm allowed JAY to successfully take the first drake.

The first drake gave a lot of boost in strength too as it was an Infernal Drake.

After getting the Infernal Drake, Xiao Ran said with satisfaction, “Three kills and one Infernal Drake. I am getting further on the path of invincibility. This match is going to be easy again…”

But as Xiao Ran finished his words, the female system voice echoed from the mid-lane: “An ally has been slain.”

Xiao Ran rapidly switched his in-game screen to the mid-lane and saw his ally Twisted Fate getting killed while Vladimir tanked the turret shot and escaped.

Xiao Ran was speechless.

How did Twisted Fate get killed by Vladimir?

He couldn’t understand.

This was definitely the difference of individual skills.

But before Twisted Fate died, he did make some contribution by dealing damage. Coupled with the turret shot, Vladimir’s health was almost empty.

At this moment, WEF’s Mid-laner Vladimir was already preparing to recall back to base.

With hesitation, Xiao Ran immediately pressed down on the R spell.

Ultimate spell ‘Super Mega Death Rocket!’ was abruptly launched from the rocket launcher on Jinx’s shoulder. Blasting through a few thousand units of distance, it whizzed towards the mid-lane.


The shoutcasters and all the live audiences let out a gasp.

Immediately after, they watched anxiously as Jinx’s mega rocket flew across the river, across the brush, and was constantly approaching its target, Vladimir.

Would it hit?

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Would it hit? Would it hit?? Would it hit???

The audiences were already stretching their necks and waiting for the final outcome.

At this moment, the red side’s Vladimir was walking back to his turret.

All of a sudden, his peripheral vision saw the horrific mega rocket flying straight for him through the brush at the river!

Vladimir’s player instantly felt the chill in his bones!

However, he had already used his Flash and his W spell ‘Sanguine Pool’ was still on cooldown.

Therefore, he could only desperately try to move himself to dodge the mega rocket.

But, it was too late!!!

The horrific mega rocket was on target and blasted accurately on him.


There was a terrifying mushroom cloud that rose up.

The in-game screen in front of Vladimir’s player had immediately turned black and white.

A super long distance ult kill!

“You have slain an enemy.”

“Double Kill!”

It was another Double Kill!!!

Jinx had claimed another kill.

As of now, Jinx’s KDA was already at 4/0/0.

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